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Bicester Contact Case (Part 4) - Nordics, Greys, Reptilians, Abductions, UFOs, Psychic, MIB

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Date: 13/08/2015

Last Updated: 20/06/2017

For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used for some witnesses

Unidentified Figure

Adam used to live in a housing estate near to Bure Park Nature Reserve, North West Bicester. On one night around August 2011 in the early hours of the morning he was walking back from a friend’s house in the early hours of the morning. It was a clear and warm night and there was nobody else around at the time.

He entered a public walkway which lies between Lucerne Avenue and Germander Way. The path is lined on either side by tall hedges. As he began to walk along it, he suddenly heard a movement in the bushes to the left of the path. Immediately he had an overwhelming fear that there was something there watching him. He couldn’t see it clearly but he could tell that it was quite large in size, tall like a human.

Aerial map showing the pathway and the position where the figure had been:

Photograph of where the incident took place:

Adam feels that when he had walked round the corner he had caught whatever it was by surprise, and it had continued moving briefly before stopping. He stared into the bushes but couldn’t see anything. Behind the bushes is the wall of a house so there is nowhere it could have escaped to. He feels quite certain that it had not been a person hiding in the bushes, as there would have been no reason for someone to be standing inside the bushes in the middle of the night on their own.

Shadow Being Visitation

In the summer of 2012 Adam went with friends down to Wiltshire for the weekend to sky watch, meditate and see if they could find any crop formations. He got back to his home in Bure Park, Bicester, around 9.30pm. After relaxing for several hours and catching up with his family he decided to go out into the back garden and meditate a while on his own. It was a very clear night with the stars fully visible.

He sat on the patio decking cross legged on a cushion and began to meditate. After only a few minutes he began to sense the presence of a being. It began with a rush of energy around him. Something told him to look over at a bush in the corner of the back garden. He opened his eyes and looked at the bush. In the shadow of the bush he could make out the silhouette of a humanoid being which appeared to be semi-translucent. It was standing still but he could easily make out the torso, arms, legs and head. It appeared to be about the same height as himself. He also sensed a connection with this being in some way, it seemed familiar to him.

The being then began to communicate with him telepathically. This communication was a mix of philosophical ideas and actual spoken words. It told him about experiences which had happened while down in Wiltshire. It informed him that they had witnessed a craft, but that this experience had been veiled from them. It conveyed to Adam that its species did not perceive good or evil, that their consciousness had transcended past this. It informed him that they were an ancient inter-dimensional species who had only recently started interacting with our planet. Thinking back to the experience, Adam cannot recollect everything that was said.

After speaking for about half an hour with this entity, Adam felt that the communication was drawing to a close. He came out of the trance-like state he was in and the being faded back into the shadows and was lost from sight. He excitedly sent a text message to David and Howard telling them about what he had just experienced. After relaxing with a cigarette and cup of tea he decided to head up to sleep.

As Adam was under a meditative state during this experience it is of course quite subjective. I asked him if he felt that the experience could have been imaginary, and brought on by the fact that he had just returned from Wiltshire and so was thinking deeply on the subject of ET contact. Adam informed me that “The mediation was merely the right facility to trigger the experience. I was in a meditative state just to get awareness; I do not believe it was the actual cause of the experience.”


On 29th January 2011 they decided they would spend the day meditating to a deep level around Adam’s house. Before they began they were sitting in the garage having a cup of tea.

All of a sudden a ten pence piece appeared to manifest itself between them in mid-air and fall to the floor! They did not actually see it physically appear but saw it drop to the floor. It had seemingly materialised about 3 feet off the ground and fallen straight downwards. As both of them were looking in roughly the right direction, they each knew that it wasn’t thrown by the other as a joke.

Upon realising what had just happened David exclaimed “What the fuck?” Adam was amazed and picked up the coin off the floor and asked “Whoa, did that just materialise?” David responded saying “Yeah...yeah it did!” They were both fascinated, as it was the first time either of them had witnessed the physical manifestation of an object. They took this as a sign that something important was going to happen with the planned meditation, so decided to begin.

Adam and David headed outside and sat in some deck chairs under the warm sun. Adam says that he must have been meditating for no more than 10 minutes when his body suddenly jolted. He opened his eyes, but instead of being back in the garden found himself in another location. He was standing on an open grass-covered field. There were no trees or bushes in sight, just grass stretching into the distance. Above him was blue sky and bright sunlight. To his right, about 4 feet away from him stood David. They were both wearing the same clothes they had on that day.

In front of them were two massive landed craft. They had a ship-like shape to them, like galleons only wider. They were a dark metallic colour all over, with no lighting visible. They were covered in lines splitting their hulls into sections. The craft were taller than they were wide. Adam estimates they were about 60 feet high by 50 feet across. Each craft had a dark arch-shaped doorway in the centre and a ramp leading down to the ground. As he watched two groups of humanoids stepped out and began to walk down the walkways. The beings on the left looked exactly like himself. The beings coming out of the other craft looked exactly like David. They were all wearing the same clothing they currently had on, like exact replicas of themselves.

Witness drawing of the two landed craft:

Four of the beings that looked like Adam approached him in a diamond formation. The one at the front spoke with him audibly rather than telepathically. Strangely his voice sounded like a mix of his own and David’s voice. He told him they were going to put him through an “initiation”. Adam agreed to this. Everything immediately seemed to go black.

Then a new vision manifested itself. Adam found himself lying on a hospital bed in a small clinical room. Despite the fact there were no visible light sources or windows, Adam could see his surroundings clearly. The walls were dark grey coloured. There were no other furnishings in the room. To the left of him was a man standing by his bedside. He was holding a clipboard and appeared to be waiting for him to sign something. Adam was a little concerned by what was going to happen next, so decided to come out of the meditation by opening his eyes.

He found himself back in the garden. He could see David to the right of him in his deckchair with his eyes closed. To all intents and purposes Adam felt he was now out of meditation. Yet when he looked round to his left he was surprised to see the man still standing there next to him with the clipboard! Adam realised that there was no easy way out of this so with his heart pounding in his chest he closed his eyes once more. He immediately found himself back in the hospital bed. He thought to himself that the only way to continue past this point would be to sign the clipboard, so he decided to do so. At that moment the surroundings disappeared and he began falling downwards into darkness.

After falling for a while Adam found himself in another room with metallic walls and two large pillars. He found that he was strapped to a vertical frame-like structure of some kind and could not move. There were three Greys in the room. One of them was about the same height as him. He immediately recognised this being as “Elvis”, the Grey he had met with in numerous dreams many years previously. The other two Greys were very short in comparison, only about 3 feet high. They were unclothed and slender. Their heads were large, with over-sized black eyes, small noses and slits for mouths. They appeared to very busy, and were handing various things to one another and moving about swiftly. They did not acknowledge his presence.

The tall Grey spoke to him telepathically, saying they were going to perform an experiment on him to relinquish some of his ego, and that he would experience death as a metaphor in numerous ways. The initiation then began. It was a series of scenes in which horrifying things would happen to him. These all happened again and again in quick succession. Some involved him being physically killed by Greys holding various weapons and instruments. Others involved him being “killed” spiritually or emotionally. David had previously told him that if he was ever experiencing something bad while under a meditative state he should think of the sunlight. Adam could feel the sun on him and this comforted him while this ordeal was taking place.

Eventually it was over and Adam came back out of the meditative state. He was relieved to be back in the garden and soon found that he was physically unharmed. He also found that David was already awake and had come out of meditation a little sooner. At first Adam sat there quietly contemplating what had just happened. But after a short while he began to speak to David. He assumed that he too had gone through the same experience, or at least part of it. He asked him “Mate did you see the ships?”

David was going through his pockets at the time and as Adam asked him this he felt something there. He pulled out two small origami boats. Neither he nor Adam had any idea where these had come from. They appeared to be made out of high quality paper which was a mix of gold, yellow and pink colours. Adam exclaimed “No fucking way!” David responded saying “How did they get there?” Like the ten pence piece earlier on the origin of these origami boats was a complete mystery.

Witness drawing of one of the origami boats:

When I asked David about this odd experience he assured me that he had not make the boats previously and had no idea where they had come from. Even though he was present in Adam’s vision he had not experienced anything, for him it had been a normal meditation session. So he only found out about the craft which Adam had seen immediately before pulling the origami models out of his pocket. Both he and Adam believe that they were another sign that something very important had taken place that day.

The details of what Adam experienced sound very traumatic, but Adam says that the “initiation” procedure he was put through had many positive effects. It removed a lot of fear he had surrounding contact and exploring the more spiritual aspects of his life. As a result he began to try new meditative techniques and experience things on a deeper level.


"Howard" is a long term friend of the members of Cosmosiis. In addition to the numerous experiences he has had alongside David, Adam and others, he has also had other contact experiences going right back to a young age.

Sitting Under The Bed

Howard’s unusual experiences began when he was around 3 years old and living with his family at Langford Village estate in Bicester. He has a very specific recollection of something which does not make logical sense.

He recalls crawling under his bed and looking at the big yellow boxes full of Duplo which were stored there. However he remembers actually sitting up. This would have been a physical impossibility, as the bed was far too low for him to have been able to do this. Howard believes that this was a multi-dimensional experience of some kind.

Childhood Visitations

When Howard was young he recalls a number of occasions where he would wake up in the night and there would be someone else in the room. Usually he would find this extremely frightening and would hide under his bed covers.

He believes that his memories of these experiences are largely blocked out. He just recalls that when they took place he would be absolutely terrified, too scared to move or call out to his parents. He does not recall ever seeing an actual figure standing there.

He remembers a particular incident when he was 8-9 years old where he woke in the night to feel the presence of something in the room. He was too scared to look at it so closed his eyes. When he did he got the image of a silhouette of a tree in his mind. He heard a low frequency sound which began to fluctuate in pulsing vibrations that went through his entire body. As it did the image of the tree would change colour and his body temperature would change. He felt that he could have moved but he was too frightened at that moment. After about 30 seconds he felt the unusual energy of the situation lift and things went back to normal. He soon dropped back off to sleep.

These night time experiences took place roughly every few months right up until the age of 16. After this age he does not recall them taking place.

Glowing UFO Sighting

By the time Howard was 17 years old he was well aware of the reality of UFOs, but just wanted to see one with his own eyes. One night in the summer of 2007 he and Phil went to an outdoor party happening at a field on the outskirts of Bicester.  It happened to be the field alongside where years later David and Ricky would experience the UFO landing and line of blue-coloured beings discussed earlier in this report. At the part they met up with Adam and others.

After the party Howard, Phil, Adam and some other partygoers were walking back home through Bicester in the early hours of the morning. It was a clear and warm night and the stars were fully visible. They were on Longfields in South East Bicester when Phil suddenly stopped and pointed to a white light crossing the sky at an angle of 45 degrees. It appeared to be at least 1000 feet up. Everyone else stopped moving and started watching the light. Howard immediately felt that this was something unusual.

Aerial map and photograph of Longfields:

After about 20 seconds it suddenly started flaring up extremely brightly, almost like burning magnesium. Then this flaring light died down and it looked like a plane. This continued to cross the sky until it was lost from sight. Everyone was very shocked at what they had just observed. They all agreed that it had been something highly unusual. Howard feels that it was most likely an ET craft, and that the plane which everyone saw was a screen memory.

While this cannot be put out of the question, sometimes distant aircraft can appear like glowing white lights when their landing lights are on and they are travelling in a particular direction. They can also appear to flare up brightly all of a sudden in the same way that Howard reports. I have actually observed this myself while driving after dark. However when I put this possibility to Howard he stated that the strange “fizzing” that was observed could not have been caused by plane lights.

Translucent Being

Howard claims to have had many contact experiences throughout his life. One incident which has stuck with him occurred about 6-10 months after the glowing UFO sighting. Howard is friends with Ricky’s younger brother. He was around their house in central Bicester. They decided to meditate a while in the living room. Howard lay down on one of the sofas, while Ricky’s brother sat on the other cross-legged.

They put on an album by progressive metal band Tool and then began to meditate. After a while Howard suddenly felt his perception had changed. The living room had an archway leading to it, which was a couple of feet away from the sofa Howard was on. When he opened his eyes he saw through this arch a tall translucent humanoid being, about 6-7 feet in height. It looked like it was made out of shimmering water. It was slender with a large head.

The being walked through the arch and straight up to Howard. He was absolutely terrified. It bent down towards him, clenched its fingers into a fist and swung its arm like it was going to  punch him. A moment before it reached his face, its hand suddenly turned into a mirror. In the mirror Howard could see how frightened he was. It then pulled its arm away from him, turned around and walked back out of the room. It was as if the being wanted Howard to see how scared he was. 

Howard did not stop meditating immediately. He grounded himself before coming out of it and telling Ricky’s brother what he had experienced.

As Howard was meditating at the time you have to question whether this incident was just down to a vision his mind constructed while in that state, although Howard feels that it was a real incident. I have investigated other contact cases beings of a very similar appearance have been reported. If we assume that it was a real being interacting with Howard at this time then what were its motives for what it did? Why did it frighten him by pretending to punch him? Why then show him this fear by changing its hand into a mirror? Whatever the explanation, this is certainly a bizarre incident.

Screen Memories?

In 2010 When Howard was 18 he had another experience which he believes was a possible masked visitation and abduction. For the period of about a month he had been experiencing lots of dreams with small children in. These children would speak with him and appeared to be very wise. They would discuss advanced concepts with him. Howard intuitively felt that these children were representing higher evolved beings.

One night he woke up and found a boy sitting on the bottom of his bed. The boy was wearing normal looking clothing. He sensed that this boy was actually an ET. He grabbed a hold of him, expecting his hands to pass right through him. But they did not and he was very surprised to find he was real and solid.

He and the boy left his house and went walking outside. As they walked the boy strangely appeared to be growing at a greatly increased rate. The clothing the being was wearing seemed to be expanding as necessary to match his size. They arrived at a pub, by which time the boy had grown into a young man who appeared to be about the same age as him. They entered the pub and sat down together. There were other people in the pub, which Howard sensed were other ET beings.

He and the being began to talk for a long period of time. Howard started asking him some questions. The being replied saying “I’m not going to answer your questions now because you will get distracted, you won’t remember the answers anyway. The only reason we are interacting now is so in the future when we meet again you can remember this experience and feel more secure knowing that you have already met us.”

At that point Howard knew the experience was over. Sure enough the being then disappeared, leaving him sitting on his own in the pub. He wondered what to do next and whether he needed to walk back to his home or not. He tried thinking about being back in his bedroom. Immediately he felt a rushing sensation and then found himself back in bed.

Howard fully believes that his incident was not how it appeared, and that rather than being in a pub he had actually been aboard a craft interacting with beings. This may well be what happened. The ETs often use a screen memory to mask their own appearance and also the appearance of the craft, so this cannot be ruled out as an explanation.

UFO Dream

Around 2010 Howard recalls having a very strange dream. He found himself falling back down to Earth. He ended up standing in a stone circle surrounded by people. He did not recognise it as anywhere he had been to before. There were several large glowing white UFOs flying around the sky above him. Howard was pointing them out to the other people present trying to explain to them what they were.

The following day Howard went around Kat’s house. Soon afterwards Ricky also came around. About half an hour went by. Kat had gone out and there was just him and Ricky there. Ricky suddenly blurted out “I was told to come here and speak to you last night!” Confused, Howard simply asked “What?”

“Last night I had contact. I was in my room, a portal opened, I went through the portal and I was on a craft. I was on the craft with you, Dave and Lee. After, you left the craft. They told me to come here and speak to you today to tell you, to remind you that what happened last night was real.”

This was confirmation for Howard that the dream he has had was more than just a dream, and was on some level a real experience, even though the situation was not familiar to him.

Shimmering Grey

For a period of about 6 months in 2011 Howard experienced the same particular phenomenon on numerous occasions. He would be lying down in bed with the light off when something which looked like spiralling mist would appear in the air above his head. This was sometimes a blue-ish colour, which would dimly glow, and at other times would appear darker. It became so familiar to him that he would sometimes be scared to look as he felt it would be there.

Sometimes he would reach up and put his hand into the mist. When he did this he would feel a sensation similar to static electricity. There would sometimes be glowing sparkles of light within the mist.

On one occasion his friend Vicky was there lying next to him on the bed. The mist began to form like usual. Howard pointed it out to her saying “Can you see that?” She confirmed that she could. The mist had spread and she could see the sparkles of light in it which she referred to as stars. She wasn’t frightened by it, she was more intrigued. Howard informed her of the fact that he had been seeing it regularly.

On two occasions he saw grey mist floating within the room about a foot away from the bed. This mist changed into the outline of a Grey, about four feet in height. For some reason on these occasions he wasn’t frightened by this at all, it felt familiar to him. He started to communicate with this being telepathically.  He found it hard to deal with the being in that particular form so he asked it if they could go into a dream state to continue talking.

Immediately he found himself in a dream. He and Adam were sat in a field and were speaking with the being, which now appeared to him as a boy. He remembers talking with the boy for a long while about many different things. After the conversation came to an end the dream ended and he woke back up to find it was morning time.

When Howard spoke with Adam about the experience Adam could not recall being anywhere with Howard or meeting the boy. However Howard feels certain that the incident was real and that he had been visited by an ET.

Shadow Beings

On another occasion Howard was lying in bed after dark when numerous shadowy entities entered the room. Understandably he was quite frightened by their appearance. He had recently watched a TV programme with someone discussing contact. They had said that if they ever found themselves in a dark place they would imagine themselves inside a golden ball of light. In that moment Howard remembered this. Immediately he sensed a ball of extremely bright light pulsating outwards from within him. Every time it did this he could see the shadow beings being pushed away.

Eventually everything was cleared except for a sound similar to radio static in his room. Howard says he has heard this noise numerous times before. He tried to resonate with this sound and at that point heard a male voice speaking to him telepathically. It sounded like the comedian and radio presenter Steven Merchant, who Howard is a fan of. Howard believes that it was a being using that voice so he would be more comfortable with it. It informed him that it was a being from the Orion nebula. It asked him how he how he was coping with the reality of contact in his life. After speaking with him a while the static noise died down and the communication ended.

The Woman In Black

In late May 2014, several weeks before I interviewed him, Howard says that he had another visitation experience. He awoke in the night to feel the presence of a being standing behind his head. He was not frightened, but nor did he have the need to look round at the figure. But he then felt the being put its hands around the back of his head without actually physically touching. At this moment it projected strong sensations of love into his mind. He could feel energy flowing into him from this being like waves.

He looked round to his left across the bedroom. His view seemed quite hazy, like he was not fully aware of his surroundings. Across the room saw what appeared to be a black lady with tied back hair. She was wearing a black coloured jumpsuit and was in a sitting down position. Under her was a small cabinet, but it was like she was hovering over this, almost like she was pretending to sit down on it. At this moment the experience ended and Howard found himself awake and alone in the room.

Some of Howard’ experiences may be easy to dismiss as hallucinations brought on by sleep paralysis. In this state it is possible to see shadowy moving forms in the room or even clearly defined entities, hear strange sounds, or sense a presence in the room. However it should be noted that Howard has experienced both sleep paralysis and out-of-body experiences on numerous occasions. He informs me that these are distinctly different to his contact experiences and can easily tell the difference.


Phil is the ex-bass guitarist for Cosmosiis. In addition to various experiences which have occurred alongside David, Phil has had a number of other very interesting experiences.

Visual Memory

When he was very young Phil had very strange memory of an experience which appeared to involve a Reptilian being. It felt to him like he was remembering something which had already happened. Below is his written testimony on what took place:

“I was in an existence that appeared to have similar physics to that of macroscopic phenomena, such as the orbit of planets. I could see another humanoid to my immediate right; I’m unaware of this beings identity. I’m outside at night and I notice more humanoids scattered around the general area.

Collectively, we all perceive an event and the group become excited. The physics of this existence become unfamiliar; this is an unknown experience for everyone involved. I look back at the human stood to my right; beyond this being in the distance I noticed a distortion. It looked like fractals which seemed to grow into a sphere; they were quickly forming all around us. The sphere that was growing in the distance to my right produced a bipod reptile.

This being was aware of its surroundings very quickly and proceeded toward me at an accelerated rate. I’ve been stood in the same spot for this whole experience and I thought I’d attempt to get away. Before I can act upon this, I’m being attacked by the humanoid reptile. It grabbed my leg and I fell to the ground. Once I hit the floor, the whole scene around me began to distort further. The scene that was once moving becomes still, like a photograph with a slow shutter speed and long exposure time.

The silhouette of the reptile attached to my leg was all that remained of that visual and the experience. As this silhouette begins to fade away and my perspective had changed, I was not longer involved with that reality. Everything was tinted red and all I could see was my arms in front of my chest. Then my entire body juddered at what seemed to be the pace of a heartbeat, 3 judders to be exact.

At this point I’ve become completely unaware and remember experiencing nothing else. Not until my hippocampus becomes partially developed at the age of 2 years old, my perception had blacked out. 

This experience affected me deeply and as soon as I could string together a sentence, I was still concerned enough to tell my Mum about it; what seemed to be 2 - 3 years later. No child gets chased by a crocodile without the parents knowing about it.

I was a level headed child, well behaved for the most part. I was interested in the world and this was was enough to keep me occupied for the meantime. When telling my Mum about this experience, I was unaware of what ET’s are or might have been. Then first time I properly thought about ET’s with any mental clarity as at 8 years old when reading a X-files book for reading homework.”

Prompted by my investigation of the case, Phil decided to get confirmation off his mother by asking her if she recalled him talking about being chased by a crocodile. As you can see from her Facebook response she does remember this conversation:

After speaking with Phil about his testimony of this memory I was able to find out the following additional information.

Even though this experience occured at an early age, in the vision Phil saw himself as an adult. He was wearing a dark long sleeved top of some kind but did not really pay much attention; he was more focused on his surroundings. The location he was in appeared to be an open plain, possibly grass covered. In the distance were hills and trees, so it did appear to be on Earth rather than another planet. It was night-time and the sky was dark, though he cannot recall seeing stars.

There were roughly six other people in his vicinity. They appeared to all intents to be human, and were wearing normal clothing. The one near to him was male and was standing about two feet to his right facing side on to him. He had brown short hair, and olive coloured skin. The others in the area were normal looking white males and females. Everyone was looking in the same direction, staring into the distance towards the hills. Nobody spoke or appeared to interact with each other.

Phil finds it hard to describe the event which then took place. It felt like the reality of the environment had changed and become more lucid. He became fascinated by this change, and looking around it was clear that the other people there were as well.

The spheres which suddenly started to appear around him and the others were golden in colour. They seemed to grow out of thin air hovering just off the ground. The one nearest to him off to his right was about 40 feet away. Over 30 seconds it grew to about 4 feet in diameter.

The reptile-like creature which emerged was quite tall and looked strong and well built. It was covered in green-grey coloured scales. Its face had a slightly extended jaw. There was a spine down the centre of the forehead separating its head into two distinct halves. It had talons on its hands and had a tail, but was standing up on two legs. The beings which Phil has described here is almost certainly a Reptilian, one of the more commonly reported ET species.

When everything faded away and all Phil could see was glowing red all around him he felt that he was no longer lying down but was standing up normally again. This suggests that wherever he was, it was at a different place to where he had been previously.

Grey Visitation

Phil currently lives in Bicester in shared accommodation. On a night in March 2014 he went to bed around midnight. It took him a while to get to sleep. At an unknown time during the night he woke up. He thinks it must have been between 2-3am but did not check a clock so cannot confirm this.

Opening his eyes he immediately saw a Grey standing alongside his bed. The being was only a couple of feet away from him so he could see it very clear despite the semi-darkness of the room. It was about 5 feet in height and was unclothed. It had pale grey coloured skin, which looked smooth with not much bone structure showing through. It was slender with an over-sized pear-shaped head. It had large black slanted almond-shaped eyes, a small nose and small slit for a mouth. Strangely in the centre of the being’s forehead was what appeared to be a glowing area of patterned colour. It looked like squares withn squares and was flowing like energy. The Grey's lower left arm was stretched out forwards with its palm facing down to the ground. It’s right arm hung by its side. It was standing still but was clearly alive rather than a frozen image.

Phil stared at the beings for about 8-10 seconds taking in what was happening. As soon as he realised the reality of the situation he got frightened and sat up in bed. At this moment the being faded away. He remained awake, looking around the room expecting for it to reappear. However it did not and in the end he decided to settle back down to sleep.


Emma is another friend of the band. In addition to her Flying Triangle sighting with David in early 2014 (See Part 3 of this report) she has had numerous other contact-related experiences which began two years previously.

Message Through The Radio

Emma’s first unusual experience which she believes was ET related occurred late evening in the summer of 2012. That evening she had been standing out in a field with David and Ricky discussing the contact subject and having a bit of a sky watch. It was a clear evening with the stars out, but also quite breezy. Emma remembers specifically stating that she didn’t think contact would ever happen with her as she didn’t feel she was ready for it.

Between 11pm-midnight she decided to say goodbye and set off for home along the M40 motorway. There were a few other vehicles on the road at the time. Soon after the junction to Banbury she noticed a very bright white light in the sky ahead of her off to the right of the road. It appeared to be within a mile of her location and was at a viewing angle of about 45 degrees. It was clearly in the atmosphere and not just a bright star. The object began to perform darting manoeuvres back and forth in a very erratic fashion.

Aerial map and photograph of the M40 indicating the estimated location where Emma first spotted the light:

She continued driving along the road. However rather than passing the object or it becoming closer it remained about the same distance away from her in the sky. It clearly seemed to be moving in the same direction she was, perhaps even pacing the car purposely. This continued for at least 10 miles until she had driven past Gaydon.

Aerial map showing the route along which the light was observed:

Without warning the radio experienced heavy interference. It un-tuned from the station Emma was listening to and started to search continuously for a station. During this time there was just random static coming through. Emma also noticed that everything else had become very quiet and she could no longer see other vehicles on the road ahead or in her rear view mirror. After about 30 seconds Emma began to hear structure to the static, she could detect patterns in the way it sounded. Suddenly she heard a sentence spoken out quite clearly. The words were “We are here for you”. However rather than a single voice, each word had an individual sound to it, almost like it had been spliced together.

Once again there was just static coming through. Emma realised that the white light she had seen was no longer visible. She was extremely un-nerved by what had just happened. She continued to drive and after several minutes the radio seemed to go back to normal and tuned into Heart FM. Emma continued the rest of her journey home without further incident.

The message she had heard and the unusual light she had seen stuck with her for a very long time. Emma says that at that time in her life she was feeling quite isolated, so she could interpret the message in two ways. Had the spoken sentence she had heard really come from ETs. If so were they telling her that they had come for her and she would now start to experience contact? Or did they mean that they were there to look after or support her in some way?

This is a fascinating experience with multiple aspects to it. Emma says that the bright light she had seen could not have been a helicopter the erratic movements it was making were too rapid. These manoeuvres also put out of the question the idea that the light was nothing but a star. As she was on a motorway at the time the movements could not have been down to her changing direction on the road. The light could not have been a search light or laser from a nearby night club. Firstly it was a clear night so there were no clouds for this light to bounce off. Secondly the light was clearly following along the road for quite a distance rather than just covering the same area of sky.

The message is equally as intriguing. The most obvious mundane explanation for it was that the radio had temporarily tuned into a station enough for words to be heard. However if this was the case then why would the words have each been spoken in a different voice? And it is interesting that the words which were heard made sense in terms of ET contact, although one could of course just put this down to coincidence.

If the white light really was an ET craft then this could well explain the radio interference observed. There are many incidents on record where this has occurred when craft have been in close proximity to vehicles, some of which I have investigated directly. Perhaps this message hinted at what would happen to Emma in the following years, as this was just the start of numerous unusual experiences.

Night Visitation

In early 2014 two nights after the Flying Triangle sighting Emma was at her home in Bicester writing for the book and listening to the dictaphone recordings of David that she had previously made for her planned book on contact. That night she settled down to sleep like normal.

During the night she awoke to find a shadowy figure standing in the bedroom at her desk. It was too dark to clearly make out features. Instead of reacting normally and panicking she seemed to just accept this and dropped back off to sleep.

In the morning she remembered seeing the figure and wondered why she had not been more shocked during the night. Emma does live in a shared house with her land lord, but is convinced that it wasn’t him in the room. This incident is very similar to Adam’s experience of waking up and seeing the figure at the mixing decks, discussed earlier in this report.

Missing Time

On a day in late May 2014 Emma was on her way out of the house. When she stepped outside she discovered it was raining. She walked to the car, and then suddenly realised she had left something she needed back in the house. She walked back to the house, and then suddenly began to feel a little unusual, almost dream-like.

The next thing she became aware of she was walking back out to her car. She could not recall what she had done in the house. When she arrived at the car she realised that all the windows were down. She was absolutely certain that they had not been open when she had initially walked to the car. She then realised that there was about 30 minutes of time she could not account for.

On 28th June 2014 Emma went to Pedstock music festival at Stoke Lyne in Oxfordshire. Among many other musical artists at the festival David was playing under his old title of "Unnamed 23-1".

Pedstock 2014 poster:

She met up with David and told him about this incident. She informed him that she was actually having second thoughts about writing the book on ET contact because these experiences were starting to worry her. She thought it would be best to leave things alone and not get any further involved.


Luke used to be in a band with David and Ricky, and the ex-bass guitarist of technical metalcore band Scream Blue Murder. He remains a friend of both them and myself.

Formation of Lights

Around 2010 when he was 24 years old, one late evening Luke was driving home to Bicester on his way home from work. He was travelling along Oxford Road adjacent to the A34. It was a clear evening and stars were visible in the sky. Either side of the road were open farmers’ fields. He suddenly noticed off to the left of the road three glowing yellow-white lights in a wide triangular formation. They appeared to be about 500 metres away and at an altitude of about 1000 feet. They were clearly three separate objects not three lights on a single object. If they were at the distance they appeared to be then Luke thinks they would have been quite large in size, like the size of passenger jets.

Aerial map of Oxford Road:

Luke pulled the car over in a lay-by and got out to watch the lights. They did not seem to be moving very fast. They were heading in a definite direction away diagonally from the road. But the movement was not a constant speed. They seemed to stop for short durations before continuing. However the three lights maintained the same formation, they did not drift further or closer together at any point.

Photograph of the stretch of road along which the sighting took place:

He watched the lights for about 5 minutes before deciding to continue on his journey home with them still visible in the sky. Luke does not believe the lights were distant helicopters because of the way they maintained their formation throughout the sighting. Also it would be very rare to see three helicopters at once in the same area. It is unlikely that they were Chinese lanterns as are usually a more amber orange colour, and also tend to drift as they float along. While a mundane explanation is not completely out of the question there is the possibility that these were a formation of ET craft.

Unidentified Light

Later that same year or the next Luke was out driving around Bicester with his girlfriend. It was about 8pm and a cloudy evening. Due to the time of year it was already dark.

As they drove home past Bicester Town Football Club he suddenly noticed a very bright light seemingly coming from the air above the club. It was shining down and illuminating the ground. Further down the road he turned the car into the car park to see if he could get a better look at whatever it was, but it had vanished.

Aerial map of Bicester Town Football Club:

The source of the light that he had seen was a complete mystery. It was clear that the club was closed and had no lights on, and there was nobody else around. Could it have been a craft hovering over the club which then left moments later?


It is clear from the above incidents that many of David's friends have also had other UFO or contact related experiences. While it could be argued that some of them may have been as an indirect result of being around David, some of the incidents occurred many years before they knew him. It appears that they have all been drawn together, and all have their own parts to play in this fascinating and extremely detailed case.

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2015



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