Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Year: 2010
Last Updated: 15/10/2024
In 2010 I was contacted by a man from Liverpool, who I shall name “Andrew”. He informed me that he has an interest in Ufology and other alternative news and information, but also has numerous other interests. He considers himself to normal and of sound mind.
Andrew says that he believes he has had a number of visitation experiences in his childhood but the details are quite blurred now. He recollects his adult experiences in much clearer detail.
Around 1995 Andrew started to experience regular nosebleeds from his right nostril on a near daily basis. These continue to this day, although their regularity has reduced somewhat.
A year after these nosebleeds began, he noticed a strange anomaly in his right nostril. It felt like there was a hole inside it. He believes this anomaly is still present, and wonders if it is the cause of the nosebleeds, and if it is related to his contact experiences in any way.
At present he has not visited his GP about it or got it X-Rayed.
Beings Visitation
Mid-way through January 2008, Andrew had a disturbing experience which he believes could have been extra-terrestrial contact. The incident occurred in his current house in the area of Aintree, Liverpool.

At the time he was sharing the property with his partner. They had had an argument earlier in the evening, something which was very uncharacteristic of them. Andrew decided to sleep downstairs in the living room on an inflatable bed. He was not particularly stressed by what had happened and felt that in the morning everything would be fine again. He fell off to sleep just after midnight.
He awoke at about 3am. There was a clattering sound like something being knocked over, and also he found that his breathing seemed faster and deeper than normal. He is not sure which of these two things woke him up. It almost felt like something else was controlling his breathing.
Andrew is a light sleeper and he was certain that he was fully awake and not dreaming. He was lying front down on the mattress with his head facing to the left. When he tried to move he found he could not, he felt completely paralyzed apart from his eyes.
Close to him to his left he could sense the presence of a being of some kind, which was either short or kneeling. He also felt that there were two other beings behind him to the right, about 5 feet away, but he could not turn to see. He could however hear them bumping into things. It was quite dark in the room, especially to his left where he perceived the short/kneeling entity to be. He felt he could make out a rough shape but it was in shadow so no details could be made out.
For an unknown reason Andrew sensed that the small figure to his left was in control and was manipulating his breathing. He looked over at the light switch and thought to himself “I’ll turn on the light switch and see who’s in here”.
This was the last thing he remembered. The next thing he knew it was the morning and his alarm clock was ringing. He was puzzled by what had taken place during the night. He stood up and looked around for ten minutes, but could not find anything out of place in the room.
Bicep Marking
The following evening Andrew was brushing his teeth when he noticed in the mirror a small circular red mark above his left bicep. He had no idea where this had come from, and wondered if it was something to do with what had taken place on the previous night. He tried touching it but it didn’t hurt.
He took a couple of photographs of it for future reference. Soon after noticing the marking, it completely faded away. Andrew wonders if it was a bruise caused by being held tightly by one of the beings, or by having an instrument used on him.
Unexplained Lump
Later in the same month Andrew found a lump behind his left ear, just behind his jaw-line. It was about the size of the tip of a ball point pen. When he pushed on it, it would not hurt, but would move around under his skin a small amount.
He is not aware of how long it remained there for, but recently he checked for it again and it was no longer present.
Although the lump could have had a medical explanation, such as a temporary cyst, there is still the possibility that it was an implant, which was then later on removed.
It is hard to say whether Andrew’s experiences are definitely contact-related or not. Nosebleeds are a common after effect of contact, and the anomaly he believes he can feel is intriguing, however it could have a medical explanation. As he has not visited his GP about it this is impossible to confirm at present.
The visitation is interesting, however he did not see the beings themselves. Aspects of what he has described could easily be attributed to a sleep paralysis experience rather than contact. Shadowy forms and strange sounds are often described, as is a feeling of pressure which can make it hard to breathe. It is also known that sleep paralysis is more common during periods of stress or when sleeping in an unfamiliar place, both of which would again apply. There are a number of cross-overs between sleep paralysis and contact, and it is important to remain grounded.
It’s obviously intriguing that the mark on his bicep was found directly following the incident, and the lump behind his ear also found soon afterwards, but again neither can be confirmed as artificial. The marking could have simply been a bruise from unknowingly banging his arm against something (perhaps while asleep), and the lump could again have had a natural explanation. As it was not checked for being metallic or X-Rayed, and it is no longer present, we will never know for sure.
Perhaps Andrew’s childhood experiences mean that the above incidents are down to contact, but we do not have any knowledge of what happened with those currently.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024