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External Links
UFO/Paranormal Groups
Truthjuice Birmingham
A fortnightly event bringing you the very best in esoteric knowledge
7th Sense Paranormal
Paranormal investigations team based in the Midlands
Hampshire UFO Group
Southampton-based UFO investigation group direct affiliated with BUFOG
East Anglia UFO Group
In search of the truth for the enlightenment of humanity
New Horizons
The friendly meeting-place for free-thinking people
Southend UFO & Paranormal Investigations Group
Our aim is to help find answers to some of the most elusive mysteries of our time
Strange Phenomena Investigations
One of Scotland's, and now Britain's top UFO and paranormal investigative associations
Paradigm Research Group
Representing the people's right to know the truth regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race
Cornwall UFO Research Group
An abundance of local UFO knowledge, including details of sightings and pictures
Sky Sightings NI
Seeking the unknown
UFO/Paranormal Information
UFO Digest
UFO and paranormal news from around the world
The PRUFOS Police Database
Database of on and off-duty British police UFO sightings
Para-X Radio Network
Your source for everything paranormal...and beyond!
Check The Evidence
Knowledge, Not Belief
Beyond Presidential UFO
Grant Cameron's articles and books on UFO disclosure in the USA
The Alien Lady Mary Rodwell
Official website of contact researcher Mary Rodwell
UFO History & Folklore
A great guide to some of the famous cases that have occured over the years
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