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UK Contact Case – Reptilians, Greys, Visitations, Abduction, Screen Memories, Missing Time, Footprints

Writer's picture: Chairman DaveChairman Dave

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Year: 2009

Last Updated: 23/09/2024


Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used and location details have been omitted


Early Screen Memories


“Mark” has experienced contact since an early age in the form of visitations which would occur in his bedroom at night. However he recalled saw the beings present in these experiences in the form of hedgehogs.


Example photograph of some hedgehogs

It is common for the beings involved in contact to utilize what is commonly referred to as screen memories. This is where they appear to mask their own appearance, or sometimes the appearance of their craft. The beings can appear in a variety of forms, including animals of various types. It appears particularly prevalent in childhood, just as Mark reports.


Reptilian Visitation


In 1992 when Mark was 12 years old his mother took him to see a child psychologist. She was worried about his fears of the dark and of going to sleep, he was getting bullied at school, and kept talking about the “little blue men” or “the goblins”. Both the psychologist and his mum thought he had an over-active imagination and was just having nightmares.


The discussions with the psychologist and his parents appeared to trigger a vivid flashback to an experience which he believed took place back in 1985 when he was 5 years old. For the first time he was able to remember clearly what had taken place. Prior to the flashback he had a vague recollection of this experience but had assumed it must have been his imagination.


He had gone to bed like usual and was asleep. At some point in the night, he awoke and felt very strange, as if he had been moved around or taken somewhere else in his sleep. He looked around the room and down the surface of his duvet.


Below his feet he could see a lump sticking up. There was something underneath the duvet. Suddenly the lump began moving away from him! He watched it, feeling more intrigued than frightened. Then whatever it was found its way out of the bottom of the duvet at the base of the bed.


As he watched a very short being came out of the shadows and jumped up onto the bed post at his feet. The being was only about 1 ½ foot high. It had blue-grey coloured scaley skin. It’s eyes were yellow with black vertical pupils like a lizard. It had a hole in the side of the head where each ear should be. The being had no clothing on. Its fingers were very like those of a lizard, and he believes it may have had claws. He got the feeling that the being was juvenile.


It was staring directly at him and he was terrified of it. Then it grinned at him, opening its mouth a little to expose short pointy teeth. It was at this point that he began to scream out for his parents. He heard his dad exclaim “Oh no, not again”. He then heard his mother start to come upstairs.


As she did so, the being started to shake its arms and legs around. It floated up into the air above the bed post. Mark got the distinct impression that its strange body movements were what was causing it to lift up. It floated across his bedroom over onto the top of the cupboard.


A moment later his mother entered the room and switched the light on. She asked him what the matter was and he explained about the “little blue man” that was in his room. He pointed out the cupboard and asked her to check, but when she did she found nothing. She managed to comfort him and he settled down to sleep, assuming the being had now gone away.


In the morning his mother came in as ever to dress him. When she did she found two unexplained scars on his body. One of them was on his stomach above his navel, the other on his shin. The scars looked like they were already healed and had been done a long time before, but she was certain they had appeared during the night. Mark still has these scars to this day.


When his mother asked him where he got the scars, he told her that they were caused by the little blue man. She appeared mystified but said to him “Be more careful next time”. It would be easy to assume that this meant that she thought he had had an accident. But Mark got a very strange feeling when she said this that she knew more than she was letting on.


Later in the day his friend “Charlie” came round his house to play. They were in his bedroom and decided they would play a game of Buckaroo. The game was in a box on top of the cupboard, so Mark climbed up to get it down. As he did so he smelt a very unusual odour, the strong smell of ammonia. He looked down at the box. There was dust all over the top of it as he had not taken it down in a while. In the dust were two small footprints. They were only 2 ½ inches long by 1 inch wide but looked like small rounded human-like footprints.


Mark knew at once that these had been caused by the small being he had seen the night before. He showed the footprints to Charlie, who mentioned that they could have been caused by his rubber foot-shaped stamp, which he knew Mark owned.


However this stamp was much larger than the footprints so could not have been the cause. He took the box downstairs to his mother to show her. She remarked that the footprints looked like a duck’s. Mark did not remember anything else about the incident at the time.


When he was 16 years old Mark started looking into the UFO and contact subject. One of the books he decided to read was Communion by Whitley Strieber. He immediately knew that this is what he was going through. There were too many similarities and he recognised the beings that were being described and drawn.


This prompted him to find out more information about the incident which occurred when he was 5. He decided to ask people about it to confirm it took place the way he remembered.


He went to his mother and asked her if she remembered any unusual incidents from when he was young. She thought for a long while and then began talking about the incident and confirmed everything. When he asked her about the box she informed him that she had thrown it away as she didn’t want him to be frightened. Mark was upset by this fact as it had been a genuine piece of evidence of what took place.


One lunch-time at school he asked Charlie if he remembered the incident and again his friend confirmed that it had taken place as he recalled it.  


Grey Abduction


One evening in December of 1992 he suddenly felt like he wanted to go to bed early. This feeling was inexplicable as he had a fear of going to sleep and would almost always stay up very late at night. Even his mum remarked on how unusual this was.


He headed up the stairs to his bedroom about 9pm. As he did so he suddenly felt dizzy but did not feel tired at all. He also got a ringing sound in his ears. In time he would come to realise that this was a sign he was going to experience something. On other occasions he would hear beeping sounds or clicking noises.


As always Mark left the bedroom door open with light coming through from the landing, as he has always had a fear of the dark, more than likely caused by his experiences. He got into bed and lay down but couldn’t sleep. He began rolling over in bed, and felt very uncomfortable but couldn’t understand why. He would only remain still for up to a minute before having to shift positions.


As he rolled back over from facing the wall, he put his hand down by his side. It came to rest on something out of place – he immediately recognised it as another very cold hand! He closed his eyes tightly not daring to look. He immediately assumed that a burglar had entered his room and come in from outside, which is how he explained the coldness of the hand to himself.


He lay completely still and was absolutely terrified. He moved his hand over the other hand, which he assumed was attached to someone standing right next to his bed. He felt nails on the hand, but the nails seemed to go right over the tips of the fingers. Looking back he is not sure if they were nails or something else like hard pads. He could not tell how many fingers the hand had.


All of a sudden his panic died right down and a great feeling of calm came over him. He then heard his own voice inside his head. The voice said “It’s sleeping and if you don’t move your hand it won’t wake up” He decided to go along with this and lay extremely still, hoping that whatever it was would think he was asleep and leave him alone.  He then got a strange feeling that the thought had been implanted into his head, and that perhaps it was the being talking about him rather than the other way around.


He continued to lie very still and after a while dropped off to sleep. An unknown amount of time went by and he awoke again.


Looking out into his room he saw two Grey entities standing still next to his bed, one behind the other. They were about 3 ½ feet tall, had pale grey coloured skin, large black almond-shaped eyes and smooth rounded heads. He is not sure if they were wearing any clothing or not, but they had thin featureless bodies with long slender arms. He somehow sensed that the one at the front was feminine and in charge, and the one behind masculine.


Mark was drawn to stare at the being’s faces. As he did so he all of a sudden saw things from an outside perspective and could see himself lying down in bed. He watched as he floated up into the air in between the beings. They then walked alongside him as he floated out of his bedroom to the bathroom window.


Outside the house in the sky was a large saucer shaped craft with a ring of white lights underneath. He floated out of the window and up into this craft, and then the lights began to rotate and it shot directly upwards into the sky at great speed. This is where his vision of what was going on ended. Mark has no recollection of what took place on the craft or how he was returned to his bedroom.


The next morning over breakfast he asked his mother “Did you come into my room last night?” She said she did not, so then he asked his sister the same thing. They told him that he would ask these type of questions all the time, but he did not realise this fact and he was surprised when they told him. This suggests that he had had other similar experiences before which he was not fully aware of.


Many years later his mother informed him that she had had a UFO sighting back in December 1992. When he asked her the details about this incident he was completely shocked.


She told him that she had been in the kitchen about 9.30pm at night. Suddenly she noticed a strange rippling light effect on the wall, much like reflections off water at a swimming baths. She looked around to see where this light was coming from.


When she looked out of the kitchen window, she looked up and saw a saucer-shaped metallic craft with a ring of revolving lights underneath it. The craft was situated above where the bathroom window was. It looked like the whole area of sky was glowing, like a light being switched on. Suddenly the craft suddenly ascended out of sight extremely fast. As it did so, the glowing light also went off and it was dark again.


When Mark heard this story he was amazed. His mother could not be certain of the date when she saw the craft, but he feels certain that she actually witnessed him being taken.


In recent years someone suggested to Mark that the hand he felt may have been his other hand that he could have accidentally been lying on, which would have made it feel numb and cold. However he dismisses this theory as if this were the case, his other hand would have had to have been twisted into a very unusual position and he was sure he was just lying down as normal on his back. He says the fact that the hand was so physical and real to him is confirmation that the event actually happened, and that he certainly was not asleep or just imagining it.


Mark informed me that in 1994 he found a copy of UFO Magazine for sale. He purchased the magazine out of general interest. Later on he came across an article by an experiencer who described feeling a cold hand on her bed, exactly the same as what had happened to him! He was absolutely shocked, this was yet more confirmation to him that it was a real event.




Mark has had some truly fascinating encounters. At present we only have his testimonial evidence to go on, but the very specific details which he provided convinced me he is an authentic experiencer and not fabricating these incidents.


Due to the flashback he has clear memories of the Reptilian visitation, and also has partial recollection of the later abduction experience, but the memories of seeing “hedgehogs” in his room as a child also point towards other experiences he is yet to remember in more depth.


Mark did not discuss any adult experiences with me so it appears his contact only happened as a child, however there is of course the possibility that it has continued but has been completely wiped from his mind. I would like to thank him for getting in touch to discuss his experiences.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024




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