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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

September/October 2019 – St Annes – Flying Triangle Formations Sighting

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien Release Date: 03/03/2020

On 10th February 2020 I was invited to give a talk at New Horizons at St Annes. During the evening I was approached by numerous people who wanted to share their UFO experiences with me. One of these individuals was a gentleman named Andrew who informed me of a fascinating sighting of multiple UFO formations he had experienced the previous year.

Sighting Details

Andrew lives on Inner Promenade, St Annes, close to the Eastern end of Fairhaven Lake, which is situated close to the edge of Granny’s Bay. He often likes to lie down on the front driveway of his house and sky watch after dark. On a Friday or Saturday night in either September or October 2019 he was doing just this.

Aerial map of Fairhaven Lake showing the approximate sighting location

It was between 11pm – 1am. Andrew was lying down on the drive while his wife was inside the house. It was a very clear, still and mild night with the stars fully visible overhead. He was staring straight upward when suddenly three objects smoothly glided overhead. Each object was triangular in shape and glowing with a dim white light. They were positioned in a triangular formation, with one at the front followed by two behind. They appeared to be completely silent. Andrew believes they were about 25-30 feet across. The objects seemed to be about 700-1000 feet in the air, and he estimates they were moving at about 150 mph. They were heading on a Southerly course.

Photograph of Fairhaven Lake from the sighting location

Aerial map of Fairhaven Lake showing the path of the UFOs

As soon as he spotted the objects flying overhead he thought to himself “What the fuck’s that?” He sat up and watched as the objects disappeared out of sight, seemingly heading out over the bay. They were visible for no more than 10 seconds and before long had vanished into the darkness.

Witness drawing of the formation of UFOs

Andrew questioned what he had just seen. They did not appear to have been normal aircraft of any kind, and appeared to have been low enough to have been able to hear sound if there was any coming from them. He considered whether they could have been birds reflecting lights from the ground but this did not fit either for a number of reasons. Firstly he was used to seeing these fly overhead on previous occasions. The objects he had just seen seemed too angular and there was no sign of movement coming from them. Also when he had seen birds previously they would usually come in to land on the lake and he would hear the noise of them splashing into the water, but on this occasion there was just silence. He was convinced they had carried on flying out over the sea.

He lay back down and continued to wonder about the objects. About 5 minutes passed by. Suddenly he was amazed to see another formation fly overhead! This time there were five of the objects – one at the front, two behind and then three behind them. Everything else about the sighting remained the same – the size, shape and colour of the objects, the speed and direction they were moving in! As they flew overhead the middle one at the rear appeared to move a little to create a precise formation.

Witness drawing of the 2nd formation of UFOs

Andrew was astounded. He had just seen two groupings of objects he could not identify. He wondered if anyone else in the area had also seen them. He went inside the house and called his wife, saying to her “You’ll never guess what I’ve just seen. Come on out!”

She joined him and they both headed back outside onto the driveway. They stared up into the sky while Andrew recounted what had just taken place. They waited for about 5 minutes but there were no further sightings of anything out of the ordinary. It was getting quite cold so they decided to head back inside.

Andrew wishes that he was able to capture the objects on camera but he did not have one on him at the time, he was just out there to relax and look up at the stars.

Sighting Analysis

This is certainly an interesting sighting. As Andrew himself realised, these did not appear to be conventional aircraft of any kind, military or otherwise. It seems improbable that they were birds as it would have been possible to see their wings flapping and they would not have appeared so straight edged.

The objects could not have been Chinese lanterns as they were the wrong shape, and also lanterns tend to glow a fiery orange colour rather than white.

It is interesting to wonder whether the objects were picked up on radar. If this was a very recent sighting and we had a more accurate date and time it would have been possible to contact the nearby airport to ask this very question, although even if something had been detected they may well have not revealed this information anyway.

I have dealt with a number of cases on previous occasions involving formations of triangular and oval shaped UFOs, so while uncommon this incident is far from unique.

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2020



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