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Katanga / Brussels / London / Cheltenham / Quedgeley Contact Case - Grey Abductions, UFO Sightings

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Originally forwarded by Richard Hall

Release Date: 16/08/2011

Last Updated: 20/01/2025


Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonym has been used for key witness




“Kerry” has had many fascinating experiences throughout her life. Some of these experiences appear to indicate that she is a contactee, and may have been since an early age. They include two visitations by Grey beings, many dreams that appear symbolic of ET contact and abduction experiences, and numerous UFO sightings. This report covers her experiences in depth in the rough order that they have taken place.


Helicopter Flight


When Kerry was young she lived with her parents on Avenue de l’Escaut in Jadotville, Katanga in the Belgian Congo. These days Jadotville is known as Likasi. She used to go to L’Ecole des Soeurs primary school near to where she lived.


One morning when she was 8 years old (possibly between September 1955 and January 1956), she told her mother that she had been on a helicopter flight the previous day while she was at school.

She remembered that a helicopter had descended and landed in the school yard. The pilot, who had come specifically to fetch her, was a man who lived two doors down from them named Mr Lener. He was an employee of the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga (UMHK), and would sometimes give helicopter tours of the area.


Aerial map of L’Ecole des Soeurs school, with the positions of Kerry’s class and the playground marked
Aerial map of L’Ecole des Soeurs school, with the positions of Kerry’s class and the playground marked

When her mother heard this she was horrified. It felt to Kerry like a real memory that had actually taken place, and due to her age did not think there was anything unusual about what had happened. After telling her mother the story she went back into school like usual. While she was at school her mother went round to see Mr. Lener. He completely denied landing at the school or taking Kerry for a ride in the helicopter. However he had passed over the school in a helicopter on the previous day as part of his job. There is no way that Kerry could have known this fact as it was classified information.


Late afternoon when Kerry returned home she remembers overhearing her mother talking to her father about the incident wondering how she could have known about Mr Lener’s helicopter flight on the previous day. Through overhearing later conversations between her parents and Mr. Lener, she learned that the passenger of his flight had been one of the first conquerors of Mount Everest who had been interested in seeing the different landmarks of Katanga from the air. Because of this incident her parents stayed in touch with the Lener family and would sometimes go round to visit them.


Looking back at the experience, Kerry cannot remember actually climbing aboard the helicopter, or how she was returned to the school yard, she just remembers being on board it in the air alongside Mr. Lener and possibly other individuals.


The incident remains a compelling mystery. Could it have been nothing more than a vivid dream and unusual coincidence? Perhaps Kerry was aware of Mr. Lener’s job as he was one of her neighbours. Perhaps she had a dream formed from this knowledge, and that the night she had the dream just happened to coincide with a genuine helicopter flight that Mr. Lener had made. However this does seem quite unlikely, so perhaps there is a more unusual explanation.


ETs have the ability to mask both their own appearance and the appearance of their craft. This has been reported many times by contactees from all around the world, and is usually referred to as a screen memory. The ETs will often choose something familiar to the individual such as a family member, pet or acquaintance. This is probably done to reduce the trauma of the experience, or perhaps it is done as a means of disguise so the contactee will not realise what is really taking place. Was Kerry abducted from the school yard? Was the “helicopter” she had been taken up in for a flight actually an ET craft? Did the pilot of this craft disguise its appearance as Mr. Lener on purpose to appear as a familiar face to Kerry. This is certainly worth considering, especially as there are other known cases where exactly the same thing has been reported.


There are of course other possible explanations for what took place. Explanations that may or may not have anything to do with ET contact. Is this incident evidence that Kerry possesses psychic or remote viewing abilities? Perhaps what she remembered was brought on by remotely seeing through the eyes of the passenger. However if this was the case there is still the question of why she had this vision in the first place. Also she remembers the helicopter actually landing in the school yard, which it did not do, it merely flew over the school.


Given the particular circumstances and Kerry’s many later experiences, I feel that there is a good chance that this incident was an abduction, one in which the ETs disguised their craft and themselves as something familiar to her. If she decides to go for a regression then this incident could be explored in more depth and we may be able to find out for sure whether this was the case or not.


Parent’s Abduction


By 1961, Kerry and her parents had moved to Brussels. They owned a large flat on a road named Larousse. The flat was also rented by two teachers from Jadotville, one of whom had been her primary school teacher at the time of the helicopter incident. The other teacher was one of her current teachers. At the time Kerry was studying Greek History. In May 1961 it was her exam period. She had a number of weeks off school to prepare for her exams. During this time she studied in her parent’s double bedroom as it was quiet in there and out of the way.


Aerial map of Larousse indicating Kerry's flat
Aerial map of Larousse indicating Kerry's flat

One afternoon she was in the bedroom sitting on the floor and studying like usual. Her parents were elsewhere in the flat, the teachers were out and at school. She suddenly felt un-naturally tired. She decided this must be down to her concentration on the work. At first she tried to fight this feeling, but in the end decided to lie down on the bed for a nap.


When she awoke it was still daylight. She did not bother checking the time, and did not have a watch on, but did go to the window to see what was happening outside and work out roughly what time it was. From the shadows of the buildings she could see it was about 5pm. She then noticed a strange object in the blue sky. It was off to the right of her vision a bit and appeared as a circular red shape. It was completely stationary in the sky. Kerry immediately knew that it was something out of the ordinary. It looked nothing like a cloud and she knew that the sun was not visible in that direction, and was on the other side of the flat. She was also aware of the positioning of the moon as she had seen it only the night before.


Witness drawing of the red orb
Witness drawing of the red orb

Kerry had read a book on UFOs by Jimmy Guieu called “Flying Saucers Come From Another World” and wondered to herself if the object was a UFO. However back then she had no idea of the variety of UFO colours and was puzzled by the fact it was glowing red rather than metallic. She was a little concerned by the object so decided to go and get her parents so that they could also take a look at it.


She left the bedroom and went to find her parents. It soon became apparent to her that nobody was there. The flat seemed strangely quiet and calm, more so than it would usually be even on her own. She checked every room but both her parents and the teachers were missing. She still felt unusually tired and knew that she would have to go back off to sleep. She went back to the bedroom and lay back down again.


Witness drawing of the flat layout and position of the orb
Witness drawing of the flat layout and position of the orb

When she awoke she could hear everyone talking in the kitchen. She had been stirred from her sleep by them calling her for dinner. She went through to the kitchen and sat down. She then asked them “You know earlier on I came out of the bedroom and looked for you and you were not here, did you go out?” Her mother informed her they had not gone out anywhere and had been in the flat the entire time.


A short while later she brought up the incident again, saying that there had been nobody in the flat. This time her father became irritated and told her to be quiet. He said that they would never have gone out without telling her first. Kerry did not bring up the incident again.


At the time she had no idea what had happened, it felt very strange indeed to her. In 1995 she bought a book on ET contact. While reading this she realised that the incident back in 1961 could have been contact related. She wondered whether the red glowing object had been a UFO and whether the discrepancies in what took place were due to an abduction experience. For many years she assumed it was her who was abducted. But recently she has wondered whether it was not her who was taken, but her parents. Perhaps the ETs had shut her down to enable them to take her parents, but she had awoken while they were aboard the craft.


Whether or not you believe that this experience was down to ET contact depends on whether you believe that Kerry could not have just been dreaming. She says that she knew the difference and was definitely awake when she looked around the flat and saw the glowing UFO. However there is still the chance she was mistaken and that it was just a very vivid dream. She was feeling very tired at the time. Perhaps this was natural and that this led her to experience a vivid dream in which she woke up and looked around for her parents. Perhaps they had not gone anywhere and she was just imagining they had.


However there are a number of aspects to this incident which suggest otherwise. Could she really have dreamed something so clearly in such good detail that she thought it was real? And what should be made of the glowing red object in the sky? This does give the incident an unusual element that perhaps was ET in nature.


White Orbs Sighting


Kerry has had numerous UFO sightings throughout her life. The first of these took place in February 1964. She was around her friend Marie-France’s house in the centre of Kolwezi, Katanga. It was early evening and just starting to get dark. Her mother was talking with Marie-France’s mother, and the girls were playing outside the front of the house. Patrice Sinave, the son of one of the teachers at the nearby College Saint Jean XXIII, was also present.


It was a clear and warm night, and there were many stars in the sky overhead. The witnesses were talking about science-fiction, which they all had an interest in. Kerry mentioned something she had read in Jimmy Guieu’s book which said that ETs could have the technology to listen in to people’s conversations. At that exact moment they suddenly noticed a moving star-like white orb light crossing the sky and heading towards a second stationary similar light.


Kerry was familiar with the night sky. The moving orb appeared to be travelling faster than a satellite would usually move, but was too slow to be a meteorite. It was travelling in a straight line and looked like it was going to collide with the stationary orb. They were at an angle of about 45 degrees in the sky and appeared to be up in space outside of the atmosphere. As the moving orb reached the other one the witnesses expected to see an explosion, but it was as if the moving object merged with it! It did not slow down beforehand it had just vanished at the exact moment it reached the stationary orb.


Aerial map of Katanga indicating the sighting location, the direction of the lights and movement path
Aerial map of Katanga indicating the sighting location, the direction of the lights and movement path

The witnesses were mystified by what they had just seen and questioned it to each other. It could have been nothing more than a coincidence but it was strange that something unusual had seemed to take place at the very moment Kerry was speaking about ETs listening in on conversations. They wondered if the stationary object was a large spacecraft, and that the moving object had docked with it. They continued to watch for a while longer. The stationary orb remained motionless.


In the end, Kerry’s mother called her and she had to head home by car. She did not check for the same stationary object in the sky when she arrived home.


Could the glowing objects seen have been genuine UFOs operating outside of the atmosphere or at very high altitude? This cannot be ruled out completely, however it is just as likely that there was a mundane explanation for what was seen. It is unlikely that the moving light was an aircraft at high altitude as it was a clear night so the lights on it would have remained visible not suddenly vanished.

However perhaps the moving object was a satellite catching the suns rays, and after a while it had rotated and stopped reflecting the light so appeared to vanish just as it passed in front of a distant star. This could have created the same effect to what was observed. As the objects were nothing more than glowing star-like lights, and no unusual manoeuvres were witnessed, this explanation cannot be ruled out.


Whether or not the lights seen were ET related, they did not appear to interact with Kerry directly and were very distant, so are unlikely to have been linked with her contact experiences.


A Lost Pregnancy?


Around August 1967 when she was 19 Kerry began to suffer from menstrual pains. Her mother accused her of secretly having an abortion, which was not the case. She decided to go to a Belgian gynaecologist. In Belgium it is possible to go straight to a specialist without having to first go to a GP.


After an examination she was informed that she had been pregnant but that the baby was no longer there. He asked her if she had lost it without being aware, but she was certain she would have known. It remained a mystery.


Looking at this incident on its own, it can of course be put down to a mundane explanation, a lost pregnancy that Kerry had somehow completely missed. However in later years she would have other experiences which suggest this could have been ET related.


Yellow-White Orb Sighting


By 1969, Kerry had moved to London. In the spring she saw a poster for the Aetherius Society (a worldwide spiritual UFO-based organisation) and decided to start going along to their lectures. One evening in the autumn she was out walking in the early evening after 5pm. The sky was still light and it was a clear evening. She was on her way to the society from her work place, and had stopped at some traffic lights. She cannot be sure, but she believes she was on Totenham Court Road.


Suddenly she saw a glowing object appear in the sky in the direction she was facing. It was like a glowing yellow-white coloured ball of fire with a tail behind it like a comet. The object seemed to have appeared from nowhere. It ascended into the sky, came back down again and then ascended a second time. As it reached the height it had reached the first time it vanished without trace. It did all of this within several seconds.


Witness drawing of the yellow orb in the sky and her position on the road
Witness drawing of the yellow orb in the sky and her position on the road

The object had seemed large in size and had been at quite a high altitude over the buildings. Kerry felt that what she had witnessed was an ET craft shifting into the physical plane of existence before shifting back out, which would explain its sudden appearance and disappearance.

The object could not have been a meteorite as these travel on a straight or slightly dipped path across the sky, they do not rapidly ascend and descend. It moved too fast to have been a lit inflatable and again the movement pattern does not fit. A lit inflatable would usually have continued to ascend upwards, or perhaps ascend until the flame burnt out then descended back down to the ground. However it could have been buffeted around in air currents so this cannot be fully ruled out. But if it was an inflatable then surely it would not have suddenly vanished in the way that it did? It was still daylight so even if it had gone out or deflated it would have still be visible falling back to the ground.


A mundane possibility could be an unusual firework that someone had set off in the daytime. The object did look large but perhaps this was just an optical illusion and it was actually closer and smaller than it appeared. The fact the object was only visible for several seconds and then vanished without trace could suggest this, as fireworks often burn out without a final explosion. Another possible explanation is that it was atmospheric phenomena of some kind such as an earth light. However these are quite rare and generally appear in rural areas not over populated urban areas, so again this seems unlikely.

The Yellow-White Orb Returns!

Either the following year or the one after, Kerry had two sightings of a similar coloured object in the same evening, and this time the movement pattern was quite different. She was on the way to the Aetherius Society from her flat on Fulham Road. She was walking along the road when she suddenly noticed a glowing object hovering a short distance above the roof tops. She thought it may be something unusual but as it was just a stationary yellow-white light she could not say for definite.


Witness drawing showing the stationary orb and her position on Fulham Road
Witness drawing showing the stationary orb and her position on Fulham Road

Kerry left the society about 11pm with two other members. They were walking back along Fulham Road when Kerry suddenly wondered whether the object she had seen earlier was still there. She glanced round and sure enough it was still there in the sky, though it was now positioned off to the other side of the road. At this point she felt certain that the object was a UFO and not just a distant light on a building. Almost immediately the object started moving away to the South and steadily ascending. Over 2 seconds it accelerated until it was travelling very fast, and moved away from the area faster than a conventional aircraft. It was rapidly lost from sight.

Witness drawing showing the position of her and her friends, the initial location of the orb and its movement path
Witness drawing showing the position of her and her friends, the initial location of the orb and its movement path

These are fascinating sightings due to the appearance and movement of the objects seen. While the objects looked similar in colour, this does not necessarily mean they were the same type of object, the colour similarity could have just been a coincidence. If we assume that the objects were different then they can be looked at independently.


When the object was initially seen low down over the houses perhaps it was merely a light on a building, one which had been switched off by the time she was walking back home. However Kerry was very familiar with the area so surely she would have seen this light on other occasions if that were the case?


One possibility is that both the stationary object seen early in the evening, and the one that moved later on were conventional aircraft flying taking off towards her location. This sometimes can give the impression that they are stationary in the sky. Maybe on the second sighting, the aircraft was initially flying towards her, but then turned and flew away into the distance ascending to a higher altitude. Kerry says that it was moving too fast to have been a conventional aircraft but could she have been mistaken? However this explanation does seem unlikely because on both occasions no other navigation lights were seen. These may have been obscured on the earlier sighting, but later when it was seen from a side on perspective they should have been visible if they existed.


It seems unlikely the object would have remained visible in the sky for numerous hours, as surely this would have generated quite a number of sightings considering the fact it was over London? To Kerry’s knowledge no other witness sightings of the object(s) were reported.


Despite there being a number of mundane possibilities for the objects seen, there is still the possibility that they were something far more unusual. Could they have been genuine sightings of ET craft which were displaying themselves to Kerry for a particular unknown reason?


White Cigar UFO Sighting


A short while after the second sighting of the yellow-white orb, Kerry had another UFO sighting. It was about 11.30pm and she had just returned to her flat. She switched the light on and could immediately see out of the window. Her flat was on the 2nd floor so she had a good view of the local area. It was a calm and clear night. It was now that she noticed a glowing object travelling over the rooftops. It was bright white in colour and elongated oval in shape. Its edges were clearly defined, and it looked self-luminescent. There were no visible markings or protrusions.


Witness drawing of the UFO fro the window
Witness drawing of the UFO fro the window

The object appeared to be at low altitude just over the roofs of the houses, and too low for a conventional aircraft to fly at. It was hard to judge exactly how far away it was from her location. The UFO was moving on a straight and level course and travelling at a constant speed. Kerry estimates it was at least twice the length of a bus.


It was travelling at quite a slow speed and moving from the right to the left of her view. She was only able to observe it for several seconds before it was lost from sight behind some nearby buildings. Kerry felt that it was another genuine sighting of an ET craft.


Aerial map indicating the flat location and the estimated route of the UFO
Aerial map indicating the flat location and the estimated route of the UFO

Kerry may have been correct in her assumption. However there is also the possibility that the object was some kind of large inflatable or blimp reflecting lights from the ground. It was moving on a straight course at a slow speed so there is nothing to indicate that it was under intelligent control and not just drifting in an air current. While this explanation cannot be ruled out, an LED balloon is out of the question due to the fact that this sighting occurred in 1970 – LED balloons & blimps have only been publicly available in recent years. If the object was a genuine cigar-shaped craft then the glowing light could have been caused by a field surrounding the object. As with her other sightings, this object did not seem to interact directly with her in any way.


Hike UFO Photograph


At some point within the early 1970s, Kerry went on a hiking expedition with other members of the Aetherius Society. They were out for the day in the North of Britain climbing up some mountains. It was the afternoon and they were on their way back to where they had parked. One of the hikers decided to take a photograph of the rest of the group, with a nice open view behind them. Nothing out of the ordinary was seen at the time.


Once they were back home they developed the photograph. In the background there appeared to be several UFOs. They took the photograph to the society to show them. Kerry and the other people in the picture were called to the reception of the building to take a look. From what Kerry could see, the objects were in the shape of a flying saucer and were a bit blurred. They certainly appeared to be real objects.


Unfortunately Kerry was not given a copy of the photograph and left the society in 1972.


Dreams & Fears


In the early 1980s Kerry began to experience numerous dreams which are extremely likely to be related to abductions. Some of these dreams led her to have phobias of certain things – ones which are often reported by contactees.


She began to have dreams about getting into an elevator. She would press the button and the lift would ascend, but it would not stop it just kept going up and up. In one dream the lift changed to a red telephone box and she could see through the glass windows that she was flying upwards rather than travelling up an elevator shaft. Whenever she woke from one of these dreams she would feel like lots more had taken place which she could not remember.


Due to the dreams of elevators she feels uncomfortable in them and prefers to use the stairs where possible. Many contactees report either a feeling of discomfort or outright fear of elevators. This is probably because the feeling of ascending upward reminds them of being taken up into a craft. The fact that Kerry would wake and feel that more had taken place suggests that she has some missing memories which have been blocked from her mind.


In one dream the lift actually came to a halt and she stepped out onto a floor. This floor was nearly transparent and she could see that she was at an extremely high altitude. She has a fear of heights so this made her feel dizzy. She then met with a strange humanoid being. The being had an elongated oversized head, large almond shaped eyes with blue irises and thin wispy hair. Many years later she would learn that this being was likely to have been an ET-human hybrid. She sat alongside the being and it handed her a number of pictures. She cannot remember exactly what these pictures were of.


Witness drawing of her meeting with the hybrid being
Witness drawing of her meeting with the hybrid being

Around the same time as the elevator dreams, Kerry also had numerous dreams where she saw small dolls or animal shapes which would come alive. These dreams concerned her greatly. Again contactees often dream of or have a phobia of dolls because they remind them of the beings they have seen during their experiences. It is likely that the dolls in Kerry’s dreams are symbolic of Greys she has been in contact with. The last time she remembers dreaming of them was in the early 1990s. It is possible that the animal shapes she dreamed of were a screen memory projected by the Greys to mask their true appearance.


While many of Kerry’s dreams have been symbolic, there is one particular dream which she has had which appears directly related and was probably memories of a real experience.


In this dream she remembers first being aware that she was pregnant and being troubled by this fact. Kerry has two children already and so was upset due to the amount of work that would be involved with bringing up another.


The next thing she became aware of was a being sitting down in front of her. The figure was dressed in white overalls, and she assumed it was a doctor. She was staring at his body but does not remember looking at his face. She believes this may have been intentional so the beings true identity would not be revealed to her. She does not remember the being saying anything to her.


At this point she became aware that the pregnancy was going to be taken away, even though nobody told her this information directly. It was like she had knowledge of the reason she was there and what was going to take place. She had a fear of the pregnancy so was happy that this was going to happen. However she does not know why she was frightened of it.


She then found herself lying down on a flattened table being pulled along by some short beings who she assumed at the time were children. This was the last thing that she currently remembers. Looking back at the dream she feels that she has since had another dream about a doctor but cannot remember any details.


The pregnancy theme of this dream suggests that Kerry may have been part of the hybrid breeding program and has perhaps been used as a surrogate to develop a hybrid embryo, which was then taken from her to continue development aboard a craft. This is a known procedure described time and time again by female contactees, and appears to be one of the main ongoing agendas of the ETs. It is not possible that Kerry was pregnant by her husband at this point as he had a vasectomy after their second child.


Could the missing pregnancy that Kerry had back in August 1967 (discussed earlier) have been down to a hybrid which was removed from her back then? If so could it have been the reason behind this dream or a completely separate previous incident?


It is fascinating that the figure she initially met in the dream reminded her of a doctor. This has been reported before by contactees, including some who I have personally investigated. It appears to be a common screen memory utilised by the Greys to mask their appearance. The fact that she did not see or could not remember the beings face is very interesting. Usually when meeting someone you would look into their face, so this could well be a sign that there was a reason behind this.


The flat table surrounded by small beings that Kerry describes is typical of an abduction experience. At the time she felt these beings were children due to their small height, but looking back at the experience she realises that they were likely to have been Greys. She does not currently remember what happened next, but it is possible that a hybrid embryo was removed from her. She does remember feeling completely at ease with what was taking place despite the bizarreness of the situation. This is again commonly described by contactees.


In another dream Kerry was looking into a mirror, but what she saw staring back at her was the face of what she now believes was a hybrid, an ET-human cross breed. The face had very large almond shaped eyes with blue irises. It was elongated in shape and had no hair. Kerry was not disturbed by the look of this being, she felt comfortable with it. It is possible that what she saw here was the face of a hybrid which had been created from her own DNA. Or perhaps this was symbolic of her connection with the ETs. I have looked into other cases where contactees have seen themselves as ET beings, both directly and while under regression.


After reading the book by Budd Hopkins in 1995 she realised that these dreams could well be symbolic of abduction experiences. Below Kerry explains in her own words what she has come to understand:


“It is possible the abductee is under the effect of a certain mind control which is designed to prevent you from being conscious in the normal way. You realise you are awake and there, but your brain powers are limited and you can’t realise that it’s an abnormal situation and you should be alarmed. Perhaps the objective of this is so that you don’t get worried about it. Sometimes you gain some amount of control and that’s what permitted me to remember these dreams. I get the feeling that by some kind of mind control they make the person perceive something else than what is really happening to prevent the person from reacting.”


In early 2011 Kerry had another dream which could well be contact related. She found herself floating upwards with a jacket-like harness around her. This harness appeared to be anti-gravity and she was floating up into the air. As she floated up past a nearby tree and tried to grab hold of the leaves.  She then saw a wide saucer-shaped UFO above her and realised she was being dragged towards it. She thought to herself “It’s fun to be flying, but this is my last chance to escape.” She grabbed hold of the branches of the tree and managed to fight the force lifting her upwards towards the craft. She pulled herself slowly down to the ground. She then managed to take off the harness. This was the last thing that happened in the dream.


Witness drawing of the UFO in the harness dream
Witness drawing of the UFO in the harness dream

While it is unlikely that this latest dream actually took place as she experienced it, it could well have again been symbolic of a previous incident or incidents where she has been taken up into a craft. Perhaps her mind created the harness around her to explain how she was being lifted up off the ground against her will.


Abduction Attempts


Kerry has on two occasions had experiences which she believes may have been attempted abductions that were stopped by her becoming aware of what was going on.


The first of these occurred in 1997. At the time she was living in a house on Farmfield Road in Cheltenham with her daughter. It was mid-afternoon and she was in the living room. Her daughter was out at school. Kerry had been lying down and resting on the sofa for a while and her eyes were closed. She is not sure if she dropped off for a period of time or not.


Aerial map showing the location of Kerry’s property on Farmfield Road
Aerial map showing the location of Kerry’s property on Farmfield Road

Suddenly she became aware that she was struggling to keep awake. This feeling was very similar to what had happened back in 1961 where her parents inexplicably vanished for a period of time (see earlier). She then had the mental picture that an attempt was being made to spray something into her throat and to paralyze her. It felt like she was going to suffocate. She was not at all happy about the situation and tried to fight what was taking place.


Kerry managed to open her eyes and for a brief moment saw two Greys bending down over her. The beings then immediately vanished. She only had time to take in the fact that they had elongated faces, slanted eyes and that they were wearing black cloaks or clothing. It felt to her that they had not expected her to open her eyes. This had surprised them and they had decided to stop whatever they had planned to do. She was certain that she had been awake and it was not just a vivid dream. In the days following this experience she was frightened to go to sleep.


Witness drawing of the two Greys which appeared in the living room
Witness drawing of the two Greys which appeared in the living room

A few weeks after the incident, Kerry once again saw the same Grey beings. This time she woke up in the morning and opened her eyes. As before there were two beings standing behind her head (the top of the bed is not against a wall) and leaning over her. Once again they vanished after a short moment.

Witness drawing of the Greys next to her bed
Witness drawing of the Greys next to her bed

Kerry was quite baffled by this as up until this point she had believed her abductions to be out-of-body experiences rather than physical. She was convinced that on both occasions the Greys had been physically there in the room. Due to the fact that this experience happened within a few weeks of the first, there is the possibility that it was just a vivid flashback to it rather than a separate experience in its own right. The fact that she has not seen them since again points towards this possibility.


Triangular UFO Sighting


In the summer of 1998 Kerry had another UFO sighting. She had once again moved house and was living in Quedgeley near Gloucester. It was around 10pm and a warm clear evening. The sun had set and stars were visible in the sky. Kerry stepped outside onto the back patio of the house to let the dog out before heading up to bed. She stood near the back door. It was now that she noticed a moving shadow above her.


She looked up and saw a triangular shaped object moving slowly across the sky. But the most impressive thing about it was the fact that it was nearly transparent. She could make out the shape of it but could also see the stars through it. It was as if it was not fully phased into the physical plane, or was using some kind of camouflage to blend into the sky. There was some dim lighting on the object around the edges.


Aerial map indicating sighting location and shape of the triangular UFO
Aerial map indicating sighting location and shape of the triangular UFO

Kerry was very puzzled by what she was looking at. She thought about calling her daughter who was inside the house, but dared not take her eyes off the object. She shouted out but her daughter did not hear her. The UFO appeared to be at quite high altitude and was moving very slowly to the South on a straight and level course. She observed it for about 7-8 seconds as it passed overhead. She turned round to continue to watch it move away. She then glanced towards the kitchen to see if her daughter was there. When she looked back the object had completely vanished. It was not very distant at this point so it should still have been visible, but it was gone.


After the sighting Kerry headed back into the house and told her daughter what she had just seen. After reading about Flying Triangles in UFO Magazine, she is convinced that this is what she had seen.


Kerry’s assumption may well have been correct. The fact that the object was both quite large and semi-transparent tends to support the idea that it was a craft of some kind using stealth technology to reduce its visibility against the night sky. I have investigated other cases where Flying Triangles have appeared in this way, or even phased back and forth between being visible and being fully invisible. This could be stealth technology, or may be evidence that these craft can shift between different dimensions and slip in and out of our reality.


Due to the fact it was semi-transparent it could not have been a conventional aircraft of any kind. We cannot put out of the question the idea that it was a triangular shaped clear inflatable of some kind. However this seems unlikely, especially when we consider the fact that it had numerous dim lights on it (The lights were probably dim because they too were semi-transparent at the time of the sighting). True this lighting could have been reflections of lights from the ground, but the object was flying like it was under control, with one of the three points facing forwards at all times. If it was an inflatable you would expect it to rotate and tilt as it drifted.


As you can see, there are a number of valid reasons why I feel this was a genuine sighting of an FT craft and not misidentification of a mundane object. Due to the unusual aspects, it is one of Kerry's most interesting sightings.




Due to the sightings of Grey beings leaning over her, and her many interesting dreams that seem to fit with contact experiences, I am quite convinced that Kerry is a contactee. In recent years she has gained a good knowledge of the ET contact subject, however many of her experiences occurred before she gained this knowledge so could not of been influenced by what she has since learned. The UFO sightings she has had are interesting, although none of them appear to have directly interacted with her or been in the vicinity because of her. It is possible that they were observing her from a distance but it is just as probable that she has been in the right place at the right time to see them.


It is unknown whether contact has now ceased. She has not had any contact-related experiences since the late 1990s, so perhaps the ETs are no longer interacting with her. However contact can often cease for many years before later returning so there is no guarantee that Kerry will not have further contact experiences moving forward. If she decides to keep in touch then I will add the details of any further incidents to this report. She may also decide to be regressed at some point which could reveal further details on her experiences.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2025



Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024

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