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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

Southampton Contact Case (Part 2) - Greys, Hybrids, Abductions, Body Markings, Implants, Paranormal

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Date: 05/05/2018

Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms hav been used for some witnesses and certain location names have been omitted

Chest Operation

Within a few days of the conveyor belt experience, Tina appears to have been abducted yet again. Once again she had no memory of travelling, but found herself in the familiar dome-shaped room with glowing walls.

She was lying down on a bench and unclothed and elevated at a slight angle downwards. She could feel some kind of device over her stomach area pushing down on her. There were several short Greys around her including the one who knows her. It was standing closest to her head. It leaned in close to her and stared into her eyes. Like before she then felt a psychic link with it open inside her mind.

Tina sensed that the being was amazed she was awake. It then began to show her symbols in her mind which represented human reproduction. Tina asked him telepathically “Which part does life come from?” The Grey explained to her that the female ovum was like a dead battery which gets charged during fertilization. He informed her that they did not fully understand the process themselves.

Drawing of the reproduction symbols Tina was shown telepathically:

While she was being shown these symbols the other beings were performing some kind of operation on her using the device over her chest. Suddenly she saw a spurt of blood come up into her eye-line which landed on one of the beings causing it to panic. She then blacked out for what seemed like a couple of seconds.

When she came round, one of the beings held up a bag filled with clear fluid and a 10 inch long tube. Her friend spoke to her, informing her that she was going to die unless they gave her the fluid. Tina informed him that she was worried as she did not know what it was. He responded, informing her that it was cloned blood, and that when it was induced into her body herb blood cells would attach to it and it would take on her DNA. With this explanation Tina was happy for them to proceed. Her friend informed her that it was unsure of where to insert the tube. Tina showed the being a memory of having blood taken from her left forearm.

Drawing of Tina lying down on the bench with the device over her chest and bag attached to her arm:

She felt one of the beings insert the tube into her arm. At this moment the image froze and there was a flash of white light. This was the last thing she recalled taking place.

When she got up in the morning her chest ached. She also noted that her neck felt stiff, although she could not relate this to anything that she recollected from the experience. When she checked in the mirror she noticed a small round indentation on the left side of her chest. It did not seem to hurt at all. She was certain that it had not been there previously as she would have noticed. She was unaware at the time, but this could well be a “classic” scoop marking, one of the more commonly found contact-related body markings. These are caused by the ETs removing the upper layer of skin without breaking it, which leaves a round indentation but no blood.

Photograph of the possible scoop mark on Tina’s chest:

She also found a round reddish mark on her left forearm where the tube had been inserted. Again she was certain that it had not always been there. This marking left a lasting scar which is still clearly visible today.

Photograph of the scar on Tina’s left forearm:

Both of these markings appeared during the night (to Tina's knowledge), and one of them she could link directly to what she remembered taking place. This lends a lot of weight to the incident being a genuine abduction.

Unexplained Neck Bruising

The stiffness in Tina’s neck did not go away. A couple of days later she went with her mother to get some passport photographs taken at a photo booth in Bitterne Post Office. When the photos were developed she was shocked and loudly exclaimed “What the fuck?” The photographs appeared to show areas of dark bruising around her neck area. She asked her mother, who confirmed that nothing was visible directly.

The passport photographs showing the neck bruising:

Tina initially assumed that the marks may have been caused by the particular photo booth she had used. She and her mother drove to Woolworths and had some more taken at the photo booth there. Once again the markings were clearly visible. Her mother was very concerned and recommended that she should go to her GP to try and get some answers.

The following morning Tina went to her GP to see what he would make of the photographs. After showing him them, he confirmed that it looked like bruising caused by muscle damage. He informed her that sometimes bruising will only show up under certain kinds of light, which may have accounted for why nothing could be seen directly.

He confirmed that the markings were too low down on her neck to have been caused by strangulation. As her neck was not hurting at all, he recommended that she kept well rested and then she should return to the photo booth after four days to take some further photographs to see if the bruising had reduced in extremity. She followed his instructions and four days later went to get more photos.

Second set of passport photographs:

As you can see, on this second set of photographs the markings were still visible but were much less pronounced. This confirmed that they were not a photographic artefact, and that they were healing up as expected.

The fact that these markings were found soon after numerous vivid abduction experiences certainly suggests that they were related to one of these experiences. Tina’s neck had felt stiff after the experience involving the chest operation. This suggests that she may have sustained these injuries during that, although she cannot recall anything being done to her neck which would account for the damage. It is possible that further procedures were performed after she blacked out.

Another possibility worth considering is that the injuries were linked with the device that had attached her to the conveyor belt, and it just took a few days for the symptoms to materialise.

The Black Pods

Soon after she had recovered from her neck injuries Tina had another abduction experience. She had gone to bed with her husband like usual. During the night she awoke and felt that there was a presence in the house. Without waking her partner she got out of bed and checked each of the rooms. Finding nothing out of place she got back into bed and settled back down.

Tina then found herself in a very small room with a low ceiling. She was laid down on a flat surface and could not move. There was bright white light all around her and she couldn’t clearly see the walls of the room but could sense that it was quite small in size.

She attempted to establish telepathic communication with any beings which might be present there. Immediately she heard the familiar voice of her friend in her mind. He assured her everything was going to be ok. He then leaned over her from the right, looking down at her face. Due to his height, she realised that if he was standing next to her she would have to be about 1.5 feet off the floor. However as she could not move she could not verify this. He stared at her for a few seconds before backing off out of sight. Tina felt that he had done this just to reassure her that he was there with her.

After this she suddenly blacked out for a couple of seconds. When she came round she found herself in a different room. The ceiling was domed and was higher than before, and the room scale was much larger. There was bright light coming down from the ceiling from an indeterminate source. She was again on a flat bench in the middle of the room but this time it was raised at a 30 degree angle. She was still paralyzed and could only move her eyes.

Something caught her eye off to the right. She realised that there was a group of at least 6 very short Greys standing roughly 10 feet away from her off to her left. They appeared to be huddled together, more so than they would usually be. Again her friend was standing near to her. He looked at her and then moved back leaving her lying there on her own.

A moment later something else to her right again drew her attention, movement of some kind. Tina had no idea what to expect. But when she glanced to the right she was absolutely shocked by what she saw. Alongside her was a metallic panel of some kind coming up from the floor. At first she thought the panel itself was moving. But then she realised that wrapped around it was a huge snake-like creature! Its skin was completely white and very smooth. Its facial features were similar to those of a Grey, with large black eyes, but its chin was more straight edged and pointed. There was also an indent at the centre of its forehead. Its neck must have been between 12-15 feet in length. Tina realised that the group of Greys in the room were scared of it, and this is why they were huddled together.

Drawing of the snake-like creature and other Greys:

As Tina watched, it began to uncoil from the panel. It then swung round its head in a very slow movement until it was looking down at her. Tina was absolutely terrified and thought that it was going to eat her. It slowly moved upward until it was staring down at her forehead. Tina did not sense that It was trying to connect with her. It then seemed to reverse its movements and begin to coil back around the panel again. As it did so the intensity of the light increased until Tina could no longer see anything.

When she could once again make out the surroundings she again found herself in a new location. This area was much larger. There was bright white light all around her. Outside of this the surroundings were much dimmer and hard to make out clearly. She was lying down on a metallic bench which was raised up at an angle. To her right was a number of Grey beings including her friend. Tina wanted to fully sit up but could feel the beings blocking her from doing so. Her friend stepped forward into her eye-line and connected with her telepathically. When he did she could hear the other beings conversing with one another. He assured her that everything would be ok. He then said he would allow her to get up but that she would have to behave.

She then found she could sit up. She stepped down off the bench onto the floor. As she did so she now realised she was wearing a gown made out of thin material. It felt like she was under control. She felt a bitter taste on her breath, and also felt quite giddy. She felt that the beings had done something to sedate her.

She stepped forwards, and could feel the presence of the beings behind her. As she slowly walked forwards she began to move out of the light. As she did so she began to see a little clearer and realised how large the room she was in actually was. Tina estimates that it was 30-40 feet across and had a very high ceiling. It was too dark to see the colour of the walls or ceiling, but the floor was a dull grey colour.

She noticed some movement in front of her and stepped a bit closer to see what it was. Out of the darkness about 20 feet away from her she began to make out rows and rows of egg-shaped pods on raised pedestals. The pedestals were about 1.5 feet in height, and the pods were about 2.5 feet in height. They looked like they were made out of black glass. Coming from with the middle of the objects were red glowing lights. The pods were in groups of three and arranged on ascending steps back as far as she could see.

There was a short Grey standing amongst the rows of pods. It was only about 3 feet in height. When it saw Tina inquisitively looking at the pods it stepped forward as if to protect them from her. Tina could sense that it saw her as a threat and did not want her to approach the pods. In her mind she heard her friend order the shorter one to step back and let her approach.

Drawing of the rows of pods and the small Grey:

Tina stepped closer towards the closest group of black pods. As she did she realised that each of them contained what appeared to be a human foetus! Tina estimates they were between 6-7 months gestation from their size. They were floating in fluid inside each of the pods and were lit up by the red glowing light. She could not make out any umbilical cords.

She reached down and touched one of the pods. It felt cold to the touch. As soon as she touched it she heard numerous girl’s voices in her mind. Immediately she knew that all the foetuses were female.The Greys present appeared very surprised that she was aware of this fact. She could sense them scanning her mind trying to work out how she knew this information.

Due to the temperature of the pod’s surface, Tina was worried about the babies being too cold. Her friend spoke up again, informing her that the babies were being kept warm by the red lights she could see and that the temperature was being regulated. He also informed her that the fluid inside was artificial embryonic fluid.

Tina leaned over one of the pods and looked to examine it further. There were three tubes connected to the back of it – one tube about 2 inches in diameter which was attached to the back of the pod, and two smaller tubes attached to the pedestal. All three went down into the floor.

Drawing of one of the pods from different angles:

As she was looking down at the pod Tina suddenly saw a red glowing pulse of light appear under her feet below the surface of the floor. It shot away on a straight path at a fast speed and was lost from sight. A few seconds passed and then she saw the light again. This time she decided to follow the path it was taking to see where it was going to.

Drawing of Tina following the red pulse:

She began to walk across the room in the direction the light had gone. She was intrigued by what it could be. In response to this her friend informed her that it was related to energy passing around the craft. He then projected a vision into her mind to give her a visual representation of how this energy system worked.

From what she could gather the red pulses she could see under the floor were pulses of energy. As the energy is used up by the craft this pulse gets bigger in size and moves faster. It then enters three cube shaped structures one at a time, carried by a wave of some kind which Tina interpreted as a sound wave. Inside each box the energy pulse bounces around, and as it does so it gradually slows down. By the time it exits the final box it has been fully powered back up and is ready to use around the craft again. It continues this way in a continuous cycle.

Drawing of the energy system of the craft:

After seeing this vision Tina was suddenly pulled backwards towards the bench quite forcefully. Before she knew it, she was once again lying down and could barely move. The short Grey she had seen amongst the pods approached the foot of the bench. It was holding something wrapped up in a blanket. The being held this bundle up and pulled back the blanket to reveal a baby girl who was clearly not entirely human. She appeared to be between 3-6 months old. Her skin was bright pink and she had dark black hair. Her eyes were completely black.

Tina realised what the beings had done. She knew that this baby was a cloned hybrid they had made using her DNA. She then sensed the baby connect telepathically with her. Tina realised that this baby had all of her memories up until recent months where the memories suddenly stopped. She sensed a particular coldness from her, like she was lacking in emotions. This was all too much for Tina to deal with and she began to panic.

Drawing of the Grey bringing her the hybrid baby:

The small Grey hurriedly took the baby away and Tina was pulled back down onto the bench with force. She was deeply concerned by what was happening. Her friend approached her side and informed her that her panicked state had frightened the baby. However the baby would need to connect with her again in order to form a bond with her and obtain a memory of her. It would later share this memory with the other hybrids once they had reached gestation.

The short Grey approached from the left side of the bench. Once again it pulled back the blanket and, like before, the baby connected with her telepathically. It then formed a memory of how she currently looked. Tina was able to see this image, like looking into a mirror. She looked flushed and bedraggled, and her hair was in a mess.

Drawing of the Grey approaching with the baby a second time:

The baby was then covered up and taken away. Tina was quite upset, and asked her friend what they were going to do with her. This question was not answered. Instead the light around her began to get brighter until it completely enveloped her.

She then found herself in another room. This one was quite cramped, no more than 10 feet across. It had a low curved ceiling. Again she was lying down on a flattened bench. The only being now present was the one familiar to her. It was standing alongside her. Looking over at the wall of the room, Tina saw a wall with lots of lines on. When she looked closely she saw that these lines were made up small moving images almost like living cartoon strips. Tina was informed that they were memories from different times and places.

Tina suddenly felt the urge to gain an understanding of where human life had originally come from. She asked her friend. In response to this he directed her towards one of the memories, and Tina began to experience a vision in her mind.

She found herself in a clear spherical object like a bubble alongside her friend. There was blue sky all around them. She looked down below her and realised they were hovering above another planet. It looked absolutely vast. There was a huge open field of thick green grass-like vegetation which stretched for miles into the distance. On the horizon she could see a distant mountain range.

The sphere descended until they were hovering about 10 feet off the surface. Tina stared into the distance towards the mountains. As she focused on them the sphere immediately sped up to an incredible speed and shot towards the mountains. Within a couple of seconds they were there! When the sphere stopped again Tina saw what appeared to be a strong muscular horse with a man riding bareback. The man reminded her of a Native American Indian. He had light brown tanned skin, and was wearing clothing around his waist and a necklace. He did not appear to see the sphere that Tina was inside.

Suddenly the sphere moved again, shooting forwards across the surface of the planet. It went over the brow of a hill. Ahead of her Tina briefly saw an ocean of water. The sphere descended down into the water, and quickly made its way to the sea bed. Here she saw what appeared to be an underwater volcano, with heated bubbles of air emerging from it. Near to this she saw a few other spheres with Greys inside in a seated position. Tina became aware that they were performing some kind of research on the underwater volcano.

One of the spheres moved closer to it. Suddenly there was a bright flash and a violent explosion. The force of this blast sent the sphere they were in backwards at an extreme rate. As it did so she received information about what had happened from her friend. He informed her that the magnetic field around the sphere had reacted with the volcano causing it to erupt. This catastrophe was going to cause the death of this planet. His race only had half an hour to obtain as many biological samples as they could, including humans who were living there.

Drawing of the man on the horse and the ground beneath them contained within one of the spheres:

The sphere continued to ascend up through the atmosphere and out into orbit of the planet. Here Tina could see a couple of extremely large cigar-shaped craft. Countless spheres containing Greys were emerging from these and heading down towards the planet to obtain samples while there was still time. Tina then witnessed the destruction of the planet. As it broke apart she was sent hurtling through space amongst debris and many other spheres.

This course led to our solar system. Tina was informed that they were trying to find a habitable planet to preserve the life they had obtained. They flew past Mars and then Tina saw them approach the Earth. As they got near, the sphere slowed right down. Tina watched as the debris entered the atmosphere. It was mostly made up of small pieces of rock, but there was one huge piece which collided with the planet. Her friend told her that once this impact had subsided they took the biological samples and used them to seed the Earth. This was where the vision ended.

Tina awoke with a start and sat up in bed. It was morning time. As with her other experiences they seemed far more vivid than a normal dream would.

Could this huge series of events have actually taken place during the night? Was it memories of a previous experience that she was now recollecting? Had everything she had seen actually taken place, or was it a mix of reality and a dream? There were so many unanswered questions. But whatever the answers, this experience left a lasting impression on her.

Triangle of Dots

For a number of years Tina has been aware of a small triangle of dots on her right wrist. She cannot recall exactly when she first noticed them but is certain that they were not there during her childhood. She just recalls washing her hands one day and seeing them there.

Photograph of the triangle of dots:

The dots are a lighter tan colour compared to other moles on her body, and lie flat against the skin as opposed to being raised. They may well be small moles, and Tina cannot directly link them to any particular experience. However there are a number of cases on record where contactees have discovered very similar markings on them, so I felt these images were worth including.

Elevated Enzyme Level

In 2009, at 38 years of age, Tina began to feel unwell. It started as spates of extreme tiredness, and an aching underneath her ribs. At the time she was already suffering from other medical issues which required her blood to be sent regularly for testing. When she next sent in a sample, her doctor called her on the phone and asked her to come and see him to discuss the results of the test.

She was informed that the level of the enzyme Alanine Transaminase (ALT) in her blood was much higher than would be considered normal. She was informed that having a level of 22 units per litre would be considered high. Hers were currently at 52 units per litre! This would usually be indicative of inflamed or damaged liver cells but her doctor performed further tests and could find no explanation. He asked her to come back two days later.

When Tina returned, the doctor found that the level had gone up even more to 57 units per litre. He informed her that he would need to refer her to a specialist, and that they would contact her. Sure enough, a week later she had a phone call asking her to go to Southampton General Hospital.

At the hospital she spoke with a consultant. They asked her for her medical history, and asked many other questions including whether she had been on an aeroplane, scuba diving, visited other countries and was on any medication. Like her doctor, the consultant could not explain why her enzyme levels were so high. They did not know of any way to reduce the levels so she was asked to return home. She would have to live with the side effects and hopefully over time the levels would go back to normal.

A couple of months later when another blood test was performed they found her ALT level was now up to 90 units per litre! Her consultant was really concerned and informed her that if the level continued to increase drastic measures would have to be taken. Unfortunately it did, and when her ALT level reached 149 units per litre she was put on a three year long drugs trial. Luckily the trial worked really well and by the end of it her ALT level had dropped back down to 48 units per litre. She has continued to have blood tests three times a year ever since.

There may be a completely natural explanation for the rise in her ALT enzyme level. However looking back over the years she has suffered from this, Tina has noted that the level has been particularly high around the same time she has had contact experiences, suggesting they may be connected in some way. Whether there is a direct link between the ailment and her experiences is yet to be determined.

Internal Damage

On 18th May 2012 Tina suffered from an ectopic pregnancy which almost claimed her life. She became aware of the situation via a strange dream in which a baby boy spoke to her saying “Mummy you’re hurting me!” When Tina mentioned the dream to her mother, she recommended she went for a pregnancy test.

Tina’s GP told her that there was nothing wrong and told her not to worry, but that night she woke in extreme pain. She was rushed into Princess Anne hospital where the doctors discovered she had a ruptured pregnancy. Due to the fact that her blood pressure was dropping she was immediately taken to the operating theatre.

When she came round from the operation there were three surgeons standing in the room at the end of the bed. They appeared puzzled and began to question her, asking about her medical history and asking her when she was last in hospital for procedures. Tina informed them that she had not been in for any major operations before.

They then told her that she had a lot of internal damage which her official medical history did not account for. They said that it looked like her pelvis had been stabbed with a needle again and again, and that they had removed a mass of black membrane from around her pelvic area. The doctor confirmed that they had removed a lot of it, but that there may have been some which they had missed and couldn’t see.

Medical notes confirming internal damage found:

The doctors could find no rational explanation for what was observed. The internal damage was, and still is, a mystery. Without a mundane explanation, there is the possibility that it was caused by one or more procedures performed on her during abduction experiences.

Embryos aboard Craft

In the summer of 2014 Tina had another detailed abduction experience which has clear links with the hybrid breeding program. It occurred during the night at an unknown time.

When she first came round she found herself standing on a raised step aboard a craft. In front of her was a metallic panel of some kind and a long rectangular window. Standing close to her was her friend. Tina looked out of the window. In the distance she could see the Earth. It was mostly covered in shadow but she could see sunlight illuminating the Northern curvature.

Drawing of Tina looking out of the window:

Modified photograph to show how the Earth would have looked from the window:

The craft she was on was moving further away and beginning to speed up. Suddenly everything went black for a moment. When she could see again, she was still looking out of the window, but the craft was now on approach to Jupiter. It was moving very fast, and a couple of objects, possibly moons, zipped past in a blur. As the planet got closer Tina was shocked to see that alongside it was an absolutely massive black coloured cigar-shaped spacecraft! Its scale was absolutely epic. There were no markings on the hull visible apart from a series of lines towards the left side of it that looked like a grill of some kind.

It became evident that the ship she was on was heading towards the massive craft rather than the planet. As it flew towards it Tina suddenly received an information download. She saw a series of numbers in her mind which started slowly but then began to speed up. These numbers then changed to symbols made of lines and dots. Tina was aware that these symbols represented other numbers, but she had no idea what they referred to.

Drawing of the huge craft alongside Jupiter:

They reached the giant craft and slowed to a half alongside it. It was so huge that it blocked her entire view from the window, all she could see outside was the dull black coloured hull. She wondered how such a huge object would not have been detected on Earth. She then felt “the link” begin in her mind, and her friend spoke to her. He informed her that the craft could not be detected from the particular position it was in.

A glowing white light enveloped her. When she could see again, she found herself standing in a narrow and very long corridor. She assumed she was now aboard the giant craft. The corridor was about 8 feet high, but only several feet wide. There was a dim blue glow from long thin lights that ran along the ceiling. The walls of the corridor appeared to be made up of 4 foot by 2 foot rectangular black panels. The floor was black in colour.

Tina tried moving and found that her movement was very restricted. She could sense a very short Grey standing behind her but could not turn to look at it. Instead she felt a strong urge to walk forward, like she was being controlled. She began to shuffle forward along the corridor in short steps. She wanted to lift her hands up to touch the walls of the corridor but could not. Further down the corridor she could see another Grey. It appeared to be observing her and did not connect with her telepathically.

After walking a number of metres along the corridor she suddenly halted. Then her arm was lifted up. Her hand moved towards of the black panels. As it got near the panel sprung open and began to slowly slide out from the wall. At this point Tina realised it was actually a drawer containing something. The interior of the drawer was white in colour and emitted glowing light.

Drawing of the corridor with the Greys present:

Drawing of the panel opening in the wall:

Inside it she could see rows flattened circular containers. They were clear like glass and reminded her of small petri dishes. Tina looked more closely at these containers. She was shocked to see that each one contained a tiny embryo floating in clear fluid. This single drawer contained at least 50 of them. The enormity of this revelation hit home. If this was inside a single panel, and the others also contained embryos there would be hundreds upon hundreds in this corridor alone!

Drawing of the embryos inside the drawer:

Tina asked in her mind “Why have you done this?” The being behind her responded and told her that these were hybrid embryos which were to be used to populate another planet elsewhere in the universe. Without warning a vision of the journey the ship would make to reach this other planet began in her mind.

She viewed the journey from the ships perspective, almost like she was strapped to the front of it. She saw stars zipping past her as the shop flew extremely fast through space. At one point she was informed that they were passing the Andromeda galaxy. Tina does not have much knowledge of space so was unaware at the time that this was a real galaxy.

The Andromeda galaxy:

Soon after this the ship began to speed up even more and perform corkscrew manoeuvres rolling over and over. Tina was informed that this was required to prevent the craft from breaking up due to its size and the speed it was now travelling at.

As she witnessed the journey of the craft, the information download she had received began again, exactly the same as before. The craft shot forwards extremely fast, with stars flying past in the blink of an eye. Its course through space was mostly straight, but at one point it diverted. Tina wondered what this diversion was for. In response to her thought, the Grey informed her that there was “black space” at this location and that they could not pass through it.

After continuing on its path the craft began to slow down. They had arrived close to the destination. In the distance Tina could see a large black-coloured planet. Rather than being completely spherical it appeared sliced off at the top, perhaps suggesting it had been damaged from an asteroid strike at some point. There was light coming from beyond it which allowed her to see its shape against the blackness of space. Around it were four or five smaller moons, one of which was moss green in colour and emitting a dim light. The craft approached the main planet and orbited it several times on a descending arc.

Drawing of the destination planet and surrounding moons:

She was informed that this is where the babies were being taken to, and that it would take us thirty million years to reach this location if we were to attempt it using our current technology. Tina wondered how the babies would survive this journey, but was informed that the white light kept them in a state of suspended animation so do not age while aboard the craft. She was also told that there were only several beings on board, and when they approach the destination they would start a process to revive the embryos so they could begin to develop further.

Tina then began to witness the return journey of the craft to Earth. It began travelling at an incredible speed and everything around her became blurry. She was informed that the craft was on a pre-programmed course, and so had to make the journey at a particular time so as not to collide with anything else on route.

This was the last thing that Tina recalled. When she awoke it was early morning and the sun was up outside. She still had the numbers and symbols she had seen in her mind, but almost immediately her memory of them was beginning to fade. She quickly grabbed some paper and began to write down those that she could remember. In her mind was an eight digit number. She knew that this was in some way related to the planet Jupiter. She also recalled a number of four digit numbers and one of the symbols she had seen.

Tina claims that when she entered the eight digit number followed by Jupiter into Google on her laptop soon after waking up she was amazed to see that it represented the mass of the planet. She is unclear as to whether she wrote this eight digit number down prior to entering it into Google. If she did, it is not with her other notes and it is possible that a page of her notes may have been lost.

When I spoke with Tina she could not recollect what this eight digit number was. According to Google the mass of Jupiter is 1.898 x 1027–kg. If the number 18981027 followed by the word Jupiter is entered into Google a page referring to this comes up:

We can therefore assume that this is likely to be the number which Tina must recollected when she awoke, but without written notes it is impossible to confirm this. If this was the number then this would be quite impressive, because it is far too obscure to have been something Tina would have picked up from elsewhere. As already mentioned she does not have an interest in astronomy.

While we do not have the notes referring to the eight digit number, Tina did manage to locate notes referring to numerous four digit numbers. However I have not been able to find any connections between Jupiter and these numbers, or any other possible meaning behind them:

Sadly Tina could only recall one of the symbols she had seen, but knew that the one she did remember represented the number 17:

She is unclear as to why some of the numbers came through in digits whereas others came through as symbols. However there are many other cases on records where contactees have received similar downloads of information. In most of these cases, the individual is not informed of what this information means or why they have been given it.

(Continued in Part 3)

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2018



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