Birmingham UFO Group Case Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Release Year: 2010
Last Updated: 21/10/2024
Note: For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used
“Hayley” first reached out to me via Facebook wishing to discuss her experiences with me. We then arranged several Skype conversations to go over everything in depth.
The Man In White
From about the age of three Hayley recalls having vivid recurring dreams of an elderly man wearing white robes but no footwear. He had long white hair and a beard, and held a book in one hand and a pen in the other. His skin complexion was very pale and he would be surrounded in glowing light. He would also be floating a short distance off the ground. Hayley would meet with this man in a variety of places, different every time. On one occasion he was under a mango tree, on another standing on the roof of the house. At another time the surroundings were all white.
Whenever she dreamt of the man he would appear off to her left side and would not look directly at her. However he would have deep conversations with her about life and about the stars. At other times, he would project images into her mind instead of speaking.
In some of these dreams she would visit other places with the man, flying alongside him.
At the time she viewed these encounters with the man as simply dreams. However later in life she began to view him as her “spirit guide”. She claims that the man still speaks with her from time to time directly in her mind or by showing her images while she is awake.
Memories of Elsewhere
Since an early age Hayley has experienced a repeated memory of another place which she thinks are from a previous life on another planet. The memories of this are quite detailed. Here is what Hayley informed me, in her own words.
“I believe it is another planet, the place of my origins. I had a home, my home was all white. No kitchen. No doors. The rooms were bare and smooth.
I had a child, and some kind of window where I was watching outside. This place where I was, I had a home and I had a life. I could log into some kind of collective consciousness which was around the planet, and as I did I could know everything. Like some kind of internet but different. I could hear other’s thoughts, as I was connected to all and all to me, and still have privacy if I wanted.
I looked human. I was wearing some kind of white suit. It was as if it was made of silk. No stitches. Right down over my body and legs.
I saw my child but not his face. I think he was a boy with dark short hair. I tried looking at him but the face was blurry. I think I did see him clearly but my brain can’t translate it. He was wearing the same suit as me.
There was something where I could sit. The colour of it was red. I remember watching out of the window. No glass, it was open. Outside the colours and light were different. It was beautiful. I could see other houses, a waterfall and a fountain. There was something in the middle of the fountain but it just looked like a very bright light. I don’t remember seeing clouds in the sky.
There were other beings around, but not in my space. I could not see them, I just knew they were there. They were related to me. They accompanied me to some kind of cylinder. The cylinder was white and big, about two or three metres tall. When I got near I could see Earth, it was as if I gathered from it lots of information about the Earth. Like images in a very fast tempo.
I was communicating with some being in my mind. They wanted me to come back to Earth, and I was a bit concerned about something. I was shown in images the life I am now currently living here. I asked about something I had lived before here on Earth, on some kind of island which everyone was being evacuated from because the ocean was rising. Everyone was going to a mountain, and at the very top people would disappear in some kind of light. I stayed because there was someone who could not go along, and I refused to go without them. I stayed and died, the waters of the ocean took me.”
According to Hayley she used to tell her mother of these memories when she was young.
Psychic Awareness
In her childhood Hayley lived in South Africa with her family. From about the age of 6 Hayley recalls being able to sense issues that others are going through or strong emotions without speaking to them. She says that on some occasions she has sensed illness or injury and informed the person, leading them to be either shocked or even frightened of her.
At other times she would try focusing on an individual and then they would get in touch or come to visit her.
After doing this a while, Hayley says that mother became concerned and even tried to halt this ability by mixing drugs into her drinks which nulled her senses.
She says that as time has gone on this ability has reduced in strength but still not gone away. She now has to touch people directly or touch a photograph of them, rather than being able to detect things remotely.
Blue Planet
In May/June of 2009 Hayley learned more about her supposed past life on another world. She was standing in her bedroom when she sensed the presence of two beings, one either side of her. She then received a telepathic message from the beings. The informed her that she originates from a blue coloured planet, which she was shown visually in her mind. They informed her she could go back and see it any time she wished. She was also informed that she could show this vision to someone else by touching them on the left shoulder.
Soon receiving the message she tried exactly this with her son. According to Hayley, he was able to see this vision. He described it as “beautiful, like he was dreaming”. She did not question him about the details of exactly what he saw.
She also tried the same thing with her boyfriend, but says that it didn’t work with him. She says she may have not been in the right state of mind at the time due to the pressure. She has not tried it since with anyone else.
Silver UFOs
At 9pm on 5th June 2009 Hayley was in her house with her seven year old son. They were in the bedroom and she was reading him a book. The curtains of the bedroom window were open. Due to the time of year it was still light outside, warm and sunny, with a clear sky.
As she was reading her son suddenly exclaimed that “a star had fallen from the sky”. He then asked her to look out of the window. She was able to see out of the window from the bed where she was lying down. When she checked she saw a silver coloured sphere hovering in the air. It appeared to be right over the back garden, and was quite small but larger than a football, several feet across.
Upon seeing the object Hayley got up and walked over to the window to take a better look at it. Her son was very excited and started jumping up and down on the bed saying that it was a star. She noted that nobody else was outside, and also everywhere seemed strangely quiet, there were no birds visible in the air. Hayley informed me that there was usually lots of birds around so this was notably unusual.
Looking down at the ground she saw a spiralling shape, like distortion in the air. It was radiating outwards from the sphere and rotating continuously, so was clearly being caused by the presence of the UFO.
The sphere was in line with the upstairs window of the house, so about 20 feet off the ground. It was stationary and completely smooth with no markings on it. It was reflecting the evening sunlight. However one strange thing which Hayley noted was that although the sun was off to her left in the sky, there was light also reflecting on the right side of the sphere.
As she watched over five minutes this glow seemed to increase until there was a glowing aura of white light surrounding the sphere. This had definitely not been present at the start of the sighting. Despite the apparent small size of the object Hayley felt that there must be someone inside it, and was confused by the lack of visible doors.
I asked Hayley to describe the way the object was hovering and she said “It was not flying but kind of just hanging there. It was like gravity worked different.”
After several minutes the sphere started to move. As it did so the white glow around it died down. It then began moving away from her location at a constant speed. It moved towards the roof of the house beyond the garden then began ascending and flew away into the distance slowly. Unfortunately Hayley was too transfixed to think about getting her camera to take a photograph of the object.
Once it had disappeared from sight Hayley spoke with her son and asked him if he saw it. He said that he saw “the star”. He then asked her if he could take a photograph of it, but she informed him it had gone.
However a few seconds later another object came into view from the right extremely fast. It was a similar colour to that of the sphere but was scalene triangular in shape (each side was a different length). It was also larger, roughly 15 feet across.
It halted at the same location the sphere had previously been hovering! Upon sighting this second object her son ran to get her camera, leaving her alone in the room temporarily. He returned to the room with the camera, but Hayley was again too focused on this second object to direct him to photograph it.
After about five minutes the triangular object suddenly began moving away at a fast velocity in the same direction the sphere had departed. The acceleration was instantaneous, and it was only visible for a few seconds due to the speed.
No sooner had the second object vanished than a second triangle arrived, this time coming in from the left! It was facing the opposite direction to the previous one. The only other difference was that this one appeared to have a line of small white lights along its base. These lights were flashing on and off at random rather than sequentially, giving a twinkling effect.
At this point of the sighting she began to get frightened because she had no idea what these strange objects could be, and started to believe they must be intelligently controlled craft.
This third object remained over the garden for a shorter period of time than the other two. After a couple of minutes Hayley noticed that there was an aircraft crossing the sky at high altitude. A minute later the third object started moving away in the direction of this aircraft, again extremely rapidly. Even though it was larger than the sphere it still vanished into the distance before reaching the high altitude aircraft.
Hayley says that after the incident she informed her family about what had taken place but they didn’t believe her. She also checked her camera and found two photographs that her son had taken. She believes that these photographs show the first triangle flying away from the house into the distance. Below are the two photographs with the object ringed:
Zoomed view of the object:
Zoomed views with edge find:
As you can see the photos are not particularly impressive as the object is too distant to clearly see its appearance. However I am not certain it even shows the triangular UFO. Metadata is hidden information which can be extracted from original photographs using a variety of software tools. Below is the full set of metadata extracted from the first photograph:
Key points that can be determined from this metadata are as follows:
- There is no sign of image manipulation, I believe this is a genuine un-tampered photograph (Not that I had any suspicion that it was)
- The photo was taken on an Olympus digital camera
- The image was taken at 9:08:13pm on 5th June 2009
The metadata of the second image looks largely identical to the first, so I won’t display it all. However from the below screenshot it can be seen that the second photo was taken at 9:08:58pm, a good 45 seconds after the first:
This is at odds with Hayley’s statement that the first triangle departed very rapidly and was only visible for a few seconds.
Also the object in the second image is much further to the left in the sky than the first, as can be seen from the angle the photo was taken at and its position in relation to the clouds/neighbouring house roof. This implies that the object was moving across the sky slowly to the left. I believe this means that the object in the photographs is not the first triangle but instead is a distant aircraft, maybe one that was not noticed by Hayley at the time as she was too busy watching the UFOs.
This is certainly a bizarre series of events, with multiple UFOs showing up one after another at precisely the same location. The manner in which they moved and speed they moved at shows that they were under intelligent control and could not have been silver coloured balloons or normal aircraft.
It is very unfortunate that Hayley did not take the camera off her son and manage to photograph at least one of these objects, especially as it was within reach during the time that the second triangle hovered over the garden. As with most incidents on record we only have her testimonial evidence to go on.
Playing With Spheres
After midnight on a night in February 2010 Hayley and her children were staying the night at her partner’s house. She was lying awake in bed when she suddenly got the feeling that there was a craft hovering over the roof of the house. She does not know how she knew this, she could see it in her mind. She could not clearly see this craft, but she sensed that it was silver in colour. It felt friendly to her, she was not frightened.
She jumped up out of bed and went to check on her children who were sleeping in another bedroom. When she started walking around she found that she could see clearer than usual. When I asked Hayley to describe this she said “All the colours were brighter than usual. More beautiful than normal.”
She found that her children were both fast asleep, so she walked back to her room. Next she received a telepathic communication. A male sounding voice in her mind told her she could “skip something that was about to happen if she wanted to, but that she could do to another place where she could play with the spheres.”
In her mind she accepted this offer. Suddenly she felt like she had been transported somewhere else, although she does not think she left her room, it was like “entering an alternative dimension”. She found herself standing in white light. In front of her she saw a humanoid girl wearing a white suit covered in black dots. She had curly long blonde-coloured hair down to her shoulders, and bright blue eyes, which almost appeared to glow. Surrounding her were many small silver spheres hovering in the air and moving around her.
The girl was reaching out and touching these spheres. Her movements seemed extremely rapid. She heard the telepathic voice in her mind inform her that she could not be seen with her human eyes at a normal rate of speed. The girl did not seem to acknowledge her presence.
All of a sudden the girl retreated away from her like she herself was moving away. She then found herself floating up near the ceiling of the living room looking downwards. She tried to descend and found she could not. The voice in her mind returned, telling her that there was something wrong with the earth, and it was going to be difficult to stay on the ground. The voice then invited both her and her children to go with them. It said that if she did decide to go she could only come back through the light, and if she chose to do this she should not bother other people.
Hayley was fascinated by the idea of going with the beings so agreed to this. They then asked her to get one of her belongings out of the house – a sculpture of a dress that she had been given as a gift. She has no idea why they asked her to get this specific item or how she could do so if she was stuck up by the ceiling, she wonders if it was some kind of sign or had other significance.
This is the last thing she recalls happening. When she came to she found it was morning time and she was waking up in bed. She immediately remembered what had happened during the night. It felt extremely vivid, far more real than a dream would feel.
The following month, prior to her ending her relationship with her partner, she heard the beings speaking to her again telepathically, this time during the day while she was fully awake. They informed her that “something had happened and they had to leave”. She has not heard the voice since this time.
The female being that Hayley witnessed in her vision certainly sounds like a Nordic-type being, with the blonde hair and extremely blue eyes. I have investigated and heard about other cases where people or beings have been seen aboard craft using psychokinetic abilities, or even being taught to enhance them. Why Hayley was shown this vision is unknown at present, as she did not seem to interact with the being in any way, she merely observed her.
Hayley has had a lot of psychic experiences, some of which may well be contact related. The vision she had of the Nordic girl playing with the floating spheres is particularly interesting, although it seems more meta-physical than physical, much like many of her other experiences.
The close encounter with the various silver craft suggests that they were there to observe her/her son, which again could imply that contact is taking place.
Hopefully Hayley will keep in touch and inform BUFOG of any future incidents she experiences.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024