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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

Bletchley Contact Case (Part 1) - Greys, Nordics, Abductions, UFOs, Orbs, Body Markings, Paranormal

Updated: Sep 13

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Year: 2009

Last Updated: 13/09/2024


This report covers a life time of experiences of a man and his family who live in Bletchley close to Milton Keynes. The family members are Simon, Debbie, their three sons Rob, Mark and Tim, and pet dog Butch (names changed for privacy reasons). The investigation into their experiences began with a series of incredible events which took place on the evening of 30th December 2008, where a large amount of UFO activity was witnessed. However as the investigation progressed, it became clear that this incident was just one of many that Simon has experienced since a very young age. This incident in particular appears to have been a trigger for Simon, as since this there have been many other unusual happenings in his life, and with these the gradual realization that both he, and possibly his sons, are ongoing extraterrestrial contactees.

When I first released this report, I primarily concentrated on the 30th December incident, with the other incidents mentioned later. However it is now my belief that at least some of the other incidents are of equal importance, so I have re-arranged it to discuss them in order of when they occured.

The Investigation

Towards the start of 2009, Simon left a message on the BUFOG hotline. Even from this initial message I could hear the sense of distress in his voice. After contacting him I arranged to travel to Bletchley on the evening of 5th January.

I met up with Simon and his family at their house. We spent several hours discussing what had taken place on December 30th in great detail. Simon showed me numerous drawings of what he had witnessed (these can be seen at various points throughout this report). During our discussion I could see that Simon was clearly very traumatised by what had taken place, and was even brought to tears numerous times as he recounted it. Also their pet dog Butch was acting in an unusual manner. The events of December 30th had clearly got both Simon and the dog highly agitated. Simon showed me a marking on his leg which he believed had occured at some point during the evening.

As well as Simon I talked to Debbie and the children. Debbie had stayed in the house throughout the incident. She had not witnessed anything personally but could verify when various events had taken place. The children informed me about what they had witnessed throughout the evening.

After our discussion at 11pm, I, Simon and Butch then walked out to the field where their initial sighting had taken place. It was extremely cold and snow covered the ground, but was quite a still clear night. I used the video camera but sadly it was so dark that not much could be seen, even on night vision. We walked the same path that Simon had taken on the evening of December 30th and as we did he talked me through what he had witnessed. Once we reached the field we walked up to an area where Simon believes some of the objects he saw had been situated, and where markings on the ground could be seen. After examining the area (My findings are discussed later in this report) we then returned to his house and from there I headed home.

I returned to Bletchley on 10th January to continue my investigation into the case. It was clear that Simon was a lot more calm and relaxed, and a lot of his initial anxiety had gone. He informed me that the dog was still acting in an unusual manner, seeking attention far more than it used to do.

I and the witness first walked back out to visit the various sighting locations in daylight. Once again I took the video camera and managed to get some much better footage. While out we also bumped into a farm hand and discussed aspects of the sighting with him.

Returning to Simon’s home I then interviewed him about his many previous UFO related encounters. These occurred even when he was just a baby and are very interesting indeed. He also showed me a second unidentified mark on his body which he had for a number of years.

After our second meeting, I contacted the local water company regarding the ground markings. I have also had samples of soil and stones from the area professionally analyzed. The results of this analysis are discussed later in this report.

In March I managed to get hold of the owner and farmer of the land, and interview him about the markings. Initially he was mystified by my description of the site.

I returned to the sighting location in May to do more analysis work on the ground markings. Soon afterwards I sent the land owner some photographs of how the site now looked. He wrote back giving an acceptable terrestrial explanation for the markings.

Eventually on 1st August 2009 I took Simon down to London for a hypnotic regression, which was performed by David Howard. This regression brought forward further information about a number of Simon's experiences, and confirmed to both myself and him that he was indeed a contactee and had been for most of his life. The full transcript of the regression can be read later in this report.

Early Memories

The first incident that Simon can remember which has an extraterrestrial connection took place when he was less than 1 year old and in his pushchair. He was in the communal garden of the block of flats where he lived. He can clearly remember there being some sort of commotion and the adults around him all pointing up at the sky and looking at something. Needless to say, he does not remember any other details about this incident.

The Orb Of Light

In 1975/76 when Simon was either 1 or 2 years old, he used to live at a house in Essington Court. He remembers seeing a globe of glowing swirling colours hovering in the air next to the cot. It was mostly blue and green in colour but also perhaps red. Looking back at the incident he feels like it was trying to calm him, but at the time it had the opposite effect and he started crying out really loudly.

This phenomenon has been reported by numerous repeat contactees, and is a possible method of early observation or communication.

Simon did not remember anything more about this incident until going for the regression. Under hypnosis he described seeing a female humanoid watching over him (See regression transcript). He now believes that she was guiding him through the early years of his life, but that at some point he stopped seeing her.

Orb Of Light Regression Transcript

I arranged for hypnotherapist David Howard to regress Simon on Saturday 1st August 2009. David has performed numerous regressions on experiencers before. He is well versed in what questions to ask them and how to help them deal with their experiences.

Photo of David taken after the regression

During the regression David asked Simon about several key incidents, one of which was the earliest incident he could remember with the orb of glowing light. Below is the section of the regression trasncript relating to it:

S: There’s a woman.

D: Yeah. What’s her name?

S: I don’t know.

D: That’s alright.

S: She’s got long...long clothes.

D: I saw her with others when I was a baby.

S: That the orb, their colours.

D: Hmmm.

S: White hair. Blue...purple...

D: Is she human?

S: Yeah.

D: Is she still around?

S: It’s when I was a baby.

D: Do you know what her job was, do you know what she was doing while she was there? Did she speak to you?

S: Yeah.

D: What’s she say?

S: Calm.

D: Yeah.

S: She didn’t “speak” speak.

D: Well that’s alright, well communicate. ‘Cause we had the other thing which I asked you before which we could possibly find out now, is what was it about you that they chose you to do the work with? ‘Cause they only select certain people, obviously. What was it particular that you could help them with?

S: My personality.

S: She’s (unaudible)

D: Yeah. Is she connected with them or is she from a different lot?

S: Think she’s with them.

D: Yes. So are they actually working with humans?

S: No.

D: But they have people that look like humans with them as well?

S: Don’t think they are.

Galley Hill UFO Sighting

It was 1987/88 and Simon was either 13 or 14 years old. After school on week days about 5pm he would head out on a two hour paper round in the area of Galley Hill. One clear evening when he stepped outside his house to begin his paper round, he saw what looked like a very bright white light quite a distance away from him in the sky. It was dusk but the stars were not yet visible, and he was convinced that it was not the planet Venus or another bright star. Towards the end of his round, the light was still visible in the sky. He stood there watching it for a number of minutes but it was completely stationary. He looked away for a moment, and when he looked back it had vanished. To this day he believes that he witnessed something out of the ordinary.

Fishermead UFO Sighting

One early morning in November 1994, Simon had to walk to the local garage to do some shopping. He estimates it was around 6am. On his walk to the garage along St Gurnards Avenue, he doesn’t know why but he felt compelled to look behind him and into the sky. When he did so he once again saw a bright white light like a star, but the morning light had come up and the stars were no longer visible. He looked at it for about 5 minutes but it didn’t move. He continued to the garage, and when he came back out the light had disappeared.

Initial Bletchley UFO Sighting

In the summer of 1999, Simon now lived at his present address in Bletchley. It was about 10pm and a very clear evening with the stars fully visible. Simon was out in his back garden with his friend Derek and their family after enjoying a BBQ. His friend’s family headed indoors, but Simon remained with Derek outside to look for satellites in the night sky, as Derek had never seen one before. From a westerly direction heading towards them they saw a white glowing light moving slowly and too bright to be a satellite (Simon knew very well what these looked like). It was quicker than a plane, but too slow to be a meteorite. As it got to almost overhead it started to get dimmer until it had vanished completely. Then above their heads they saw a white point of light flash to the south, then the same thing happened to the west and once again to the north. Simon described the lights as looking like “stars switching on and then back off”.

View from witness location in the direction the UFO appeared from

At a later date Simon asked Derek about the incident, but his friend remembers seeing something completely different. He describes seeing “dancing lights” that appeared in the sky to the south. Stranger still, recently Simon’s youngest son Tim talked to Simon about the incident. He said he remembered being there in the garden with Simon and Derek and seeing the moving lights in the sky too. But this is impossible as back in 1999 Tim wasn’t even born. Simon is certain that he has never mentioned the incident to Tim or in his presence, so how could he possibly know about it or think he was there? This puzzles Simon and currently he has no rational explanation for it.

Golden Light Anomaly

This incident may have a ghostly rather than an extraterrestrial explanation, but considering all of Simon's other experiences it is probable that it is linked to his ongoing contact.

Back in 2001 Simon used to work at a power station in London. He would have to wake up very early in the morning to set off for work. On a morning in December, it was around 4am and he was in the kitchen getting breakfast. He looked into the lounge and noticed a golden coloured circular reflection of light on the floor. Simon describes it as a circle with a notch cut out of it. He thought at first it was a reflection off one of the Christmas tree baubles. But then the light started to move! Simon entered the lounge and for a number of minutes followed the light as it moved slowly around the floor. He looked for a possible source of it but there was none. The curtains were drawn and there was nothing moving in the room which could have accounted for it. After around 5 minutes the light suddenly vanished.

Golden light reflection

Simon describes the light he saw as the kind of reflection that would be given off by a round gold pocket watch. A previous owners of the house who died there apparently used to have a watch of this type. Perhaps it was a ghostly apparition of some kind. But could the incident once again have an extraterrestrial connection?

Red Rectangular UFO Sighting

On an evening in summer 2002, Simon was alone and out in the back garden of his house. It was a clear warm weather and the sun was just starting to set. However looking to the east he saw what looked like a red glowing rectangle hovering in the sky in the distance. He believes it was over Brickhill Woods and was massive in size. It was clearly glowing but gave off no surrounding aura of red light. It was completely stationary. Puzzled by the object, he stood and watched it for around 8 minutes. He then decided to run upstairs to get a better view of it out of the bedroom window. It remained still for a further two minutes, then suddenly started to shrink in size, perhaps because it was moving away from him, he could not tell for certain. It continued to get smaller until it was no longer visible.

The object looked like nothing he had ever seen before or since. He tried to put it down initially to sunlight reflection off something, but soon realised this was not a sufficient explanation. After witnessing the object he tried to call his friend who lived close to Brickhill to see if they could see it but they did not answer the phone. To Simon’s knowledge, nobody else has reported seeing the object.

View from witness location in direction UFO was seen in (Woods on horizon obscured by fog)

Supernatural Touches

It was about 9pm on a warm summers evening in 2004. Simon had spent the day putting up a fence in the back garden. He sat down opposite his wife at the garden table. They were both enjoying a glass of wine when suddenly Debbie felt a force of some kind move past her to her left. She instinctively looked towards it. A second later, Simon felt a very definite push on his right shoulder, as if an invisible person had patted him. Rather than feel scared, both him and Debbie suddenly felt extremely joyful and at peace, and they both simultaneously burst into tears. Simon explains that he felt elated by the experience, and neither witness can even start to explain what may have happened. At the time they put it down to a ghost haunting their property. After Simon's recent experiences and discoveries, he now believes he was touched by one of the beings watching over him.

Location of witnesses and path the unknown force took around them

Tourquay UFO Incident

Simon is a kids football coach. In summer 2008 he had taken his team to a tournament taking place in Tourquay. They were staying at some chalets on the coast, overlooking the bay. It was arond midnight and Simon was sitting in his van having a cigarette. It was a very still and clear night. He looked out to sea in to the North East and saw what looked like 9 small yellow-white glowing orbs of light out over the water of the bay. He estimates they were around 300 foot high in the air. The lights were twisting and looping around each other, moving very erratically. He watched the lights for at least 20 minutes, wondering what they could be. He called several of the boy out, including his son Mark, to also see the lights. They watched for around 10 minutes before returning to bed.

The following day Simon felt different and very emotional. At the time he had no explanation for this. However since going for the regression, we have now found out that Simon was abducted later in the night from his room (See regression transcript). This was the reason behind his unusual feelings the following day. As you will see in the regression details, he cannot fully remember the abduction, jsut the beginning of it. It is possible that one of the UFOs Simon and the boys had seen abducted him. Maybe theyt were in the area directly because of him. Or perhaps it was just coincidental but because he was nearby they decided to take him.

Location including position of witnesses, path to beach, and position of objects in the bay

Tourquay Incident Regression Transcript

D: Do you want to go to any other point in the past? Do you want to try and remember anything from before this year or last year? S: Yeah...I wanna know...Torquay. D: Yeah I remember you mentioning Torquay. S: I was...different after. D: Mhmm. S: The next day I was different, was...I was...emotional, it was different. D: So... S: I sat in the van. I watched ‘em...there, eight...nine. D: Hmmm. S: Nine. There’s nine lights. D: And the next question of course is how long were you watching them for? S: It was twenty minutes. D: Yeah. Are there any gaps in your memory from that experience? S: When I go to bed. D: Yeah. S: They took me. D: Yeah. S: Oh. It’s now it’s the upside-down tornado. D: Ahh yes. S: craft. Saucer. Upside-down tornado in the centre. D: Yeah. Is that their propulsion. S: No, it’s how they took me. D: Ah, they lifted you up yeah? S: It’s through...through the walls. D: Yeah. It’s quite normal that, they seem to be able to do that, our physical barriers...they... S: I’m falling up. D: Yeah, they make a little gap in our gravity. S: It’s weird, it’s...elevating, your belly’s on the floor. D: Mmmm. That was a good experience by the look of it, it was fun yeah? What did they do when you were on the craft. S: Nothing. D: What could you see? What was it like inside? S: No. D: Who was there? S: No.

As you can see from Simon's recollection, it appears that after seeing the lights over the bay he was abducted from his hotel room. He was able to remember being lifted up into a glowing blue saucer-shaped craft. Unfortunately he was unable to recall anything that took place once he was aboard.

Bletchley Field Incident

This important incident appears to have been a trigger for Simon to start piecing together what has taken place throughout his life. Whether by accident or on purpose he is now starting to realise that he is, and always has been, a contactee with extraterrestrial beings.

Using the various testimonies of the family members and the revelations of the hypnotic regression, it is possible to build a clear picture of what took place.

It was approximately 8.00pm on the evening of 30th December 2008. Simon decided he would take Butch for a walk. It was very cold, and Simon had a chest infection, one which had recurred for a number of years. However he could still manage a short walk and did not want to let Butch down. He left the house and headed off on the usual route he would take. It was a very peaceful evening, with moderate cloud cover. Soon he reached the “Red Way” a long pathway that heads right across the Milton Keynes area. He continued along this through Chepstow Park. As he walked he suddenly heard a voice in his head say the words “As fit as you were when you were fifteen” as if in answer to an unknown question.

He continued walking until a fork in the path. During the winter time he would always head to the right, leaving the longer walk to the left for a warmer time of year. But for an unknown reason he felt compelled to take the path to the left through the trees, even though it was extremely dark. The path lead he took heads around the edge of a small lake. It is while he was walking past this that he believes he first noticed an orange light in the distance up ahead. It was low down below tree level. At this point he did not pay too much attention of it. He continued to walk, and noticed that Butch was acting strangely. Usually Butch would sniff around and go exploring but this evening he was glued to Simon’s side, and remained close to him. He seemed unusually relaxed. After the lake again Simon had the option to take a different route back but he felt like something was driving him to go on. He continued past an allotment area. For some reason this part of his journey seemed to take ages even though it really must have only taken several minutes. It was extremely dark and also fog was starting to appear. At the end of the allotment he reached the edge of a farmer’s field. It was now that he noticed moving lights coming from somewhere in the adjoining field.

Map showing walk route and positions of various events
Photograph of farmers field

He was interested to know what the lights were so continued walking along the edge of the field. At first he thought it must be lampers looking for rabbits but soon realised it couldn’t possibly be that. Simon finds it extremely difficult to precisely describe what he could see as it was like nothing he had ever seen before. He could see what looked like a number of white lights with red and blue tinges in. These lights were spinning around each other and boomeranging left and right. He describes them as shimmering like liquid/electricity. He was very interested in what was going on so continued to walk along the edge of the field towards where he assumed the lights were coming from. Half way down the field he suddenly felt a very strong sensation of being watched. Both himself and the dog became very frightened indeed and froze on the spot. He turned around and ran as fast as he could back to the hedge at the end of the field. Here he felt more at ease so turned back round to watch what was going on. The lights he could see were not actually at ground level. He knew this because the far field where they were coming from is at a lower level than the field he was standing in. This means that they must have been up in the air, perhaps above an object out of sight at ground level. Suddenly he saw what looked like a white bar of light with a red light at either end dart out from the trees to the left of the field. It moved extremely fast in an erratic motion out over the field and then darted back to where it had come from.

Drawing of the lights on top of photograph of location
Map showing route witness took across field and position of lights (Other notes refer to later events)

Simon also noticed the orange orb of light, this time much more clearly. It was to the left and appeared to be in amongst the trees, about a quarter of the way down. In the background beyond the field is a road. As with most evenings, it was quite desolate. However whenever a car did pass along it Simon could make out the headlights moving along behind the far hedgerow. Whenever a car appeared the orange orb seemed to react. It moved up into the sky erratically, then moved across to the right (he could not tell if it was over the road or closer), back to the left, and then returned to its original stationary position amongst the tree line. It was almost as if it was toying with or observing the passing cars.

Simon and Butch stood there for what seemed like ages watching the fascinating display of lights taking place in front of their eyes. However they must really have only been there for a maximum of ten minutes. By this time the fog was starting to get thicker around the field but Simon could still clearly make out the lights through it.

Suddenly Simon felt a very strong urge to return home and get his family to come and see for themselves. He ran all the way back home, which is extremely unusual as for the previous couple of months he had suffered with a dreadful chest infection and was finding it hard to breathe, let alone run any distance. But within a few minutes he was home and barely even felt out of breath. He had been gone for roughly half an hour. His wife and sons could clearly see he was very agitated and wanted to head back out extremely fast. All three sons decided to go along with him but Debbie did not wish to. He also left the dog at home.

This time Simon decided to drive out to the field using his van to get back there as soon as possible. He drove out to Chepstow, and arrived at a farmer’s barn, which is situated on the nearest road to the field – Whaddon Road.

Photograph of barn

Both him and his sons got out of the van to survey the area However by this time the activity in the field had mostly died down. Simon thinks that he saw a few quick sparks of light coming from where the area where the main display of lights had been. Looking around the area, the witnesses saw several other unidentified objects. The descriptions of what they personally remember seeing vary a bit (This is quite normal and makes it more likely to be a genuine event, not less).

To their right on the opposite side of the road lie more fields. Quite far away but low down they could see a red light. At first it appeared stationary and they assumed it was coming from a farm house or farm machinery of some kind. But then it started to move in a straight path in a southerly direction.

Photograph of field opposite barn

Rob reported seeing the red light suddenly separate into two. The two lights moved apart from each other then shot up and together diagonally before moving back down and forming one light again. He saw this occur twice, once before seeing the object with the beam of light, and again afterwards. Simon and the other boys did not witness this, probably due to the fact they were looking in a different direction at those particular moments.

Sketch by Rob showing how the red orb split then reformed (Position of witnesses shown at bottom, and between them and the objects a road and gate)

They also noticed an unidentified orange light in the sky on the horizon which was once again moving to the south.

Looking to the south in the direction of Newton Longville they then witnessed something else very unusual. It appeared as a search light revolving around a large object of some kind in the sky. Simon, Rob and Mark all report seeing this object but they each interpreted it in a different way. Simon saw what looked like a bell-shaped object with a light that passed around it in a clockwise direction. It was only visible due to the light hitting it, it appeared and then vanished again against the dark sky. After it was gone it briefly left behind a strange pattern of light before fading. This pattern was a deep orange colour and looked like a circle with short lines inside, and another circle in the centre. Simon saw the same thing happen two more times, but each time the object was further across in the sky so he assumed it must have been moving.

Photograph in direction of beam UFO

The eldest son Rob described seeing the same object but he only saw it the first time. Also he said that the light went first clockwise around it, then back round anticlockwise, and this was followed by a flash of light. Mark described seeing what looked like “a motorbike helmet with the light coming from where the visor would have been”.

Map of area showing position of witnesses and various UFOs

Mark also mentioned that he saw what looked like a pair of thin pale blue legs in the bushes close to where they were. The legs were bowed, with the knees bent and standing completely still. He looked away and when he looked back they were gone. Several minutes later he saw the legs again further along the hedge once again standing still.

After a short time Simon decided to drive to Seldom Farm to get a different view of the situation. However as they approached the farm it was very dark and spooky, and the kids started to get frightened so he drove back to the barn. When they got there they couldn’t see much as the fog was quite thick so they drove back home.

Once home Simon felt compelled to head out yet again to the field. He decided to walk, and both Mark and Tim went along too. Rob decided to stay back home to watch TV with Debbie. They reached the base of the field. It was quite foggy and the lights were no longer visible. Tim soon became cold and wanted to return home. They walked back to the house to drop him off.

Tim went up to bed, and then Simon and Mark ventured back out while Debbie and Rob sat down to watch TV. It is here that the situation takes an even stranger turn. When I interviewed Simon and Mark on January 5th, they were both very insistent on what they believed happened when they left the house. To their memory, they got back in the van and drove back out to the barn. It was very thick fog by this time and there were no unexplained lights visible any more. They waited there for several minutes before returning home.

However both Debbie and Rob were certain that they did not take the van, but instead walked with the dog. They had also been gone for two whole hours. This can be verified as they had been watching a 90 minute film and were half way through watching an hour long program afterwards.

When Simon thought back to the evening, he kept getting an image in his head of a round space or room bathed in orange glowing light. There seemed to be no source for this light to emanate from, it was all around him. He saw himself lying on one side and his dog on the other side, but nobody else was present. At the time he was unsure of what this image meant and how it fitted into what was experienced.

When I took Simon for the regression, he still remembered being in the van with Mark. However when they got out to the barn, he recounted how they were then both taken aboard a huge craft (See regression transcript). The image of the orange glowing round room was where he had been on the craft, although instead of Butch, Mark was present. This affected him greatly due to him wishing to protect his son from harm, and he began to cry under hypnosis at this point.

In the days after the incident Simon felt compelled to return to the field, and did so on a daily basis, standing there for long periods of time and thinking about what happened. He looked into UFOs in great depth on the internet, and felt extremely paranoid, staring out of the window at the sky for long periods of time. He would also make sure to switch all the lights off in the house at night, which Debbie confirms was highly unusual as usually at least some lights would be left on. The dog also exhibited signs of being highly agitated, it was not eating much and appeared more docile than usual.

Field Incident Regression Transcript

D: If you take your mind back to being in the field, and you saw the orbs, just take it from a point where....there was a little bit more happening than you realised, so bring in every possible image. If you want to you can do it as a TV programme, if you want to put up a big screen in front of you now, and see those big orbs in the trees. So you can be sat in that chair now as an audience, see those orbs in the trees. You’re there with your son, on your final journey there, and you’re back in the fog.

S: We’re in the van.

D: Yep. Ok. You go.

S: It’s just so foggy.

D: Yeah.

S: I’ve got out.

D: Yep.

S: I’ve got out to see if I can see closer.

D: Mhmm. Is there anything in the fog?

S: There’s a noise (Makes humming sound)

D: Have you heard that noise before?

S: Yeah.

D: Now what do you say? That it’s a natural weather fog or that it’s something that has been created?

S: It’s created.

D: Yeah. heard the noise, did you look around to see where the noise was coming from?

S: Above.

D: Yep. And then what happened?

S: Yeah.

D: Was there anyone else...did you feel any other presence?

S: Big.

D: Yep. Now, did you actually feel any movement of, you know, of yourself? Did you start to...

S: Go on a craft.

D: Yep.

S: They’re all bigger, there’s lots there. All around us. I’m scared.

D: Yeah, as you said before, there is fear. What are you scared of?

S: It’s new.

D: Yeah. So this is where I come in, to just remind you that everything that happened then, you came back safely didn’t you? So the most important thing is that the fear you had then you didn’t know what was going to happen did you? But the good news is that you’re back here, you came down to London, you’re all in one piece, and they fixed your chest, so they’re friends aren’t they? As far as we know. So this is the first time then, if it’s new?

S: No.

D: Ok.

S: First time I’m allowed to remember.

D: Ok. So what do you remember from here?

S: All behind him.

D: Hmmm.

S: Try and calm him.

D: Hmmm.

S: Orange. It’s everything, the orange, walls...glowing. There’s stages...levels.

D: Devils?

S: Levels.

D: Levels, sorry. Yep.

S: On this craft.

D: Yep.

S: And we’re in the centre, it’s in the middle.


S: Mikey’s there.

D: Are you calming down yet?

S: (Nods)

D: Good. What happened next?

S: No.

D: Who was around there?

S: Can’t.

D: Ok, you’ve got a nice visual of it anyway, with the colour, the levels. What were the walls like?

S: Glowing.

D: Glowing walls. But was there any machinery or objects, or anything else around?

S: Craft.

D: Yep. Well it was obviously familiar because it wasn’t the first time. Now what makes you, what’s their reason do you think, that they decided you could remember this one?

S: I don’t know...I don’t know.

Ground Markings Site

Simon headed back out to the field the following day, which is when he first discovered an unusual area of disrupted soil. He believes the area is precisely where he saw the white flowing lights and orange orb.

Arial view showing location of the site
Witness photograph of the site (31/12/2008)

Simon searched the surrounding area thoroughly for any signs of an explanation for what he saw – electric cables, used flares, fireworks. However he found nothing that would have accounted for what was observed. There is a reflective scarecrow in the middle of the field, however this is in a completely different position to where the lights were and of course could not have possibly created the twisting and spinning movements that were witnessed.

Photograph of scarecrow

An adequate explanation for this site has now been given by the land owner, however for a time it was highly interesting and had the possibility of being linked with the incident. Below is a description of the site and my analysis work on it, followed by the explanation.

Overhead sketch of the site

The field was furrowed, but it had not been ploughed in many months. The area of interest appeared disrupted, as if the soil and rocks had been churned up. This was pronounced enough to see at a distance, even when we headed to the location in the dark and it was covered with snow. There were two oval-shaped depressions with a slightly raised area of soil in between them. This raised area continued back along the field a bit further than the depressions (approximately 3 metres). The depressions did not have sharp borders, but were clearly noticeable. They were both approximately 8 foot long by 5 foot wide.

Photograph of site (10/01/09)
Photograph of ground depressions (10/01/09)

There was soil discolouration at various places within the area – patches that were a greyish/purple colour rather than the usual brown. This could possibly have been caused by water-logging, or merely have been a different soil type.

Photograph of soil discolouration

Many of the stones within the site had got cracks right through them, as if something had exerted force upon them. This seems to be primarily with the chalk stones. There is the possibility this could have been caused by frost cracking, but chalk stones from outside of the area appeared to be rarely cracked. There also appeared to be many more chalk stones within the area than outside (Although this could be because they had been churned up). When I visited the site in January, many of the cracked stones sat undisturbed. Later when I returned in May, many of them had fallen apart into separate chunks. This seems to suggest that whatever caused the cracking had occurred recently.

Photograph of one of the cracked stones

On 5th January, as well as making the measurements, I tried walking across the area holding a compass. However there appeared to be no magnetic interference, even when the compass was held close to the ground.

On returning to the location in daylight on the 10th January the area in question was very clear as the frost had not thawed as much as the rest of the field (Visible in the photographs). It is likely that this was because the ground was damper in the area.

The hedgerow and vegetation next to and the site appeared out of place, as if depressed by something. The trees and vegetation on the embankment behind the hedge also appear more open than at other areas. Simon feels sure the lights he saw were moving up this embankment as well as out across the field. There does not appear to be any freshly broken branches, so these observations may have a natural explanation.

Photograph of hedgerow depression

Back in January, it seemed like too much of a coincidence that the lights appeared at the same place as where the markings in the field were located. Simon is certain that they had been situated over the field and not further away because the road that runs along the back of the field is on a raised bank, and the lights were certainly lower down and in front of this.

When I returned to the site in May with an independent archaeologist contact for further analysis, the crop in the field had started to grow. However it was immediately clear that there was very little crop growth within the site. This was again evidence that something had clearly taken place at the location, but at the time there was still no clue as to what exactly. After going over the site a square metre at a time and detailing the number of fractured chalk stones found, the difference between the site and the surrounding field became very obvious indeed.

Photograph of site (03/05/2009)

We spoke to a farm hand on January 10th while out at the barn on Whaddon Road, and later I managed to contact the land owner by phone to discuss the ground markings. At the time, both were mystified by what the ground markings could be. Below are the transcripts of both of these conversations.

Farm-Hand Conversation Transcript

SIMON: Good morning, are you the owner of this barn? FARM HAND: No no, I’m just out here putting away these sacks of seed (Points to back of truck). Also I’ll be checking up on the crow scarers. DAVE: Oh yeah, we have been hearing the bangs coming from those. SIMON: Do you know if the farmer would have been down to the fields across there any time recently? (Points in direction of field) FARM HAND: No I don’t think so. Not just lately anyway. SIMON: No, ok. FARM HAND: Not since last year. SIMON: Or since the harvest? Since you had your harvest, would there have been... FARM HAND: Oh yeah, well I put all this in see, after the harvest. DAVE: When would the field have last been ploughed, do you have you any idea? FARM HAND: Errr...last year. DAVE: Right. So towards the end of last year, or back in autumn time? FARM HAND: I don’t think it was ploughed last year because they had corn on it, and then they just cultivated it, they didn’t actually plough it, they just put that seed in and... DAVE: Right. So there wouldn’t have been any farm machinery being used around the fields? FARM HAND: No. SIMON: Is there any farm machinery which would leave an indentation, eight foot by five foot, two of them? FARM HAND: Not across there. SIMON: Identical, no? FARM HAND: Definitely not. SIMON: Ok. Alright I appreciate your time. DAVE: Thanks a lot, bye.

Land Owner Interview Transcript

I finally got in touch with the land owner, Richard Maycock, on 17th March via telephone. Here is the transcript of that call:

DAVE: Hi, this is Dave Hodrien from the Birmingham UFO Group, we spoke earlier on the phone about your fields close to the area of Bletchley. I am available to talk now, would you be able to answer a few questions about those fields? RICHARD: Sure, that’s fine. DAVE: Can I just confirm that you the owner of the corn fields South-East of the barn on Whaddon Road? RICHARD: Yes that’s correct. DAVE: What crop is grown in those fields? RICHARD: It’s a mix of corn and rape. DAVE:When was the last time the fields were ploughed? RICHARD:They were ploughed last August I believe. DAVE: And when did the last harvest take place? RICHARD: Well there’s planted crop in the fields now. DAVE: When is that crop next set to be harvested? Later this year? RICHARD: Yes, around July time. DAVE: Is there any form of irrigation system, either above ground or underground? RICHARD: No there isn’t. DAVE: I heard from the farm hand we spoke with that the fields have natural irrigation due to a nearby stream? Is this correct? RICHARD: Yes there’s a stream that runs along the railway embankment to the south DAVE: Are you aware of any underground pipes or wires that run alongside the edge of those fields? RICHARD: Yes there is a petrol pipe that runs along the embankment. DAVE: Has that pipe at any point sprung a leak or needed fixing done on it in the area of those fields at all? RICHARD: No definitely not. If there was then it would have had to have gone past me as I’m the owner of the land. DAVE: Yea that’s what I thought. Has there been any farm machinery moved around in that area towards the end of last year? RICHARD: No not since the fields were ploughed. DAVE: Ok the area in question that we are looking into is at the side of one of the fields right next to the railway embankment, about half way along it. There is an area of churned up ground which looks very out of place. There are two oval shaped depressions in this about eight foot by five foot in size, and a number of stones that look like they have been split apart by force of some kind. Are you aware of this area at all? RICHARD: No I’m not. DAVE: Do you have any idea as to what could have caused such markings? RICHARD: No I don’t think so, there has certainly been no farm machinery there for a long while. DAVE: Were you out in the area of those fields on the evening of December 30th 2008? RICHARD: No, pretty sure not (laughs). Had better places to be! DAVE: Just out of interest, do you personally believe in UFOs and aliens? RICHARD: I like to remain open minded about it all, I think there must surely be life out there somewhere... DAVE: Ok that pretty much covers what I wanted to ask. Thank you very much for your time. RICHARD: No problem.

Gamma Radiation Analysis

I sent a number of soil and stone samples from the site to a geologist/ufologist contact in Italy. He was able to run a number of scientific tests on the samples to see if they displayed any abnormal levels of gamma radiation. The results from this analysis came back a negative – the samples display normal levels of gamma radiation. Below is one of the resulting graphs from the soil analysis, showing that after normal background levels of radiation are eliminated from the resulting figures, there is no remaining abnormality.

These prove that whatever caused the markings did not emit any gamma radiation.

Site Explanation

For a time the site did remain a complete mystery, one with many interesting aspects to it. However finally we did get an explanation for it, one which came from the land owner. I had taken a number of photographs of the site when I visited it in May, and I decided to send him these via E-Mail. He soon came back with an explanation.

He informed me that the site was a trial pit that had been dug in mid-August 2008 to examine the density of the soil. Seeing the photograph apparently jogged his memory. The pit was dug out by a third party using a JCB-type machine. It is likely that any footprints/vehicle tracks had since vanished due to weathering. The two depressions seen in the area are two holes which were specifically dug out and filled with water to test how fast the water would sink into the ground. The trial pit was dug half way along the field as this would give a more representative view of the area than the field corners. The land owner does not know what has caused the chalk stones to crack apart, but the cause is more than likely water-logging and/or frost. Stone samples are currently being analysed, if a definite reason for the cracking is found this report will be updated.

Unless you believe that the land owner is making up a cover story for one reason or another, this is the probable explanation for the site. However the possible vegetation disruption seen nearby may still be linked with the incident.

Body Markings

Shortly after the night of the incident, Simon found an unusual red marking on his body which seemingly had no explanation. As well as myself, Simon also contacted researcher Phil Hoyle about what he had witnessed. Phil asked him to check himself for physical markings.

Simon found an unexplained marking on his left shin. It looked like a perfect equilateral triangle of three small red dots. Simon pointed out the marking to me when I visited on 5th January. It did not hurt when he pressed it, but he had no idea where it had come from. By the time I returned on 10th January the marking had almost vanished, and soon after this he informed me it could no longer be seen.

Triangular marking on left shin

Simon also informed me that he had an unexplained small V-shaped scar which had appeared on his chest several years before. When it first appeared it was red but over time turned tea brown in colour. It did not hurt at any time and he could not account for it at all.

V-shaped marking on chest

(Continued in Part 2)

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024



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