Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Date: 09/02/2012
Last Updated: 09/12/2024
This report covers an orange orb sighting experienced by a couple from Coventry on an unknown date. The details were provided by the brother of the male witness, Mr J. Sturch, while discussing some other incidents he directly experienced. Links to reports on these incidents can be found near the end of this report. Only limited details are known at present as I lost contact after receiving the initial details.
Sighting Details
One evening Mr Sturch’s brother was on his way out of the house in Coventry. It was around 8pm. He stepped outside to wait for his fiancée. While he waited he looked up into the night sky. It was now that he noticed a big glowing orange ball of light. The object was completely stationary and silent.
Puzzled by what it could be, he watched the object for several minutes. His fiancée came outside and joined him. He told her to look up and see what he had been watching. She immediately stated that it was probably a helicopter. But he pointed out that there was no noise coming from it. She then said it must be a plane of some kind, but again he thought otherwise due to the colour and fact that it was not moving.
While they continued to watch, a jet approached on the landing path for Coventry airport, which was about 2-3 miles from his house. The jet flew right above the UFO, proving that it was at a lower altitude. It still continued to hover motionless. Then a short while later, it suddenly shot away at an incredible speed! In that moment both witnesses realised they had seen something very unusual indeed.
Mr Sturch says that his brother is a level-headed guy and would not have made this story up. Usually orange orbs of light seen after dark turn out to be nothing more than Chinese lanterns. However due to the manoeuvres witnessed, this object was clearly not a lantern or LED balloon.
The fact that it hovered motionless for a number of minutes, then instantly accelerated at a very fast speed fits in with many other UFO sightings. It suggests that the object was clearly under control, and that it possessed advanced flight capabilities. Most mundane explanations do not adequately explain what was observed.
Sighting Analysis
As there were two witnesses, it was clearly present in the sky. The object could not have been a distant aeroplane as it remained stationary for a number of minutes. It was certainly not a helicopter due to the lack of normal navigation lights, lack of sound, and speed of movement when it began moving. Drones were not commercially available at the time of the sighting.
It could not have been a meteorite as these are only seen for a brief moment. It is very unlikely to have been an earth light, as these do not suddenly fly off extremely fast, and are rarely observed over urbanised areas. Therefore, with these alternatives eliminated, I feel that the object was likely to be an advanced craft, possibly of ET origin.
As mentioned at the start of this report, the individual who reported this case, Mr J. Sturch has had two experiences himself - a sighting of an unusual being (Click here) and sighting of a white sphere (click here).
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024