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Sheffield Contact Case Part 1 - Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, Abductions, Mutilation, UFOs, MIB

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Birmingham UFO Group Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Originally forwarded by Richard Hall

Release Date: 04/09/2011

For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used


Most cases of ET contact focus on one or two incidents which have taken place. But sometimes an individual can experience many different fascinating events from early in their life. This is the case with Laura, a mother and married lady from Sheffield. Her experiences, which go right back to her childhood, are both very interesting and have some astounding implications. There are certain events which have taken place that have forced her to consider the extent to which contact with these beings is occurring. Not only do her experiences affect her, but her sons are also clearly involved. There also appears to have been ongoing monitoring from unknown parties, and a military connection involving her late father. Read on and all will become clear...

The Investigation

Laura first got in touch with me on 6th April 2011 via Richard Hall’s website After initially speaking directly with Richard over the phone, she then spoke with me about some of her experiences. It immediately became clear to me the extent that these experiences had impacted on her life, and I soon decided it would require a direct visit to discuss everything in enough depth. I also felt that some of her experiences warranted a hypnotic regression as they contained missing memories and lost time.

On Sunday 23rd April, I and hypnotherapist Rob Tudge (who until recently assisted me with cases involving contact) drove on up to Sheffield to meet with Laura and her husband Graham at their house. After going over Laura’s experiences in much more detail, including some events she had not mentioned before, Rob then regressed her, focusing on two of her most fascinating experiences. The transcript of this regression can be read later in the report. We also took some relevant location photos.

Since our visit, Laura has had other experiences including another UFO sighting that her husband also witnessed. There are other experiences which no doubt warrant a second regression, so this may be sorted out at some point in the near future.

The Watchers

Since an early age, Laura has regularly felt like she is being observed by an invisible presence. Sometimes this feeling of a presence arrives and leaves with a flash of white light. When she first started feeling these things she was frightened and told her mother Beth. She told her to stop being silly, and that there was no such thing as invisible people. Soon afterwards they went round to see her grandfather. While there Beth told him what Laura had said. When he was alone with Laura he told her that they were nothing to be afraid of, and that he had felt them too at times, and seen the flashes of light. He taught Laura to look for a shimmering effect in the air which would signify their presence. He called them “The Watchers”.

From then on she would sometimes be able to see this effect in the air and knew that “The Watchers” were there. This would generally occur when the presence remained for a long period of time. An area about 2 feet wide by 6 feet high would begin to shimmer, similar to a heat haze. However often the presence would not be there for very long, perhaps only several seconds. Occasionally Laura has noticed her pet cat acting strangely and interacting with the presence by either pawing at the air or arching its back and hissing.

Contactees often report feeling an invisible presence watching over them. This perhaps indicates ongoing ET interaction throughout their life. However it is not just Laura who feels this presence, her grandfather also did. Does this mean that he too was a contactee? Possibly, but perhaps it is related to a haunting rather than being linked with the ETs.

Shadow Beings

As well as regularly experiencing what she refers to as The Watchers, Laura also sometimes sees what she refers to as “Shadow Beings”. It was again her grandfather who alerted her to the reality of these entities. They are dark humanoid forms that appear to possess intelligence. They are semi-transparent like a shadow being cast on a surface. They move very fluidly but walk rather than float.

These beings only tend to appear when she is feeling upset, so are clearly linked to this emotion for whatever reason. They do not always appear, only sometimes. The entity often has a calming effect on her and will remain until her anger has subsided.

These shadow-like entities have been reported by many people before, and are generally given the name Shadow Beings or Shadow People. They have often been seen by contactees while in their home, and possibly have an ET link. However like The Watchers they may have a ghostly explanation. Perhaps it is the heightened senses of these contactees that causes them to be seen.

Psychic Abilities

Like many contactees, Laura claims to have psychic abilities, including a sixth sense which allows her to detect and see ghosts, as well as the other strange entities described earlier in this report. She also has sometimes has premonitions which come to her in the form of dreams.

In 1976 when she was 15 years old she had a nightmare where she was at school with her friend. It was PE and their teacher allowed them to go on a cross country run on their own as they were not very good at hockey. The route they would usually take had a fork in the path. The right fork would take them along the side of a large corn field; the left would go around the field and take 10 minutes longer. In the nightmare they approached the fork in the path. Her friend wanted to take the right fork but Laura was apprehensive as she could see a gang of men at the bottom of the path. In the end her friend persuaded her to take the right fork. As they approached the men, they suddenly grabbed hold of them, dragged them into the corn field and assaulted them. At this moment Laura awoke. She was very distressed and was sweating.

Later in the day during PE, exactly like in the nightmare, the teacher came to Laura and her friend and said they could do a cross country run instead of play hockey. Laura immediately recognised that it was the same thing to what she had dreamed. She was reluctant to go but did as she was told. They reached the fork in the path, and sure enough there was the group of men exactly like she remembered. She told her friend about the nightmare and persuaded her to take the left fork in the path instead. When they approached the school, their PE teacher came running out and said “Thank God you’re both safe, the police have just arrested five men at the bottom of the corn field for gang raping a young girl two days ago!” It appeared that Laura’s dream had stopped the same thing happening to her and her friend.

In 1981 Laura worked as a barmaid. She used to walk to her workplace every evening for her shift which lasted from 7-12pm. She would have to walk across a crossroads on her way to work. One night she had a dream where she was crossing this crossroads when suddenly a car came skidding round the corner, jumped the lights and crashed into her, dragging her along the road.

For the next six months Laura was extra careful when crossing the crossroads because she felt that her dream was going to come true. However nothing happened and in the end she decided that it had just been a dream and nothing more. A short time afterwards she was running late one morning and was in a rush. She was about to step out onto the road when she suddenly heard someone call her name. She turned around but couldn’t see anyone. She turned back and was about to start walking when again she heard her name being called. Puzzled, she turned round a second time, but there was still nobody in sight. She began to step out into the road when suddenly a car came screeching round the corner and drove extremely fast past her. If she had not heard the voice calling her, Laura feels that she would have been in the road and would have got hit, just like what happened in the dream. She would later find out that the occupants of the car had burgled the casino near to her workplace.

In August 1995 Laura moved from London to a house back in Sunderland. Her mother had found her this property and recommended it to her. When Laura asked her mother about the house, Beth informed her that it was a semi-detached two bedroom house with a red front door and central heating. That night Laura had a dream in which she was in front of a blue doored house. She went inside and explored the property.

In the morning when Laura got her sons up, she found out of Peter that he had experienced the same dream! He told her about the dream he had during the night, and it matched her own. About a week later they visited the house for the first time. Laura was amazed when it was what she had seen in the dream. Her mother had been incorrect about the colour of the front door. All the details inside the house were exactly as she remembered.

These are just several examples of the premonitions that Laura has had throughout her life. It certainly appears that sometimes she dreams about certain events taking place, and that as a result she is then able to stop these events from happening. The second incident described also has an aspect of protection to it. Could the voice that she heard have come from an ET? If it did then it seems that the ETs were protecting Laura from harm, as without the voice calling her she would probably have been hit by the car.

It is fascinating that the premonition about the house was experienced by both Laura and her son. This suggests a psychic link between the two of them. We can only speculate as to why this dream occurred in the first place. Unlike her other premonitions this did not seem to have an element of danger to it, it was just an exploration of the new house.

Initial Abduction

The first ET-related experience that Laura can remember took place in September 1981. Back then she shared a house with her boyfriend on Cleveland Road, High Barnes, Sunderland. Her mother Beth and two sisters Julia and Carol also lived in the area on Marcross Drive in the Moorside Estate. On the day of the incident, she had been round Beth’s house helping to decorate. In the evening her younger sister Carol gave her a lift. It was a pleasant and calm evening.

Laura and her boyfriend went to bed about 11.30pm. During the night she had what seemed like a very vivid dream. She found herself down Barnes Park near to her home. She was on a bridge that overlooked the park, and was walking in the direction of her house.

Aerial map of Barnes Park showing the approximate location of Laura's house on Cleveland Road, and arrows showing where Laura was in the dream and direction she was walking:


Modern photograph of the location (The bridge got replaced with a road in 2009):


It was night-time and quite dark. She was clothed in her normal daytime wear. About half way across the bridge suddenly the sky above her lit up a glowing bright white. The light was so bright that it made it seem like it was daylight all around. She thought to herself how odd this seemed as it could not have changed to daylight that quickly. Then she began to feel afraid of the light, and thought that she had better get back home as quickly as possible. This was the last thing she remembered.

In the morning when Laura awoke it was pouring with heavy rain outside. She could remember the details of the strange dream described above. She got out of bed and went to get dressed. She would always leave her daytime wear neatly folded at the base of the bed. However the clothes were now lying in a crumpled heap. When she picked them up she was also puzzled to find that they were soaking wet!

It was clear that during the night she had been outside in them, though she could not remember doing so and was not prone to sleepwalking. She then thought back to the dream and wondered if there was more to it. She did not dwell on what had happened for too long, and soon put a different set of clothes on and went about her day.

Regression Transcript Part One

Laura has had many fascinating experiences, but we only had enough time to cover a couple of them in the regression. The incident with the wet clothes was one of the most intriguing. It was obvious something had genuinely taken place. Also Laura had recollection of being outside and seeing a bright light above her in the sky. Both I and her felt this was possibly an abduction experience and that most of the memories of what had occurred had been blocked out.

As you will see in the transcript, this turned out to be the case. The regression went extremely well and Laura had a near full recollection of what took place. What she divulged completely explained why she had awoke to find her clothing wet and in a heap, why she remembered being down the park and the source of the brightly glowing light.

Below is the transcript of the first part of the regression. The second part can be found later in this report:

R: Just breathe and put your head back. Allow any tension you have in your neck just to dissipate. As you exhale just let it go. And again. And the next time your shoulders, as you exhale allow the tension to drop out of your shoulders. And as you become more and more relaxed, allow your arms to go just where they want to. That’s fine, that’s great. And just continue to relax with each breath. And allow the muscles across your forehead to let go, relax. And the tiny muscles around your eyes, as you exhale so they just let go, relax. That’s good, that’s fine. Becoming more and more comfortable with each breath. That’s fine, that’s good. Calm, comfortable and relaxed. And the muscles of your upper back, and your middle back, and your lower back, as you exhale so they let go. That’s good. Your stomach muscles, your thigh muscles, as you exhale, let go. And your calf muscles, and the muscles of your legs, just let go and relax. That’s great, that’s just fine. So, I’ll ask you to imagine yourself at the top of ten steps. At the bottom of the ten steps there’s a huge wooden door. You’re looking down at that huge wooden door. But before you make your way down the steps I’ll ask you to imagine a golden bubble of protection around you. It’s above your head, and below your feet. If you stretched your hands out left and right, you wouldn’t be able to touch the inside of this golden bubble, it’s there for your protection. That’s good. And now imagine little tendrils, little roots growing from your heels. Out they grow, down into what you’re standing on, into the subsoil, and down through the strata to lock you to the earth. So you’re totally protected and grounded with those tendrils. And you can move without any bother at all, without any hindrance you can move quite easily and freely, you’ll hear my voice and you’ll be able to answer. So now I want you to take your first step down into peace and tranquillity. That’s good. And the second step down. And the third step down. Calm, comfortable, relaxed, completely at ease, protected and grounded. And step number four. And then five. Half way down now. Now you’re seeing more detail in that huge wooden door at the bottom of the stairs. And six. And step number seven. Calm, comfortable, relaxed, completely at ease, protected and grounded. Continue onward, continue onward. Eight, and nine, and ten. In front of that huge wooden door. What colour is the door?

L: Brown.

R: Brown door, ok. Now before you go through the door I’ll tell you what’s on the other side. It’s just a neutrally coloured room, that’s all it is. So when you’re ready, just step through into that neutrally coloured room please. Close the door behind you. Ok. Very shortly I’ll be speaking to Laura’s subconscious mind, and I’ll be speaking to Laura’s subconscious mind as if I’m speaking to another person. I’ll ask you not to think about my questions, just give the answers as quickly as they come. I’m going to count to three and snap my fingers, and when I snap my fingers your subconscious mind will appear as a shape, a colour, a picture or a symbol. One, two, three. Tell me what you have.

L: A blue triangle.

R: Blue triangle. That’s marvellous. Blue triangle, are you Laura’s subconscious mind, yes or no?

L: Yes.

R: Subconscious mind, thank you for appearing in that form. Subconscious mind, would it be appropriate to go back in safety and comfort to the incidents we have mentioned. The incident in Sunderland in 81, and the incident in Dagenham in 83. Would that be appropriate?

L: Yes.

R: Thank you subconscious mind. Ok, just relax and breathe. Just relax and breathe. You’re doing very well. Ok. It’s September 1981. You’re in the house in Sunderland. Now before you went to bed that night did anything out of the ordinary happen in the day?

L: No.

R: Ok. What time did you go to bed that night?

L: Half past eleven.

R: Half past eleven, ok. Were you alone in the house?

L: No.

R: Who was in the house with you?

L: My boyfriend.

R: Ok. So you went to bed at eleven thirty?

L: Yeah.

R: Ok. How did you prepare for the next day?

L: I folded my clothes and put them next to the bed.

R: Put them next to the bed, ok.

L: Yes.

R: You got into bed I take it?

L: Yes.

R: Settled down?

L: Yes.

R: Ok. Did you get off to sleep easily or was there any difficulty?

L: No I went straight to sleep.

R: You went straight away, ok. Tell me what happened next. Take your time, don’t struggle, don’t rush.

L: I’m outside but I don’t know how I got there.

R: You’re outside?

L: Yes.

R: Uh-huh. What are you wearing?

L: My clothes that I put out for the day.

R: Ok. So you put the clothes on and you’ve gone outside, is that right?

L: I must have, but I don’t know. I must have but I don’t know how I got there.

R: Ok, put yourself back in the bed and very very slowly, slowly as you like go to the point where something happens. This is just a memory, we’re looking for something that happened between the time you went to sleep and the time when you were outside with the clothes for the following day on.

L: There’s somebody in the room.

R: There’s somebody in the room?

L: Yes.

R: Ok, this is just a memory, you’re looking at a memory.

L: They want me to go with them.

R: Is this a verbal instruction or request, or how do you know they want you to go with them?

L: I don’t know, I just know.

R: You just know that....

L: Mmm.

R: That there is someone in the room with you and they want you to go with them.

L: Yes.

R: Can you see, whoever this is in the room? Have you got a sense of them?

L: I can feel them but I can’t see them.

R: You can feel them. Ok. Is it just the one or is there more than one?

L: There’s at least three.

R: At least three, ok. How do you sense them Laura?

L: I don’t know I just feel that they’re there, I can’t see them, but I can sense them there.

R: You can sense them there, ok. So you sense three beings in the room with you?

L: Yes.

R: Ok. Are you instructed to put the clothes on? Do you do this of your own accord?

L: They want me to go with them but I won’t go ‘cause I want clothes.

R: Oh I see, they want you to go with them but you won’t because you’ve only got your night clothes on?

L: Yeah.

R: Ok. Do they, how do you know that they want you to go outside?

L: They don’t want me to go outside, they want me to go with them.

R: Oh I see, they don’t want you to go outside.

L: No.

R: But then the issue of the clothes comes up, you just having your night clothes on yes?

L: Yes.

R: So what do you do?

L: I tell them that I’ll go if they let me get dressed.

R: You tell them you will go with them if they let you get dressed.

L: Yeah.

R: And do you do that?

L: Yeah.

R: Ok. And you think you’ve still got your eyes closed?

L: Yeah.

R: Ok. And you can find your clothes ok and put them on without looking?

L: Yes. They’re next to my bed.

R: So you put those clothes on that you were keeping for the next day, then what happens?

L: I don’t want to go with them. I told them I would but I don’t want to.

R: You told them that you would go but you don’t want to.

L: No. I grabbed my keys and I went outdoors.

R: You grabbed your keys and you go out?

L: Yes.

R: Yes. Did you have to look for your keys?

L: No.

R: You knew where they were?

L: Yes.

R: So you still hadn’t seen whoever was in the room with you?

L: No. I know they’re still there but...

R: You know they’re still there, that’s fine. And you ran out?

L: Yes.

R: Ok.

L: I was trying to get away.

R: Yes. What happened next Laura?

L: I went through the park.

R: Went through the park, yes.

L: Walked through the park, and I couldn’t see them.

R: You could see them?

L: No, I couldn’t see them.

R: Oh you couldn’t see them there.

L: So I thought I was alright to come home.

R: Uh-huh.

L: So I started to come home.

R: Yes. So you started to come home, then what happened?

L: Everything lit up bright.

R: Where were you in the park when everything lit up bright, can you remember?

L: Err I’d gone through the park, and I was coming back across the bridge.

R: Across the bridge, uh-huh.

L: Not out the other side, but across the bridge.

R: Yes I understand.

L: And then everything in the dark lit up bright like it was daytime.

R: Ok. So everything lit up bright?

L: I don’t know how it happened ‘cause it’s night time.

R: Yes of course, it’s night time. But suddenly you found it very very bright.

L: Yes.

R: Then what happened? Take your time, you’re ok, you’re doing very well. This is just a memory, you’re perfectly safe. I promise you, you’re perfectly safe, just try to remember.

L: I don’t know how I got there but I’m in a

R: You don’t know how you got there but you’re in a big room.

L: Yeah.

R: Mhmm.

L: A round room...round room.

R: A round room yes.

L: It’s all white.

R: Uh-huh.

L: Everything’s white.

R: Everything is white in this round room, I see.

L: Mhmm. I see other people.

R: Other people?

L: There’s other people in there.

R: Uh-huh.

L: I don’t know them.

R: You don’t recognise these people ok.

L: I don’t recognise them no.

R: Uh-huh. What are they doing, these other people in this round room Laura?

L: They’re all huddling together ‘cause they’re frightened.

R: They’re huddling together because they’re frightened.

L: Yes.


R: And then what happens?

L: Somebody comes into the room.

R: Can you see who comes into the room?

L: No it’s too bright.

R: It’s too bright to see who comes in, ok.

L: Too bright. The brightness hurts my eyes.

R: Ok. The brightness is hurting your eyes but you sense somebody’s come into the room?

L: Yes.

R: Can you see any shadows or movement?

L: No just the people huddled together.

R: Just the people huddled together, that’s fine, uh-huh. Then what happens?

L: He’s looking round the room at the people.

R: He is looking round the room at the people, have I got that right?

L: Yes.

R: Who’s he?

L: I don’t know.

R: Tell me what he looks like, this figure.

L: He’s very tall.

R: He’s very tall, ok.

L: Just very tall.

R: That’s fine, he’s very tall. You just describe him as best you can to me, you’ve got plenty of time, there’s no rush. This is just a memory, you’re just describing a memory to me Laura, you are perfectly safe I promise you.

L: He’s wearing a white robe. Umm...he’s got blond hair, long blond hair.

R: Uh-huh.

L: He’s just looking at all the people.

R: Can you see his face clearly?

L: He appears like just a normal person.

R: He looks like a normal person with long blond hair, is that correct?

L: Yes.

R: He’s white robed.

L: Yes.

R: And he’s very tall.

L: Yeah.

R: Can you see anything other than his white robe.

L: He’s got like a type of belt around the middle but its like, I don’t know, made of gold coloured rope.

R: So he’s got what appears to be a gold coloured rope around his middle.

L: Yeah.

R: Is there an emblem or any sort of marking on his white robe that you notice?

L: No.

R: No, that’s fine.

L: It’s got gold edging but...

R: Gold edging.

L: There’s nothing else.

R: Can you see this chap’s eyes?

L: They’re blue. Blue eyes.


R: Ok that’s fine, that’s fine. So this tall chap is looking, he’s looking at the group of people, did I get that right?

L: Yes.

R: Are you separate from that group of people?

L: Yeah.

R: Are you alone, standing alone?

L: Over the other side of the room.

R: You’re on the other side of the room, I understand. And what happens next?

L: He’s looking at the people.

R: Yes.

L: And then he looks at me...

R: Yes.

L: And he says “I don’t need you this time.”

R: I don’t need you this time.

L: I don’t know why he said that. I don’t need you.

R: Him having said that do you feel you’ve seen this being before, is he familiar to you at all?

L: No I’ve not seen him.

R: Doesn’t appear familiar ok. But he said he doesn’t need you this time.

L: Yes.

R: And then what happens?

L: I’m back on the bridge.

R: Mhmm.

L: And it’s raining.

R: You’re back on the bridge and it’s ranining.

L: Mhmm.

R: However did you get back on the bridge?

L: I don’t know.

R: Just go back again, like you did before. Back to that white room. And go forward very very slowly and take your time. As see if you can find out how you came to be back on the bridge. What happened between that white room and being back on the bridge?

L: (Breathes heavily)

R: That’s fine, you’re ok. It’s just a memory, just a memory. Just take it nice and slowly, and see if anything comes to mind.

L: I tried to ask him why he didn’t need me.

R: You asked him?

L: I asked him “Why don’t you need me? Why do you need them and you don’t need me?”

R: Yes. How did you ask? Verbally?

L: Yeah. I shouted it.

R: You shouted it?

L: I was angry.

R: Why would you be angry?

L: (Distressed) ‘Cause he came and he sent them people and...and they made me go and run away and, and then...he took me, I don’t know, I don’t, I don’t know how I got in there I just know I was on the bridge...

R: That’s ok, just relax.

L: And he was in there and and he took me and I didn’t want him to take me.

R: That’s ok. And then he said he didn’t need you.

L: And then he says he don’t need me.

R: So you got angry?

L: I’m angry ‘cause why did he take me if he don’t want me?

R: And you shouted that at him?

L: Yes.

R: And did you get a response?

L: No.

R: Did he look at you?

L: No.

R: Just breathe.

L: He walked out.

R: He walked out. Just breathe, just breathe. Just breathe, this is a memory don’t forget. It’s a memory don’t forget. That’s all it is. Just breathe for me. That’s great, that’s fine, that’s fine Laura, just breathe. You’re fine, you’re absolutely fine. Good girl, that’s great.

L: And as he going out the room I shouted at him, “Then why did you send them if you didn’t want me?”

R: Yes.

L: And he didn’t answer.

R: He ignored you?

L: He ignored me, he walked away.

R: And that didn’t help. And did that make you even more angry?

L: It’s made me more angry.

R: Yes.

L: And they...they grabbed hold of me.

R: Who grabbed hold of you?

L: I don’t know, somebody, two people, one grabbed each arm.

R: Yes.

L: Put two hands on each arm...

R: Yes.

L: And they grabbed me, and then they said “You’ve got to leave, he doesn’t want you, you’ve got to leave.”

R: Did you hear that? He doesn’t want you you’ve got to leave? Did you actually hear that?

L: Yes.

R: You heard that.

L: I don’t know whether it was in my head or...

R: I understand.

L: Whether I physically heard it, but I heard that.

R: Ok. Where are you looking now, as you’ve got one person on each side of you holding your arms, where are you looking?

L: I’m trying to look at them and see who they are.

R: Yes, and can you do that for me? I still sense you’re very angry.

L: They pulled me out of my bed for no reason.

R: Yes. And those two people who are frog marching you away. Who are these two people who are frog marching you away?

L: They won’t let me see them.

R: They won’t let you, how do they stop you seeing them?

L: I don’t know, I feel them holding my arm but I can’t see them.

R: Ok, that’s fair enough. And where do they take you Laura?

L: They take me out of the room.

R: Yes.

L: Umm, I don’t know. Just on the bridge. I don’t know how I got there.

R: You’re back on the bridge, that’s fine. And you say it’s raining on the bridge?

L: Yeah, it’s raining.

R: You’ve got your clothes from the following day on haven’t you?

L: I’m getting soaking wet.

R: So what do you do?

L: I was so angry I just...

R: You were still angry on the bridge?

L: It went dark again.

R: Yes.

L: And I couldn’t see anybody.

R: Ok.

L: And I knew that they must be up in the sky ‘cause that’s where the light was coming from.

R: I understand, you knew that they must be up in the sky because that was where the light was coming from, have I got that correct?

L: Yeah.

R: Thank you.

L: I looked up at the sky and I called them a bastard for taking me away. (Distressed)

R: Ok, ok, relax, you’re fine. It’s just a memory. You are extremely angry.

L: I was so angry I called them a bastard ‘cause...

R: That’s fine.

L: There was no need for them to take me from my bed, if they didn’t need me why didn’t they just leave me?

R: Absolutely.

L: Umm, I ran home.

R: You ran home.

L: I ran home ‘ cause I was scared now. I thought ‘cause I called them a bastard they might come back.

R: You were scared having called them a name, I understand, ok. You were frightened, and you were scared of repercussions, have I got that correctly?

L: Yeah, I don’t know what they would do.

R: No.

L: So I’m at home.

R: Mhmm. How did you get home?

L: I don’t remember. But I did.

R: Did you get home though?

L: I was soaking wet by the time I got home.

R: Soaking wet by the time you got home.

L: Soaking wet.

R: So you went in the house?

L: I put my night dress back on.

R: You put your night dress back on, uh-huh. What did you do with your clothes, the wet clothes?

L: I just dropped them on the floor.

R: Ok, you just dropped them on the floor.

L: Yeah.

R: Then what did you do?

L: I got back into bed

R: Mhmm.

L: And I went to sleep.

R: Just got back into your bed and went to sleep. After everything that had happened to you, your anger, you just got back into bed and went straight to sleep?

L: I didn’t go straight to sleep, it took a long time ‘cause I was still angry.

R: You still carried that anger with you?

L: I was angry that they took me and they didn’t need me.

R: Yes, of course. Right just breathe. Just breathe and let that go. You’re doing very well, you’re doing very well. Just breathe. And let that anger go, let it just seep away from you. You’re doing very well. Excellent. Just breathe and allow that just to dissipate, you don’t need that. That’s something you remembered, so you can let it go now. It was a memory, let that go.

L: Umm I got even more angry that I tried to wake John up, and John wouldn’t wake up.

R: He wouldn’t wake up. And that made it worse.

L: That made me even more angry, so it took a long time to get back to sleep.

R: Yes, I understand. Let it go, let it all go, let the anger go, let that memory go. Just breathe, that’s it, that’s good. Just breathe and settle, breathe and settle, you’re doing very well indeed. I’m very proud of you. Breathe and settle now.

What was revealed in the regression filled in all the gaps and Laura was finally able to understand what had taken place that night. Her recollection is impressively detailed. It was clear that the ETs initially planned to take her from her own bedroom. As with many other contact experiences, this began with a visitation by a number of beings. She could not verify exactly what they looked like, but it is probable that they were Greys. Afterwards Laura said that during the regression they appeared shadowy to her, like silhouettes. Perhaps this was due to the fact it was the middle of the night and she could not clearly see them in the darkness of her room. Or perhaps the beings did not wish to be seen and were masking their appearance from her. Most of the time when individuals are abducted they find they cannot move. This is probably done on purpose so the contactee cannot fight back against what is taking place. However Laura was not paralyzed at all during this experience, she was able to move around freely.

As well as being un-nerved by the beings, Laura was concerned that she was in her night clothes. The ETs actually allowed her to put her normal daytime clothing on. This is another sign that she had more control over the situation than contactees are usually granted. Perhaps they trusted her or expected her to co-operate. However it seems that she did not co-operate, as instead of going with the ETs she ran away from them. She left her house and ran down to the local park to escape from them. After the regression I asked Laura why she did not try knocking on someone else’s front door. Laura says she doesn’t really know, at the time she just wanted to get away. She had no idea of the time but it was still completely dark. Looking around she saw that the ETs had not given chase. It was now that the light appeared above her. This appears to have come from a craft, probably the same craft which she was originally intended to enter.

Laura was then taken up into the craft. She has no recollection of how she got there. It is common for contactees to forget this part of the experience, so and is known as travel amnesia. Her description of the inside of the craft, with the smooth curved glowing white walls fits in with many other cases. Aboard the craft she saw other people, probably other abductees who had been picked up elsewhere.

The being she met next was what we refer to as a Nordic. This extremely human-like species are often seen working in conjunction with the Greys and other species during contact experiences. They appear to have a number of ongoing agendas. Some believe that they have actually created the Greys to do work for them, as often they are seen to watch over proceedings while the Greys perform tasks. The Nordic told her that she was not needed. This was possibly related to what would take place in later experiences, described later in this report. At the time it served only to confuse Laura as the being would not tell her what he meant by this. She actually got quite angry at the Nordic for seemingly taking her un-necessarily.

Laura was then returned to the park at the same place she had been taken from. It was now that it started raining. The craft left the area and she then had to run back home in the rain. At this point she was frightened that she would be taken again. When she arrived home, she went up to her room, dumped her wet clothes on the floor and got into bed. She then tried to wake up her partner but found she could not. This has been reported many times during contact. It appears that the ETs have the ability to shut down the local area, which is probably done so that no-one will interfere with what they are doing or witness the abduction. In the end Laura settled down and went to sleep.

In the morning she had no recollection of what had taken place aboard the craft, she only had a flashback of standing in the park and the craft lighting up the area.

After the regression we managed to retrace the steps Laura took. She left her house on Cleveland Road and ran down to the junction with Farnham Terrace. She then ran down Farnham Terrace and and entered the park via the gate at the end of this road. She ran through the park and ended up on the bridge on Ettrick Grove. This is where she was abducted by the craft. After her abduction she then continued along Ettrick Grove until it joined with Cleveland Road. She then ran back along Cleveland Road to her house.

Aerial map showing the full route that Laura took:


Laura is very pleased with what she was able to remember under regression, and is certain that this is what took place. Due to her experiences she has looked into the UFO subject, but has only looked into contact a bit, and does not believe that she imagined what she came out with. It was completely real to her and fitted in with what she had consciously remembered beforehand.

Mother & Sisters UFO Encounter

On the same evening as Laura was abducted, her mother and sisters also had a close encounter with a UFO and were also possibly taken. After dropping Laura back at her house, her sister Carol made her way home to her mothers. As she neared the Moorside Estate she noticed an orange glow coming from behind the houses. Initially she assumed it was just the sun going down. But then she realised that the sun was visible elsewhere in the sky so she knew the glow had to be coming from something else.

Carol arrived home and told her mother Beth and elder sister Julia about the light. They decided to head back out to see if they could find the cause of the glow. They stepped outside the house, but the cause of the light was hidden from view behind other housing. So they then got in the car and drove round to the back of the estate to take a closer look at whatever it was.

As they arrived at the back of the estate, there hovering in the air was the source of the orange glow. It looked like a bright orange glowing sphere, which appeared very large in size. It was completely silent and motionless. As they got near to it, suddenly the car engine and lights cut out. Initially this didn’t really bother them as they assumed Carol had stalled the car – she had not long passed her test. Besides this, they had found what they were out looking for. They were all astounded and stared at the sphere for what seemed like several minutes.

Aerial map showing Marcross Drive (A) and the approximate location of the UFO (B):


Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Julia became extremely agitated. She screamed at Carol “Get us out of here! There’s something not right here, get us out of here!” When Carol later told Laura about the incident she said that at this point she and her mother “snapped out of it”, implying that they had been in a dazed or trance-like state.

Carol tried the car ignition but the car wouldn’t start. Julia continued to panic shouting “Start the car, start the car, we need to get out of here!” At this point Beth noticed that it had got dark extremely fast, it had seemed like sunset only moments before. She exclaimed “When did it get dark? It’s got dark really quick hasn’t it?” Julia replied that she didn’t really care, she just wanted to get out of there.

Then they noticed that the orange sphere had gone. At this moment, the car started, although the lights were still not working. By then all three witnesses were frightened so Carol began to drive them away from the area anyway. She drove at quite a fast speed. There were cars honking their horns at them because they didn’t have their lights on. Carol kept trying the lights, and further down the road they suddenly began working again.

They arrived home, quite shaken up at what they had experienced. The UFO had only been about five minutes drive away from where they lived. They had seemingly only watched it for five minutes at most, so they felt they had been gone from the house for no more than 15 minutes. But when they checked the clock they found a whole hour had gone by. There was 45 minutes they could not account for.

The following day when Laura went round to visit, her sisters looked shaken up and she asked them what was wrong. They told her about what had happened. Laura did not mention the strange dream and wet clothing to them. Later on she would come to believe that she, her sisters and mother had been abducted on the same night during two separate incidents!

Aerial map showing the distance between Barnes Park (A) and the Moorside Estate (B):


Unfortunately her sisters are not happy with speaking about the incident and have blocked it out, and her mum is too ill to speak with about it with me. So the only information we have on what happened is what Laura was told by her sisters that day.

We have no way to confirm whether or not her sisters and mother were actually taken, but the fact there was 45 minutes missing time does tend to suggest this happened. It is clear that what they witnessed was something out of the ordinary. It was too large to be a Chinese lantern or lit inflatable, and also if it was one of these then it surely would have drifted in the numerous minutes that the witnesses watched it for. The way in which the car engine and lights cut out has been reported many times before when people have got close to genuine craft. It is widely believed that the field the craft projects around it in order to hover and move around interferes with electronics in close proximity.

Whether or not Laura’s mother and sisters were abducted, the very fact that they had a close encounter with a UFO on the same evening that Laura’s abduction occurred cannot just be down to coincidence. Contact often runs through multiple members of a family, so it seems probable that Laura is correct in her assumption that she, her mother and sisters were taken.

Huge UFO Sighting

In February 1982 Laura split up from her boyfriend and moved to a bedsit on High Road, in Seven Kings, London. She lived there until June of that year. At some point during this period, Laura had a stunning UFO sighting.

At the time Laura used to work through the evening. She used to get a lift home with others at the end of each shift. It was between 11.30-12pm and she was on her way home in a full car of people. She was on the right side of the back seat. Everyone else except the driver had dropped off to sleep. They were almost home and were driving along Benton Road. Her road was in sight on the other side of an area of grass and trees, which has since been built over.

Aerial map showing the location of the car, direction they were moving in, and the location of Laura's bedsit:


Laura peered out of the window across to the building her bedsit was in. She then saw a very strange and very large object in the sky, directly over the top of this building. At first she assumed it was some other buildings in view behind her own. However she soon realised it could not be.

It appeared to be a flattened disc, with many tall rectangular shaped objects stacked on top of it. All of these rectangles had squares all over them. It was glowing bright yellow in colour. However this glow did not seem to be illuminating the buildings below it. The object was absolutely huge, Laura estimates it was at least as wide as two football pitches.

Witness drawing of the glowing UFO:


Laura was convinced that it was not an optical illusion. She could not have mistaken the reflection of a group of office blocks for the object because there were none in the area (As she lived there she of course knew what kinds of buildings there were nearby).

The object was hovering about 100 feet high and was gliding very slowly over the tops of the buildings. Laura was of course amazed by what she was seeing. She tried to tell the driver of the car but for some reason no words came out. Neither could she reach out and grab the driver to get their attention. She does not know whether this was due to the shock of what she was looking at, or something else entirely.

The mysterious object was in sight for about 5 minutes as the car drove along Benton Road The car then turned a corner. A few minutes later it arrived at a car park where Laura would depart. She checked once more for the object but could no longer see it anywhere.

Due to the appearance of the object, its size and the length of time Laura watched it for this is a fascinating sighting. It seems hard to believe that such a large brightly glowing object could have hovered in the sky over London for at least 5 minutes without being spotted by lots of witnesses. Then again it was over the tops of some buildings, and the area was not particularly open, so it cannot be ruled out. Another suggestion is that the object was only visible to Laura due to her contact experiences. Perhaps if the driver had looked they would not have been able to see the UFO anyway. I have investigated numerous other cases where this very thing has occurred. Perhaps it was visible to everyone but other witnesses had their memories of the experience removed.

You may feel that the object looks a little similar to the base of the main craft at the end of Close Encounters of The Third Kind, but the other way up. This similarity did not go un-noticed by Laura. She had not seen this movie when she had the sighting, so a hallucination based on it can be ruled out. However when she did finally catch up with the film, the base of the mother ship reminded her of what she had seen, but facing down instead of up. We cannot fully rule out the possibility that it was an odd reflection in the glass of the window. Perhaps there was a bright yellow light source in the area that was being reflected in an odd manner and creating an illusion. That said, surely if it was something like this it would have remained completely still, not slowly glided over the roofs of the houses.

If it was a genuine massive craft of some kind, it seems too coincidental that it was in the air directly over Laura’s bedsit. Could it have been in the area to monitor her in some way, or perhaps even to abduct her? She does not remember anything else strange happening during this time period that would suggest she was later abducted, however she may have been observed against her knowledge.

The Red Sphere

In November 1983, Laura had moved into a house in Dagenham, Essex, with her partner Joseph and his mother. She was ill and had been in bed for most of the day. But in the evening Top Of The Pops was on and she had decided that she would specially get up and watch it downstairs. At 7.55pm Joseph came upstairs to let her know it was going to be starting in 5 minutes. He then went back downstairs.

Laura got up out of bed and went to put her dressing gown on. It was then that she noticed a red glow coming from behind the curtains of her bedroom window. She immediately thought this was strange, as in that direction there was only the playing fields of a local school. She pulled back the curtains and peered outside. There out over the back garden was a glowing red spherical object. It was about 200 yards away, and was not massive in size but was at least as big as a car.

Witness drawing of the red sphere:


Laura stood and stared at the object for what seemed like a couple of minutes. She was intrigued by it but not really frightened. The object then seemed to vanish, so she closed the curtains and headed downstairs. When she entered the lounge, Joseph looked up and said to her “You’re too late you’ve missed it!” Laura saw some program credits on the TV screen and replied “What are you on about? Surely that’s the credits from the program before?” He replied “No, that’s the credits of the program you wanted to watch! I came up and told you it was about to begin. You’ve missed it.”

A whole hour had gone by which she could not account for. She was very confused and felt that it must have been due to the object she had seen over the garden. She told Joseph but he insisted she must have dropped back off to sleep and dreamed she saw the red sphere. However Laura was convinced she had got up out of bed and got quite angry about the situation. As you will see later in this report, there was much more to this incident than Laura initially remembered.

First Pregnancy & The Silver Triangle

In mid January 1984 Laura had a strange dream. In this dream someone who she could not see told her that she was pregnant and that the baby would be born on the 11th August. She remembered this when she woke in the morning, but did not put it down to anything more than a dream.

On 30th January, Laura found out that she was 11 weeks pregnant. She had no idea before that point as she wasn’t showing any of the normal signs of pregnancy such as morning sickness, and was even menstruating like normal. She started to put on weight and decided to go to see a doctor to find out what was happening. The doctor could not explain it so sent her to see a gynaecologist. It was at this point that she was informed she was pregnant, which of course came as a great surprise. She was not trying for a baby at the time and could not understand how she had become pregnant. But when she counted back 11 weeks she realised that this was around the time she had seen the red sphere and missed an hour of time.

The gynaecologist then sent Laura to the antenatal clinic. They informed Laura that the baby would not be due till the 16th September. Laura told them about the strange dream and felt that this was wrong and that she would give birth on the 11th August. She put the dream down to a premonition, which she had experienced on other occasions (see later).

After she had been told about the baby, she then started to experience the normal signs of pregnancy. It’s possible that some were taking place beforehand but Laura had not really noticed or put it down to other things. However her periods had definitely carried on until she was informed of the baby, but from that point on ceased.

These observations were not to be the only strange aspects to the pregnancy. At the time both she and her partner Joseph worked at the same location. Laura would travel with Joseph every morning at 6.30am on the back of his motorbike. The morning after she found out she was pregnant, they got ready to leave like usual. They got on the motorbike on the front driveway. However when Joseph tried the ignition the bike wouldn’t start. Laura happened to glance back towards the house. There hovering in the sky over the roof was a silver-coloured triangular shaped object. It was reflecting the morning light. The object was hovering completely still. It appeared to be upright, and was equilateral in shape. It had a flat surface with no distinguishable markings.

Witness drawing of the triangular UFO:


Laura was not frightened of the object. She felt that it meant her no harm and was watching over her. She did not tell Joseph about its presence. She did not feel the need to do so, it felt to her like it was for her eyes only. The object began to back away, and at this moment the motorbike started up. They set off for their workplace. Along their journey Laura glanced back numerous times, and was astounded to see that the object was following them. It remained up in the clouds but was present until they reached their destination. At this point it suddenly blinked out and was gone.

This object did not appear just once. In fact it appeared every single morning she would travel in to work. It continued to do this right up until she left work on maternity. She never saw it at any other time. It would always begin over the house and would then proceed to follow her and Joseph until they reached their work place. Some mornings it was of course cloudy. The object was at a high enough altitude that it would not be visible on these occasions, but Laura could still sense that it was there even if she couldn’t see it.

It may seem unbelievable to some that Laura saw the object on so many occasions, but she did not tell her partner or anyone else about, neither did anyone else happen to see it at any point. However Laura insists that this was because she knew it was there for her and watching over her. She had no interest in trying to prove its existence to anyone else, her partner included. This is why she never tried to photograph or video tape it. It is possible that there were other witnesses to it who either did not report their sighting, or perhaps did but these reports have not been discovered yet. Another possibility is that only Laura could see the object, it was somehow only appearing to her.

In early August Laura began to experience difficulties with the pregnancy and the doctors recommended that she should be induced. She went in to be induced on 8th August. However for three days this induction did not work as planned, which the doctors at the hospital were baffled by. In the end on August 11th, just as Laura knew would take place, the induction procedure finally worked and she gave birth to her first son Peter.

Peter was a completely normal baby, and has not exhibited any unusual traits or abilities. He too has had experiences and UFO sightings, sometimes in Laura’s presence, sometimes not. At present he does not wish to speak to me about these experiences. It is unsurprising that he has experienced things as well as Laura, as contact often occurs through multiple individuals in a family bloodline. Many including myself believe that the ETs are interested in our genetics and how our genes change over numerous generations, and are slowly making modifications over time.

(Continued in Part 2)

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2011



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