Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Date: 28/02/2016
Last Updated: 23/06/2020
For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used and certain location details have been omitted
Unexplained Lights
Later in the month Lisa unfortunately broker her ankle so had her leg in plaster. The house was undergoing renovation at the time so her and Gavin’s bed was temporarily set up at the back of the living room.
Lisa woke up during the night in extreme pain. She looked down at her foot and was surprised to see a blue coloured beam of light projected vertically down onto it. The beam had clearly defined edges and was about an inch across. Suddenly the pain seemed to dissipate completely and the beam of light went out.
She then realised that the staircase was lit up in an extremely bright light coming in through the window. She was used to the brightness of the outside security light, but this was something else entirely. She could not see the source of this light and did not go and investigate due to the plaster around her leg. Looking down the bed she saw that her pet dog had not stirred. Lisa says this in itself was unusual as he would usually not miss a thing. After about 30 seconds the light on the stairs abruptly vanished and she dropped back off to sleep.
In the morning she mentioned what had happened to Gemma. She was shocked to find that Gemma had woken during the night to find her bedroom window glowing with white light. Here is Gemma’s testimony regarding this incident:
“When I woke up in the night, I had no idea what time it was but I'm guessing it was the early hours of the morning. My curtains were closed over but my window was lit up in a creamy/ white light just like the sun on a sunny day. The light did not light up my room but the window was very bright. I don't know why I woke up but when I did, I looked straight towards the window to find it lit up. It didn't really shock me much and I thought there was probably a clear explanation for it until the next day when me and my mum were talking about it and we just couldn't think of anything it could have been there to light up both the front and back of the house with such a strong light. I watched the light for about ten seconds or so then rolled back over to go back to sleep.
The following night, once it had gotten dark, me and my mum tried to recreate the light we had witnessed. The security light did not reach round to the back of the house. We shined lights up at the window but that didn't recreate this light either. We were extremely confused by it.”
As Gemma has mentioned, her room is at the back of the house so this means that there would have been light entering from two different positions. The light that she saw could not have been from a nearby vehicle as the hill behind the house is extremely steep and covered in trees. Could the light that both Lisa and Gemma saw have been from a craft hovering directly over the house? If so this could explain why it was observed via two different windows. Perhaps the ETs were there in order to assist with Lisa’s recovery from her injury.
Craft Over Front Garden
One morning in February 2014 Edward informed Lisa of a recollection from the night. As with other occasions it felt like a very vivid dream. He remembered waking to find himself and Lisa standing in the living room. Looking outside through the window he saw a craft hovering in the air over the front garden.
He shouted out for Lisa but she seemed not to react to this. Suddenly three beings appeared in the living room and he became very afraid. One of the beings began to stare directly into his eyes, which is the last thing he remembers.
Here are Edward’s comments about this incident:
“I am struggling to remember some of the details and this makes me frustrated. I am annoyed that they make my memories fuzzy and they have no right to.
It felt like it was morning in the dream because it was light outside. I can't remember if I was in the living room or the conservatory. Our living room goes through into the conservatory in an open plan fashion. There are no curtains at the conservatory windows.
I remember there being a mist over the garden. The craft was hovering about level with our roof. I don't remember any lights on the craft, it was a circular shape and I remember just watching it feeling worried.
The next thing I remember is the aliens already being in the living room, one of them was right in front of my face and all I was looking at was its huge black eyes. There was another one behind it and there might have been a third, I can't quite remember. I felt really scared because I did not know what was happening. I'm sure mum was already in the room with me and I know I shouted for her this time, yet she didn't respond. They were Grey aliens, I think they were a bit shorter than me and I felt I knew them.
I remember waking up and thinking it was definitely more than a dream and I told my mum about it straightaway.”
If Edward’s memories were more than a dream and he and Lisa actually experienced a visitation, it appears that the memories of this incident were completely blocked out of Lisa’s mind.
Examination Procedure
Later in the same month it appears that Edward underwent an abduction experience. Just before going out to school he informed Lisa that he had woken up during the night and found himself on a bench-like table surrounded by beings. They appeared to be performing an operation of some kind on his backside. The next thing he became aware of he was waking up in his own bed rigid with fear. His backside felt very sore.
Below are Edward’s direct words regarding what happened:
“I found myself lying face down on a bench. I woke up and found myself like that. I can't remember what it was made of, I think it was a greyish colour. My head was laid to one side, looking out to the left. I remember trying to look around and my vision being really blurry, though I do remember clearly seeing a Grey alien walk right by my head. I felt they were familiar, though it was the tall ones with the grey skin and big heads. I could sense more than I could actually see because I knew there were more aliens behind me and I knew it was some sort of medical examination. I don't think I was wearing anything. My mind felt quite hazy and it was hard to stay focused. I was not in any pain at the time, though I was scared.
Then the next thing I remember is waking up. My body felt really odd and really tense. I felt panicky because I remembered straightaway as soon as I woke up. I knew it had really happened because my backside felt really sore and I was frightened I was hurt. I got up straightaway and was shouting for mum as I went downstairs. I got told off because I was swearing so much. I felt really upset because I was shocked and I was really mad at them.
My mum seemed really shocked as well at first and I could tell she didn't know what to say. I kept telling mum I couldn't go to school because it was so painful. Gemma had heard me and came down stairs and she was saying she knew they were there last night because she had woken up and she could feel them in her room and they had ‘told’ her to go back to sleep. Mum kept telling me I would be ok and they wouldn't do anything to hurt me, though she still made me go to school and it felt really sore all day. I know I couldn't go to the doctors because they would have thought I was mad.”
This extremely personal testimony highlights the dreadful things that contactees sometimes have to endure, and how hard it is to speak about such things with others due to fear of ridicule or embarrassment.
Gemma overheard what Edward was saying to Lisa. She interrupted, saying that she had woken up in the night and immediately realised that there were beings present. She could not see anything but could feel them there. She was extremely frightened by what was taking place. She then heard a telepathic voice in her head telling her to lie still and go back off to sleep. Upon hearing this she blacked out and did not wake up till morning.
“When I woke up in the night, I had no idea what time it was but I know I wasn't awake for long at all. Probably about twenty seconds. I sensed the beings in my room and kind of just knew I was to go back to sleep. I didn't feel any need to run out of the room or shout for my parents. It all just felt kind of normal at the time.”
As with numerous previous incidents two family members again had experiences on the same night. This combined with the physical after effects suggests that something real took place rather than it just being down to a dream. Gemma’s testimony once again highlights the fact that during contact witnesses often act differently to how they would usually act, and are sometimes complacent towards what is taking place.
Holding Areas
In March 2014 Lisa had another dream or recollection which she believed was linked with contact. She remembers this dream quite vividly and has since had other dreams in the same location. She found herself in a winding corridor with very high walls and a curved ceiling. Everything was bright white but she did not see any source for where this light was coming from. The corridor was about 20 feet wide. On either side of it were partitions 8-10 feet in width. In each partition were about 6-8 people of different ages. These people seemed to be separated by race.
Lisa walked the full length of the corridor in a group of 15-20 others. They were following somebody in charge, but Lisa has no idea of who this was. She chatted with the other people as she walked and it felt fine to do this. As she walked she looked into the partitions. Some of the adults were holding babies and there were children among them. The atmosphere was very calm and she does not remember being aware of any noise from anywhere else.
She knew she was there for learning, yet she felt the people in the partitions were there for another reason, perhaps waiting to be examined. The environment was very calm and she was not frightened. She felt that she would be taken home safely.
The Flying Boat
The following month Lisa again had a dream, but this time she was much younger, she feels around 15-16 years old. She was among other people in a huge domed hanger-like building with a metallic ceiling which was seamless and smooth. There were no observable windows. Where the curved ceiling came down to the floor it dipped slightly like a drainage channel all around the edge. There was very little noise and the lighting was dim.
There were about 60-100 others there with her. There were no babies or small children, only adults of various ages. Everybody was standing quietly and calmly, some alone, others in small groups. Lisa could move about freely and actually walked over to some beings who she initially mistook for her school friends. It was only when she got closer that she realised they were not human.
Suddenly she found herself standing in a long wide corridor, with a high roof curving down to the floor, made of white coloured metal. This corridor was more brightly lit, yet Lisa does not remember seeing any lights. She was waiting with a man who appeared to be in his early forties. Lisa was aware that there were concealed doors in the walls of the corridor. She and the man were walking along touching the walls and trying to find these concealed doors while discussing how clever the design was.
Lisa felt that she aboard a boat down in the hold. She knew the wall at the end of the corridor was actually a door. She was waiting for it to open so she could return home. She knew that it was night time and was worried that her father would find that she was missing from her bed and would be angry with her.
Her next recollection was of standing on the deck of the boat standing alongside other people. She looked down and realised that the boat was rising up out of the water, which appeared almost black in colour as they moved away from it. As the boat climbed higher into the air Lisa could see a road near to the shore and then a town passing beneath them. She felt confused by the boat’s ability to fly. This was all she could remember taking place.
This is a very interesting dream and one which may well be linked with an abduction experience which Lisa underwent earlier in her life. It is possible that the hanger she was standing in at the start of the dream was actually a craft. And it seems probable that the boat she was on was also a craft, perhaps the same one, hence why it took off and started to fly. Perhaps it was a smaller craft which was taking her back home after an abduction, although this would of course just be speculation.
Perhaps the ETs were using a screen memory so Lisa remembered it as a boat rather than a craft. Another possibility is that it was a mix of a dream and a recollection of a contact experience.
Suited Beings
In 2014 Gemma would regularly go out to a local youth club with two friends. One morning in May directly following a youth club evening she spoke with one of these friends. Her friend informed her that she could hardly remember anything from the previous evening. Gemma then realised that she could barely remember anything either. All she could remember was three strange dark-suited figures walking past them on the opposite side of the road. As they approached she realised they were not human, and were the same beings she had seen in her room on previous occasions. As they passed, her friends seemed to react by stopping talking and staring down at their phones in unison.
Here Gemma explains what took place in her own words:
“The next morning, whilst I was still in bed, I was talking to my friend on Facebook who I was with that night and she was telling me she felt really weird and couldn't remember anything from the previous night. Once she told me this, I realised I also could not remember anything either, though I did remember seeing three strange looking men in suits walk past me but I did not tell her this.
After this conversation I went downstairs to tell my mum. I told her I could barely remember anything from the night before. I know I had been to the youth club. The only part of that night I remember is walking from the youth club with my friends although I honestly can't remember where we were walking to at all.
I was about a two or three minute walk away from the youth club when I remember passing three very pale, strange looking men on the opposite side of the road all dressed in identical suits, all the same height (roughly six foot), same body build and all bald headed. They were all staring directly ahead. Immediately, I recognised them to be the beings that I had seen previously in my bedroom.
As we passed the beings, my friends seemed to stop talking all of a sudden and became totally focused on their phones. I felt strongly that these beings knew that I knew who they were even though no communication was used. I can't remember anything after this. When I saw them, I didn't feel scared at all, I just remember looking at them and knowing who they were.
The following Monday we were out of school for lunch when one of my friends started the conversation about what had happened that Friday night. I had totally forgotten about this again until it was brought up. She was saying how she also couldn't remember anything and I remember her clearly stating ‘Isn't it just so weird how no one can remember anything from that night’. I never mentioned the beings to my friends, I just told them that I also remembered very little from that night. I should also add that there was no drugs or alcohol involved.”
This fascinating experience has many unusual aspects to it. If Gemma really did see two of the beings from previous visitations while outside walking to another location then what were they doing there? It seems likely that they were observing or monitoring her in some way. But it is odd that they would feel the need to disguise themselves as humans and physically walk past her to do so. Maybe they were gauging how she would react in this situation, we have no way of knowing for sure.
The fact that Gemma and her two friends independently felt strange about the evening and appeared to forget much of what took place is compelling evidence that something definitely occurred. Gemma has not informed her friends about her contact experiences so there would be absolutely no reason for them to make anything up. Also the way in which her friends both stopped talking and stared at their phones as the beings walked past suggests that they may have been controlled in some way, perhaps to prevent them from realising that the figures near to them were not human. It is unknown whether it was intentional for Gemma to recognise them or not.
The choice of attire for the beings is also an interesting point. Numerous witnesses over the years have reported visitations from the infamous “Men In Black”. A lot of the time these are reported as just being men in dark suits. However on some of these occasions these figures have had an odd appearance or acted in an unusual manner, causing the witness to believe that they were actually ET in origin. Could this experience be related?
Examination Dreams
The following month Lisa had another vivid dream which could well have been flashbacks from an abduction experience. On the night it took place she was feeling restless and found herself drifting in and out of sleep. She dreamt that she was about 7-8 years old and wearing her nightie. She was standing barefoot on soft cool grass. She was being led towards a craft by two short beings either side of her. She did not look at them directly but feels that they must have been short Greys. They were lightly touching each of her elbows as she walked. She felt quite numb of emotion so did not fight back against this.
They were slowly walking towards a hovering craft. It was night time so it was quite difficult to see her surroundings or the craft clearly. However she could make out a dark grey/black shape hovering about 30 feet off the ground and 20 feet in diameter. On the underside of the craft was a circle of dim blue and red coloured lights. It appeared to be completely silent.
She next she found herself in a room with metal walls, ceiling and floor. However she was no longer a child, but appeared to be her current age. The room was about 15 feet across. It seemed brightly lit although no light sources were visible. The walls and ceiling were smooth, white and metallic. The ceiling was flat rather than domed, and was quite low. She was sitting down on a white moulded bench.
There were about 6-8 other adults of varying ages ranging from 30-60 years old, also sitting on benches of differing heights. She cannot remember what she was wearing but recalls that one of the men near to her had a white coloured towel on his lap.
Lisa knew that they were all waiting to be examined, and knew that there were beings in an adjoining room. She was not afraid to be there and was hoping that she would be next so she could return home. This was all she recalled, she did not actually see the beings on this occasion.
One month later it was Gemma’s turn to recollect an examination procedure. As with Lisa, the memories came back to her as a vivid dream. She recalled lying down in a location that was not her room. There were other people also present but not near to her. She was being examined by two beings.
Here is Gemma’s testimony about what happened to her:
“I remember very little about this now. I remember telling my mum about it and I specifically remember telling her about a device which reminded me of a rubber hose. I cannot remember what it was used for but I think it was about the length of my arm roughly and about an inch in diameter. The hose type device was hand held rather than attached to anything, I was face up. I also remember the small grey being. It was about three foot tall and sort of chubby. It was very wrinkly and its skin reminded me of elephant skin.
I sensed this being was old and it seemed to be in charge of the taller, younger being although I don't remember much about the other being, except I think it was a typical Grey. During the examination I felt no pain and I felt able to move okay. This is all I seem to remember about this now. After speaking about this to my mum, I've lost most of the memory of this but I do however remember waking up with a really sore throat and having it for a few days.”
This incident could of course be looked at two ways. Some may feel that she caught a sore throat the previous evening which developed during the night. This could have disturbed her sleep and caused her to have a dream about something being done to her throat aboard a craft. Alternatively this may be evidence that the experience really had taken place during the night, and the sore throat was an injury she had sustained from the examination procedure.
Abduction Travel
In July 2014 Edward recollected standing in the back garden during the night. There was a craft hovering above him which had coloured lights on. These lights were bright enough to light up the grass. The craft shone a bright beam of light down onto him. He sensed that he was going to be taken up into it.
Here is Edward’s direct testimony regarding this recollection:
“The first memory is of actually being in the back garden. I was just standing there looking up at the craft, it was hovering just below the height of the roof. It was definitely circular and it was beaming down a very light bluish strong beam of light. There were also dimmer lights coming from the side of it the same colour. I remember seeing the grass had turned a reddish colour. It was dark and I don't remember what I was wearing. I think this was the same craft from the front garden that I saw before.
I felt kind of switched off and dazed and I was standing by myself, though I knew they were around. For some reason, I kept looking up at Gemma's bedroom window as if I knew they were about to go in to her bedroom. It was as if I was tuning in to their thoughts.
I don't remember being taken into the craft, it was more a sense of I knew it was about to happen and at that point I felt more interested than scared. I don't remember actually being on board, it was more just knowing that I definitely had when I woke up. It felt very different from a dream, I can always tell the difference.”
Lisa says that Edward paced out the estimated size of the craft, which she then measured. He thinks it was about 15 feet in diameter. Sadly there was no physical evidence which would suggest that Edward had been outside, however it could well have taken place as he recalls.
Heart Beat
During the following month Gemma had another vivid abduction-related dream. She found herself once again lying down surrounded by beings who were examining her. One of the beings was very familiar to her and she had seen it on previous occasions. She could hear them telepathically speaking to one another. They discussed the beating pattern of her heart and her Juvenile Spring Eruption disease (an allergy to sunlight and pollen).
When she awoke she found dried blood on her right nostril, which she showed to Lisa. It is possible that this was an after effect of another part of the examination which she cannot currently recollect.
Below is what Gemma has to say about this incident.
“The memory of this has faded quite a lot. I remember they were discussing my Juvenile Spring Eruptions disease with me but I don't remember much of what was said. I was diagnosed with this condition when I was about 6 or 7 although it hasn't affected me severely for about 2 or 3 years now. I didn't have any symptoms of it at the time this experience happened.
The same familiar being pops up a lot when I have these types of experiences. I was telling him how I love to watch the sky and he told me he already knew. I feel a stronger connection with him than all the others. The only times I seem to get nose bleeds is after I have these dreams or experiences.”
Learning Dreams
Later in the month Lisa had another learning-related dream. She was again inside the large open domed building she had seen on previous occasions. She was among many different people of varied races. Some of the other people were only semi-dressed, wearing pyjamas or towels around them. Everyone appeared to be calm.
They were all walking towards an elevator at one side of the building. The area around the elevator was very brightly lit but no light sources could be seen. The elevator looked large enough to house quite a number of people. Rather than containing a lift, it had steps which were floating vertically upward continuously.
At the top of the elevator Lisa found herself in another white coloured room near the top of the dome. A man said something to her. She felt that she had met this man before somewhere, but could not remember clearly. She was aware of occasional quiet chatter going on around her. This was a learning area with a number of consoles.
She next found herself in a wide brightly lit corridor. There were no windows. She knew she was waiting for a number of mental assessments. There was a double door at the end of the corridor behind which the assessments were taking place. She and the other people there were not queuing, they would be taken through the doors when the beings required them to be.
The same man that had spoken to her at the top of the elevator approached her and asked her to follow him. He took her to see some unusual plants in large planters. She was amazed as she had not seen anything like them before. They looked similar to a large rubber plant, but had strange pods which were open. The inside of the pods was lined with thick brown fur. The man informed her that these plants were used for nurturing some kind of living creature. Lisa responded saying “Oh yes, they think of everything!”
The figure who came to get her for the mental assessments was humanoid and female, but she cannot recall any specific details about her. She did not recall the assessments themselves. Her next memory was of being seated aboard a craft which was returning her home. There were three other people present, and a being piloting the craft who was facing away from them. Thinking back to this dream, Lisa now realises it was the same type of craft that she had been aboard as a child over the caravan site.
The walls were clear and she could see the surroundings. They were in a huge open structure with a high curved roof. The craft was moving along as part of three “lanes” of other craft. All these craft were moving along at the same speed and everything felt controlled and organized.
She woke up and could immediately recall the details of this dream. It felt far too vivid and more like recalling memories of something which had actually taken place.
The following month she had another similar dream. Once again she was in the dome-shaped structure with at least 50 other people. They were being led by a number of humanoids who she could not clearly recollect. They soon entered the middle of a brightly lit area which was reminiscent of a small sized stadium with seating all around the edges. Many adults were sat on this seating watching what was taking place.
Everyone seemed calm and Lisa was aware of quiet chatter going on in the crowd. As she stood there thoughts and feelings began to stream into her mind. She was immediately aware that these same thoughts were being sent to everyone in the crowd at the same time, like they shared a collective consciousness. She felt feelings of compassion and unity with the other people present, and knew they felt the same.
Here Lisa tries to describe what this was like:
“It was like our minds connected at the same level and there was an enormous understanding that we could all live peacefully together. I could see that the whole crowd was smiling and we all felt joy. I knew the meaning of the task was to bond.”
Next she was once again being led into the domed structure. She was with an ET being. She did not look directly at him, but was aware of him being at her side. He was interacting with her telepathically. She felt comfortable with this being and sensed that he was pleased to be looking after her. He told her that human history is not represented accurately and we should have a better understanding and know our own history. He then told her that human life came to Earth from Mars and that she must remember this.
As she looked around she realised she was amongst different types of ETs. There were small groups of ET's as well as humans standing around. She and the being continued walking and as they did she was surprised to see a rock band standing in a tight circle to one side of the dome. The band members seemed relaxed and comfortable. Most of the other people and beings present were observing them.
The being told Lisa that she must listen to them sing as this will remind her of what she had been told and it is a way for her to remember. They start to sing. The chorus of their song contained the words "Man is from Mars not the Milky Way". The being told Lisa that she would remember this song when she woke up the next day.
The next day Lisa checked online and asked Gemma and Edward if they had ever heard of this song in case she had heard it somewhere previously. Neither of them knew it and she could not get it out of her head all day.
The Blonde Girl
In September 2014 Gemma had another strange dream. She was taken by the ETs to a beach which was made up of different coloured gemstones. She had to carry around a small box which contained some of these gemstones. She was asked to take very good care of it. The beings then brought her a little girl with blonde-coloured hair. Gemma was given this girl to look after for a period of time.
Below is Gemma’s recollection of this dream:
“The girl was around 5 or 6 and her hair was extremely light and seemed to be very messy as if she was extremely windswept. Her facial features seemed normal and the only thing I really thought was strange about her was her hair. I was walking with her along a beach and we were holding hands and it seemed as if we were being expected to bond with one another or as if it was my responsibility to look after her. The girl was very quiet and well behaved.
We were on a beach with was made of long rows of small gem stones. Each row was a different colour and some of these colours I could not identify. I didn't notice anything strange about the water although I wasn't paying much attention to it and was instead looking at all the different gems I was walking on. Whilst walking along this beach, the weather was very nice and the sky seemed to be especially blue. It was a very bright day as I also remember the intense light making the gem stones shimmer a lot. I had no difficulty breathing here. I don't remember how we ended up here.
I had a small wooden box and I knew it was very important for me to keep it safe and to carry it with me. I and the little girl just wandered down the beach observing all the different gems. In this dream I do not remember being on any craft.
I remember telling my mum that she appeared in my dream but I no longer remember how. In this dream, before I was looking after the little girl, I remember having to sit some sort of test or lesson in a small boat although I can't seem to remember being on water. There were other people there also sitting this test/ lesson and all were various ages and both male and female. I didn't feel like I was on another planet although I did feel like I was very far from home. I thought the beach I was on might have been undiscovered somewhere although this seems unlikely to be on this planet now.”
That same night Lisa had an unusual ET-related dream in which she was on a jetty alongside a normal looking beach. She was aware that Edward was out at sea on a boat by himself and she was looking out to sea waiting for his return. She was also aware that there were two or three ETs behind her but she did not look at them directly. Lisa feels that they were monitoring her emotions as she was anxious for her son to return.
She then saw Edward arriving. The boat he was in looked strange. It was small and oblong shaped and was hovering a short distance above the surface of the water. When Edward saw her watching he said to her “Mum, you knew I would come back ok.”
Next Lisa found herself walking along the beach with a young boy of about 4 years of age. He was wearing a dark hooded anorak. She does not remember seeing the boy’s face. She held his hand and they picked their way between some rock pools. Suddenly the tide began to rise and Lisa realised they were in danger. She ran with the boy back to the safety of the jetty. As they reached it, the sky turned grey, the beach and ocean disappeared and Lisa found herself standing at the side of the domed structure from previous dreams. Two figures, possibly ETs then took the boy away. Lisa feels that this scenario was a test to see how she would react emotionally to certain situations.
It is very interesting that both Lisa and Gemma had ET dreams involving beaches on the same night. This seems unlikely to be coincidental. It is possible that they were both being tested in different ways just as Lisa suspects.
Travel The World
In October 2014 Gemma had two detailed vivid dreams in which the ETs took her to other places to see specific things. In the first dream she was taken to Africa. She was shown the squalor that many have to live in. She was also shown a line of children queuing for water at a pump. Here are Gemma’s words regarding this:
“I don't remember how this dream started but I can remember most of the other details quite clearly. The ET's told me that I was in Africa and began my trip by showing me some local women giving birth. The woman I was watching was laid outside and seemed to be very uncomfortable. I remember there was something hung around her to restrict people watching but I don't know what it was. It was a very hot and sunny day and the land seemed very scorched.
As I watched these women in labour, the ET's explained to me that these women were at a lot of risk of getting serious infections and if anything went wrong, this would be very dangerous as they have very little medical back up. They continued to tell me that our governments should be doing more to help people and everybody needs to start helping each other out more and appreciate what we have more. This village or community didn't have clean water and this put the women giving birth and their babies at even greater risk. The ET's seemed very concerned at our government’s actions.
I was hovering very close to the ground looking out of a craft although I can't remember what the craft looked like at all as I was just looking out the craft the entire time concentrating on what I was being shown. We seemed to be invisible to the people below us as no one ever looked up at us or showed any attention to us at all. I sensed the ET's were observing my reactions to all of this the entire time.”
Later in the month she was taken by the ETs to see a large group of children. They were inside of a massive building and were all wearing night clothes of various types. They appeared to be very organized and knew what was taking place. A very short boy with brown hair explained to her how things were to be done. Gemma sensed that he was very important or would be in the future. She was also told to remember the word “ecology”.
When she awoke in the morning Gemma found that her ears were both hurting. She says that they continued to hurt for the remainder of the day. As with other previous experiences there is evidence here which may suggest that the experience was real and the pain in her ears was a physical after effect.
A Familiar Face
Again in October 2014 Lisa had a dream in which she was being led along a dimly lit corridor by a number of small beings with large eyes. There were many other people also present who she did not recognise. She knew that she had been taken from her home but was not anxious as she was also aware that she would be taken back there.
There was then a period of missing time in the dream. She next remembers being returned to the corridor from somewhere else. In front of her was a three foot high being. She felt affection towards it without really knowing why. It felt to her that they had met many times before and knew one another well.
In the morning before mentioning her dream Gemma informed her that she had awoken in the night and seen an intense blue coloured light in her bedroom. She remembered nothing more after this. It is possible that either Lisa was abducted and Gemma had seen light from a waiting craft in her room, or they were both abducted and the memories of the experience were fully removed from Gemma’s mind.
Telekinetic Tests
One morning in November 2014 Gemma informed Lisa of another dream she had experienced. This time she had dreamt that both her and Lisa were being tested by the ETs. They were handed a pen-like instrument and were using it to move things around without touching them. She said that she had to perform tasks, including moving a boat using the power of her mind.
After being told this, Lisa suddenly realised that she was not wearing her glasses but for some reason could see perfectly well. This was highly unusual and not something she had experienced before. Over the next hour or so her eyesight apparently returned to normal and she had to put her glasses back on. Had Gemma’s dream been real, and if so had these tests that Lisa had performed somehow temporarily improved her sight?
Brain Operation
Later in November Gemma had a dream in which she was taken by the ETs to observe an operation which was being performed on a lady. As it was taking place the beings telepathically explained to her what was going on. The surroundings were very dark and she could only see the face of the female patient which was lit up.
Gemma watched as a wire was inserted into the patient’s brain. The ETs explained to her that this was a necessity but did not provide a detailed explanation of why. Gemma found what was taking place quite fascinating. She could see the blood vessels and bone structure as the skin was peeled back. The instruments the beings were using radiated heat and there was a singeing odour as they were used on the patient.
In the morning when she awoke she felt as though a procedure had been performed on her own face as there was a tingling sensation which lasted a short while. She went over what she remembered with Lisa.
A Further Being Encounter
In December 2014 Gemma experienced something similar to what had happened while on the way to her youth group back in May. She was in German class and her friend Carol asked her “Remember those weird people? Who do you think they were?” This immediately triggered the memories of an experience which had happened two days previously.
She had gone to see Carol after school. They suddenly found themselves standing in a clump of trees without any memory of how they had got there. They began walking along the pavement. They then saw two strange figures walking towards them which were clearly not human. One of them was about 7-8 feet in height. It had huge staring eyes, an elongated head and no eyebrows. The other was about 6 feet tall. They were both wearing black overcoats which made their shoulders appear massive. They appeared to be walking but approached much faster than they should have as if they were running.
As the beings approached them Gemma felt sure they were looking directly at her even though their eyes were faced straight ahead. She was very afraid and ducked as they passed by her and her friend. As they did so Gemma received a telepathic thought from them. She was informed that the taller being was new to being on Earth and was not very good at it, and that the shorter being was more experienced. She sensed that the taller being was male, and was also extremely intelligent.
After they had passed Carol had asked her “Gemma was that an alien?” Immediately they both forgot about the experience. Carol had seemingly remembered what happened during German class, and had then triggered Gemma’s memory of it by speaking with her about it. I have dealt with other cases where exactly the same thing has occurred. It is unlikely that they were ever meant to remember the encounter but for some reason had done so.
A Message
Later the same month Edward experienced a visitation. A bright light lit up his bedroom and a humming sound began. He then became aware of a presence in the room and realised that a Grey was standing there. The being spoke with him telepathically. It told him not to be afraid and that it was not there to take him. It told him that it was there to give him a message to pass on to Gemma. The wall between his and Gemma’s room became invisible. He saw another ET standing alongside Gemma’s bed as she slept. The being standing in his room gave him a message to pass on to her. When he saw her in the morning, Edward informed her of what had taken place.
Edward has a good recollection of this incident. Here is what he says about it:
“I was lying awake because I couldn't get to sleep. Suddenly I saw a strange glow light up my bedroom window, it was a bluish colour. I can't remember how long I watched it for but it wasn't very long. The glow was coming into the room from the window and the humming noise was definitely from outside. I was starting to feel scared and I pulled the quilt up to just below my eyes. I don't know why I didn't shout out at the time, I always think this afterwards yet I never do. I think once you feel scared, they stop you.
I suddenly realised there was a Grey alien standing in my bedroom in front of the window looking at me, I think it was one of the small ones. I nearly shit myself with shock, it was talking to me through my head and I could tell it was making me calm down ‘cause I was so panicked inside. When the alien was talking, it didn’t sound like it had its own voice. It's like I could hear thoughts and see images and if I really think about the sound it made I can only hear the sound of my voice, though I know the difference.
The alien was making me concentrate and it told me not to be frightened they were not here to take me away tonight. I remember feeling a lot better then, ‘cause I felt I could trust them not to. It told me to listen because I had to pass a message on to Gemma and this would let her know this was all really happening.
I realised the wall was turning invisible between our bedrooms and I could see Gemma asleep in bed. They were letting me know it was important and I remember twisting on to one elbow, so I could see better. There was another Grey alien stood right near her head and it was touching her hair. This alien looked similar to the one in my room, though I could tell it was taller.
I was told to tell Gemma she was to stay on the right path and not destroy her potential, she is putting others before her own goals and there are only so many chances. Gemma is to help in the future, she is to be a teacher to people and she will work with medicine.
After this message I remember no more until I woke up the next day. I knew for sure it was not a dream, I remembered the message as soon as I woke up and I remember coming downstairs to tell mum and Gemma straightaway.”
This is a fascinating incident with some very unusual aspects. It is a mystery why the ETs did not just speak with Gemma directly rather than give the message to Edward and ask him to pass it on to her. Perhaps there was a need for both Edward and Gemma to hear it and understand its implications. This incident also highlights the ETs ability to temporarily make physical objects invisible at will.
Night Walking
In February 2015 Gavin and Lisa went away on holiday, so Edward and Gemma stayed with their nan for a while. While staying there Edward woke up one morning with memories of being awake during the night. He remembered walking along the street. It was dark and there was nobody else about. There was a craft hovering in the sky above him. He was holding a blue coloured box. The craft was projecting a beam of light down into this box. He felt that he was waiting for something but did not know what. The memories felt extremely real and Edward was sure it was not a dream.
When Edward discussed what he recalled in the morning, Gemma informed him that she too recalled being out of the house during the night! However she remembered standing on the ground and being trapped in a beam of light rather than freely walking along the road.
Edward does not remember this incident clearly but does recall some details:
“I remember mum and dad were away and Gemma and me were staying at nan's house. I know I was just wearing boxers and I was walking down the street in the dark. I know I told my mum I was carrying a box and I know I was but I can barely remember it now. I know the craft was at the end of the street and it was circular like the ones I saw above our garden, though I'm sure it was bigger.”
If this incident actually took place then the blue box which Edward was holding is a complete mystery. It appears that the craft was scanning or monitoring it in some way, but as to its purpose we can only speculate.
In April 2015 Edward awoke during the night to find his room lit up by a bright light. He found that he was paralysed and was only able to blink his eyes. There was a strange drilling sound close to one of his ears.
After a short period of time the light suddenly vanished and he fell back off to sleep.
Needles Body Marking
Later in April Gemma had a vivid dream about needles going into her fingertips. In the morning when she awoke she found small red dots on the end of her thumb which looked like pin-pricks.
When Gemma showed Lisa the markings, she decided to take a photograph of them for analysis. I have not yet received the direct photograph, but here is a photo of the photograph being displayed on the digital camera screen. The strange markings are clearly visible:
These markings remained for the rest of the day before fading. As these markings do not look particularly artificial, it is possible that they were an injury Gemma had received the previous evening without realising. Perhaps sensations from this injury then caused her to have a dream in which something was being done to her fingers. However there is also the possibility that this is physical proof that she was abducted during the night, and these markings were from a needle-like instrument that had been used on her hands.
Rectangular Craft
Again in April, Gemma had another dream in which she was in a small craft. There were about a dozen other people also present. They were looking out of the windows and watching two massive rectangular-shaped craft which were below them. The ETs informed Gemma that these ships were located there for the hybrids. She watched as smaller craft came to and left the two large ships. Everything seemed very well organized.
Below is Gemma’s testimony regarding this dream:
“I was on board a craft with other people but I can't remember who or what they looked like, I just know other people were there being shown this as well as me. We were stood in something that resembled an egg-shaped ski lift, cable car type thing.
We were all looking out this window although it had no window glass so it was kind of like a big hole in the craft and we were looking down on to several massive rectangular shaped crafts which I believe to be mother-ships. These ships were suspended in space surrounded by darkness. We were being given information telepathically. We were told there are other wars elsewhere, not just wars on our planet going on. I can't remember much else.”
Temporary Recollection
On 20th May Gemma had a dream in which the ETs took her to a large hall with many other people. They were then informed by the beings that up until now they had only been allowed to keep small parts of their memories, but they were now going to be able to remember everything they had forgotten. Gemma’s mind was suddenly flooded with missing memories of experiences and she was amazed that she could have forgotten such things.
Next she and the other people were subjected to a procedure where they had something fitted inside of their mouths. The object caused her gums to feel uncomfortable and her lips to tingle. She assumed that they object was a brace and asked the ETs why they were fitting it when she didn’t need one. They responded to her telepathically, telling her that it was not a brace, it was being done for other reasons.
In the morning when she awoke she could still feel the indentation of the device on her gums. Her mouth felt numb and tingly. This feeling remained for the rest of the day. When she tried to think back to what she had remembered during the dream she realised that the memories had once again been blocked out.
Landed Craft & Son’s Visitation
On 5th June 2015 Lisa had a vivid dream in which she, Edward, about six other adults and two Greys were calmly walking towards a landed craft in a rugged rural environment. It appeared to be quite late at night, but not fully dark. The craft was a flattened saucer-shape and was stood on three legs. It appeared almost too small to accommodate everyone. She felt that they had been doing something and were returning to the craft but could not recall what.
While walking towards the craft Lisa suddenly felt guilty about having shared information about her and her family’s contact experiences with me. She felt worried as to whether the ETs would be ok with this, and did not want to upset them in any way. When she and the others got near to the craft they stopped and waited quietly to be taken on board. One of the Greys appeared right at her side. It put a sense of calm and reassurance into her mind and then telepathically spoke to her, saying “It will not be long to disclosure and soon everyone will know we are here, it is fine to pass on this information.”
Upon hearing this Lisa felt an enormous sense of relief. She then found herself aboard the craft standing next to Edward. However she cannot remember what the interior of it looked like. This is where the dream ended.
Lisa soon found out that on the same night Edward had also experienced a visitation. He had been in bed playing a game on his Kindle when he suddenly realised he was unable to move. He looked over at the door to his room and saw a being standing there which was staring at him. An electrical tremor began to run through his body and he dropped the Kindle onto his chest. After a short period of time the ET vanished and he found that he could move again.
UFOs Photograph
On 24th July 2015 Gemma was returning from holiday with her friend’s family. They were driving on the main road between North Berwick and Edinburgh at around 3-4pm. She was looking out of the window when she noticed two unusual objects hovering over a field alongside the road. Although it was a windy day these objects appeared to be completely still in the air.
Aerial map showing the main route between North Berwick (A) and Edinburgh (B):
She quickly lifted her mobile phone and took a photograph of them. Gemma watched the objects for a number of seconds until they had gone out of sight. Her friend was reading at the time and her friend’s parents did not make any indication that they had seen the objects.
Here is the original photograph with the two objects ringed:
Zoomed and edge find views of the lower UFO:
Zoomed and edge find views of the upper UFO:
Unfortunately the image was sent to me in PDF format. Because it had been converted from its original JPEG format most of the metadata behind the image which I would usually use to confirm authenticity is missing. However given the nature of the photograph and circumstances under which it was taken it is extremely likely to be unmanipulated.
The photograph is too blurred to really say what the objects are or are not. Gemma says that the lower object appeared solid to her naked eye. It appears to have some kind of tail protruding from it. Gemma is certain that it was not a tailed kite or balloon. The smaller or more distant object above it may have been related, as it held position with the lower object for the duration of the sighting. Gemma feels sure that this was not a distant helicopter or aircraft. On the photograph it appears to be dark in colour and oval in shape.
Due to the circumstances under which these objects were seen, if one or both of them were in fact nearby craft it seems improbable that they would have been linked with Gemma’s contact experiences. It is possible she was just in the right place at the right time to witness them as the car drove past.
Grey Visitation
During the night of 12th October 2015 Edward experienced another visitation of a Grey being in his room. Below is Edward’s direct testimony of what happened.
"It was around midnight, I'd been off my tablet for about half an hour and I couldn't get comfortable, so I went to fix the bottom of my quilt ‘cause I realised the bottom sheet had come out. I was sitting up in bed and leaning forward. As I was doing it, the room was already dark and I looked to where they always come in ‘cause I felt something was there. I saw straightaway the outline of a human form, but a lot more skinny with a really big head. I got a shock at first ‘cause it was just standing there and I quickly fell back against my pillow and pulled my quilt up to my neck as a defence thing, but I could still see.
It slowly started to walk towards me and I immediately got the feeling "Oh it's one of you" ‘cause I knew it was one of them, and I didn't feel as scared ‘cause I got the feeling it was smiling at me. Even though I could not see it smile, it put the image in my head it was smiling. I sensed it lift its arm over my head, though I don't think it touched me, I think I went straight to sleep".
There are a number of very interesting points to take note of. First of all it is clear that Edward was able to move freely at the time. He was leaning towards the base of the bed and when he saw the being he fell back and pulled the quilt up around himself. Therefore a hypnogogic hallucination brought on by sleep paralysis can be disregard as the explanation. His testimony also indicates that this type of being was familiar to him from previous experiences. It is interesting that Edward mentions the fact that the Grey was projecting the image that it was smiling. I have investigated a number of other experiences involving Greys where the same thing has been reported. It appears that when the being lifted its arm over Edward’s head he immediately blacked out. This has often been reported in other cases, and it is possible that after this Edward was abducted and then had the memories removed.
In the below testimonial statement Edward describes how he feels when he encounters these beings.
"When they are around, it's like my whole senses and feelings are totally tuned in through my head, and it's like even if I go to touch anything it's like I get a lot more information from what I'm touching. If I try to remember too much, I can't remember it all, it's like I can't over think it or I'll lose it or contaminate it, I have to think in a different way, in wee images to bring it back. I know they are never going to hurt me, though sometimes I am still scared at first. I know they come mostly at night when I am less aware of stuff and I know they put images in my head.”
During my investigation I suggested that due to the family’s on-going experiences they could purchase and install one or more infra-red cameras in their rooms to possibly capture an abduction/visitation taking place. However Edward is reluctant to do so. He says that “it would feel like I was being rude to them, they've been coming for a long time and I don't want them to stop." This highlights the fact that Edward is dealing with his contact experiences and has accepted what is happening to him.
As you can see the family certainly appear to have experienced contact on a regular basis, and may well continue to have experiences. The activity appears to be focused around Lisa’s side of the family, as Gavin has not experienced contact himself, he has just been indirectly affected on a number of occasions. The experiences the family have had over the years are quite profound and include a wide variety of aspects. Many of these incidents occurred a long time before Lisa and her siblings heard about the ET contact subject, yet their testimonies include many aspects which fit with other contact cases, including some I have investigated directly.
Obviously many of the experiences described in this report are vivid dreams which have clearly involved UFOs or contact. While it may be easy to dismiss them as nothing more than dreams it is important to remember that many of them have had physical aspects to them such as visitations by beings, unexplained lights and body markings, and on some occasions more than one family member has experienced something on the same night. I feel that this has occurred far too much to simply be put down to dreams, and it is likely that at least some are recollections of actual contact experiences, perhaps from prior occasions.
As contact seems to be on-going with no sign of coming to a halt, this report may well be updated going forward, and the family may even be able to capture some further photographic or video evidence. I would like to thank the family for being brave enough to come forward with this fascinating information, and allowing me to share their experiences through this detailed report.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2020