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Alaska Contact Case - Greys, Visitation, Symbols, UFO Sightings, Ground Markings, Paranormal

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Date: 23/08/2013

For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used


This report covers a number of very interesting incidents which have been experienced by Sarah, a young lady from Alaska. She got in touch with me in June 2013 to ask for my thoughts on what has happened to her over the years. Her experiences have very clear links with both contact and the paranormal. Some of them have been quite disturbing.

Childhood Visitation

Sarah’s first encounter occurred when she was 8 years old in 1993. She cannot recall what time of year it was, but remembers that she did not have school the following day so it was either on a weekend or during a holiday break. She was living at the time with her parents and older sister, who was 9 at the time.

One evening she and her parents were watching TV in the living room. Her sister was already in bed, which was slightly unusual. Sarah says she must have been tired or ill that evening and wanted to go to bed early. She was sitting on the sofa at first, but then as her sister was not present she lay down on the couch and stretched out. She was lying on her right side facing the TV and did not feel at all tired. Everything was completely normal.

All of a sudden she realised her eyes were closed and everything was extremely quiet. She was confused, and could not work out how this had happened. She could not remember dropping off to sleep. This bothered her. It felt like her memory had been erased. She knew that there was something, but could not properly recall it. She felt groggy, like she had been deeply asleep for a long time.

She tried opening her eyes and found she could not. Her eyelids felt extremely heavy. She tried and tried until she finally was able to open them. Immediately she noticed three things. The TV was switched off. Her parents were no longer present. And there were monsters standing in the room. Sarah now knows that these creatures were Greys, but at the time had no knowledge of what they look like. She just saw them as monsters. There were three or four of them. They were naked, had grey coloured skin, huge black eyes, and skinny long arms and fingers.

Overview of the living room showing the positions of the witness and the Greys:

As soon as she saw these strange beings she wanted to scream and run out of the room to her parents. But when she tried to move she found she could not. When she tried to scream no noise came out. All she could do is lie there and stare at them in horror. She was completely terrified.

After a short while she began to calm down and pay attention to what she was looking at. She could see three of them clearly, and there was some movement in her peripheral vision which suggested a fourth. They were not paying any attention to her. They appeared to be having a conversation with one another but she could not hear any words. They were turning their heads from one to the other and making slight gestures with their arms.

She told herself “It’s ok, it’s ok. They don’t know you’re here. You might as well be a part of the sofa. Just don’t move…just be quiet and they’ll go away." She thought this over and over hoping that they would not pay attention to her. She realised she was breathing hard, almost hyperventilating. At this realisation she tried to hold her breath as she was scared they would hear her breathing. She held it for as long as she could, then started breathing very slowly and as quietly as possible. She kept telling herself that they were going to go away and leave her alone.

Then the one which was standing closest, facing away from her, turned its head and looked over its left shoulder right at her! She panicked. She wanted to get away but could not move. After looking at her for several seconds he turned his head back round towards the others. She immediately imagined that it was telling the others “There’s a little girl over there, let’s eat her!”

The Greys standing in the living room:

Close up of one of their hands:

A moment later the same being turned its head round again, just like before. It once again stared at her for a few seconds. Then it turned round completely to face her and began to walk towards her. The next thing she became aware of was the beings face staring directly at her extremely close with its huge black eyes. It stared at her for what seemed like forever. Sarah thought to herself “This is it, I’m going to die. This face is the last thing I am going to see.”

She suddenly became aware of what was happening inside her head. She could actually sense this beings thoughts. It appeared to be searching her mind for something, she was not sure what. It was looking for something with intense focus. Sarah likened this to the feeling you get when you are trying to solve a complex mathematical problem. This is what the being was doing as it stared into her eyes.

The Grey suddenly realised that she was watching what it was doing. At this she sensed a slight emotion from it. It felt like the same emotion you get when you see a baby do something cute. The “ahhhhh factor”. That’s exactly what she sensed from the being. As if it could sense that she could see what it was doing and that this was cute. Then it was gone and all she could sense was the intense focus again as it scanned her mind.

The Grey scanning the mind of the witness:

It appeared to find what it was looking for. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the tip of a long grey coloured finger. It was blurred as it was so close to her face. It moved up diagonally slowly towards the bridge of her nose and crossed in front of her left eye. She was still terrified. She wanted to look directly at the finger but was still transfixed by the black eyes of the being. The finger moved up to her forehead and touched her lightly. As soon as it did this her eyes closed and she immediately became relaxed. Sarah says this felt like the being had “interrupted her central nervous system and completely disconnected her brain from her body”. She could no longer see the being in front of her but her mind was still completely awake. Many thoughts raced through her mind. “I’m going to die. I’m never going to see my parents again. What’s going to happen now?”

Gradually her thoughts began to slow down. The sense she got was that the being was being careful not to break anything. It was controlling her, slowing down her thoughts and emotions. This continued until her thoughts were very slow and faint. They were gradually replaced with quietness and stillness. This is when she heard the voice. It sounded male and quite young, like a teenage boy. It was not threatening in any way. She heard the voice directly inside her mind rather than audibly in the room. “Everything is going to be alright. You are going to go to sleep now.”

The next part she does not fully recollect but it was something like “And when you wake up this will alllllll seem like a dream.” As the being said this she felt herself fading away and drifting off to sleep.

Suddenly she found herself in her bed upstairs. She sat up startled and terrified, her heart pounding heavily. She looked over at her older sister in her own bed. She was fast asleep, softly snoring. Sarah was so happy to see her there. She peered round the room. The monsters were gone. She was alive and everything was back to normal. She was hysterical with relief at this realization.

She jumped out of bed and ran down the hall into the kitchen. There she found her parents sitting at the table. It was morning. The news was on TV same just like usual. Her father was reading a newspaper. “What’s the matter?” asked her mother. Sarah asked “Did you guys take me to bed last night?” Her mother looked confused. She said “No…you fell asleep on the sofa…and we left you there…you weren’t there when we got up this morning so we figured you went to bed on your own.”

Sarah then explained the whole story to them. She could barely contain herself as she told them about the monsters and what had taken place. Her father looked over at her and angrily exclaimed “Stop it! You just had a nightmare! Nothing happened! There are no monsters. Go bother your sister. And don’t bring it up again.”

After telling her sister what had happened, Sarah did not speak of it with her family again. However she did tell all her friends at school about it. It was only when she went to middle school that she did not mention it so often, and only told her closest friends.

For months after the encounter she was haunted by the vision of the Grey’s face staring at her. Every time she closed her eyes it would appear. She would shriek and open her eyes in shock. For a while she became scared to close her eyes for fear of seeing it. However over the years her memories of it have faded and she can only remember vague details. The colour of its skin. The large black eyes.

Sarah was roughly 12 years old when she first saw something relating to the abduction phenomenon. She watched an episode of Unsolved Mysteries which was themed around the famous Allagash abduction incident. She recalls being horrified, but did not really make the connections between her own experience and ET contact until later on.

It is clear that what Sarah experienced here was a visitation by Greys. They appear to have interacted with her directly and performed a scan of her mind for an unknown reason. It does not appear that she was abducted at the time, the interaction seemed to take place directly within the living room. There is a possibility that she was taken either before she became aware of the beings or after she blacked out, however she has no recollections of this if it did occur. Somehow she had got back up to her bedroom from the living room where her parents left her. Perhaps she sleepily walked back up there without any recollection of doing so. We are unlikely to ever know for certain.

Silver Disc Sighting

One afternoon in 1997 when Sarah was 12 years old she was travelling home from school on the bus. She was sitting on the right side of the bus listening to music. The road the bus was on went up a hill. From the top it was possible to see above the tops of the trees in the nearby area. As the bus reached the top of the hill, Sarah noticed a glint of light come through the window. She looked to see what had caused it. It was a bright sunny day with scattered cloud. She noticed an object in the sky above the trees. It appeared to be about a mile away and at very high altitude, possibly around 20000 feet. Due to the distance it was hard to accurately judge how large the object was. But she could see that it was a silver metallic domed disc shaped object, rounded on the top and flat on the base. The sun was reflecting off its surface. It was hovering completely motionless in the sky.

Sarah couldn’t move because she was so shocked. She just stared open mouthed at the UFO. A moment later the bus began to go back down the hill and the object was lost from view behind the trees. She came to her senses and twisted round in her seat, excitedly asking her friends “Oh my God did you guys see that?” Everyone just stared at her and replied "See what?"  She rolled her eyes and said "Aw never mind!", put her headphones back on and slumped back down in her seat.

It is of course possible that the object Sarah saw was some kind of silver coloured inflatable reflecting the suns rays. It did appear to be completely still in the sky, but it was a pleasant day with no wind, so it could conceivably have been drifting extremely slowly. Sarah did not observe the object for very long so this cannot be put out of the question. However there is also the possibility that it was something more unusual. It was clearly not a normal aircraft or helicopter of any kind.

Lights In The Woods

On many occasions since her teens Sarah has seen unexplained lights after dark flashing in the woods around her parents property. She would usually be sitting in the living room and notice the lights out of the window. Usually she would see a blue light blink on and off. Then after a period of time, sometimes seconds, sometimes minutes, the light would reappear. Often it would remain stationary between flashes, but sometimes would move position. On one occasion she could see it flashing and moving around and got very frightened.

She remembers mentioning the phenomenon to her mother one day. Her mother told her it was “probably the neighbours.” Sarah responded asking “Why would the neighbours be out in the middle of the woods at two o'clock in the morning on a Tuesday when its -40 outside with a blue flash light?”

Sarah has never found out the explanation for the strange blue lights, although she has never actively attempted to. She has not spoken to the neighbours to ensure that they are not responsible. Nor has she ever attempted to video the lights or approach them in the woods when they have appeared. The fact that the light moves around and does not always appear in the same location tends to suggest it is not coming from some nearby electronic equipment. If it was on a vehicle driving/parked up in the woods then surely the headlights of the vehicle would also be observed? Nor does earth lights seem a valid explanation. These are naturally occurring glowing lights sometimes observed over rural locations. However they tend to glow yellow or orange not blue, and would glow then fade rather than blink on and off.

Recurring Dreams

From her teens to her early 20’s Sarah suffered from a recurring nightmare. In this dream she would see a row of multi-coloured lights hovering outside one of the windows of the house. The window would change from dream to dream but the general theme would be the same. When she saw the lights she would hide from them and close her eyes, hoping that “they” would go away. She would usually wake up at this point extremely frightened.

She also recalls another dream which she had when she was 17. In this dream she got out of bed and went down to the living room. There she discovered dozens of short extremely pale Greys running around in all directions. She was terrified but felt like she was being controlled. She walked through the cluster of Greys and sat down on a chair amongst them, even though inside she desperately wanted to get away. At this moment she woke up.

Taking into account Sarah’s other experiences, it is certainly possible that these dreams were in fact flashbacks to real encounters that she had experienced.  Often contact experiences are blocked out of the mind of the individual. Memories of these experiences often come back in this manner.

Sarah has also mentioned that she has suffered from sleep paralysis on numerous occasions. On one of these occasions she felt like her body was being touched by hands, but could not open her eyes to see what was going on. It felt extremely vivid to her and different from most of the other times when she has found herself unable to move during the night.

While you may feel that Sarah’s other contact experiences could have just been down to sleep paralysis, this is extremely unlikely to be the case. There are many very specific differences between sleep paralysis and contact which cannot be ignored.

The Linewave Incident

When Sarah was 18 – 19 years old she experienced a series of unusual events in her life. It began with numerous vivid unsettling dreams with appeared to be apocalyptic in nature. The dreams all had similar themes. In them the world seemed to either be burning, or on the brink of ending completely. They were very disturbing to her and she looked for answers to them.

Sarah has a belief in the spirit world, so decided to ask the spirits about the dreams. She had experimented with this before, asking the spirits questions and attempting to get answers via automatic writing or automatic typing on her laptop. She sat on the bed with her laptop displaying a blank Word document. She then rested her hands on the keyboard, closed her eyes and went into a light trance using meditation. She then opened herself up to the spirit world and asked “Why am I having these dreams?”

After about a minute her fingers suddenly began to move. They typed out the word “linewave”. She asked whether that was the name of whoever was in communication with her. “Yes” she typed. She tried to find out what this entity was. It replied that it was “a higher being”.

Sarah began talking with “Linewave” asking it many different questions. She found out it was male, and that it had an assistant named Jine which was not human. Linewave said that Jine liked her, but that he himself did not. But he said that he had been chosen to speak with her and that he had no choice. He told her she was chosen to fulfil a prophecy. That she would meet a man who was quite a bit older than her who was a pilot, and that their child who would one day change the world.

Sarah did not believe this and accused Linewave of talking nonsense. But he kept telling her again and again, saying that it was important. He mentioned numerous things from the book of Revelations in the bible, despite Sarah not having a religious background. She was also told that she would be admitted to hospital and that one of her uncle’s would save her. Sarah had not heard from her uncle’s for a number of years so did not believe what she was being told.

After she stopped communicating with Linewave she didn't like to think about what had happened. She felt that Linewave was some kind of evil entity trying to play mind games with her. That everything she had been told was not going to happen. But a few months later she was checked into hospital. And while she was there her uncle rang up out of the blue. He said that she did not belong there and that she should come and recover at his house instead.  At this moment Sarah recalled what Linewave had said to her. She was horrified that it appeared to now be coming true. She refused her uncle’s offer and hung up the phone.

In 2013 Sarah became pregnant. Shortly before getting in touch with BUFOG about her experiences, her boyfriend, who is older than her, confessed to her that he had gone to flight school and flown an aeroplane before.

The incident that Sarah described is both fascinating and somewhat disturbing. Could she really have got in contact with some kind of entity which spoke to her through automatic typing on her laptop? You may well believe that this is not possible and could not have happened. That what Sarah typed out was merely from her own subconscious, not a separate intelligence. This theory could certainly be used to explain the majority of what happened. However what has happened since the incident should not be ignored. Could it really have been nothing but a coincidence that she was admitted to hospital, and that one of her uncle’s then tried to rescue her? Or that she became pregnant by an older man who had flown aircraft before? And what of the numerous statements which Linewave made which Sarah then proceeded to find in the bible? Things she had never read about before yet had been told?

If Linewave really was an entity of some kind, what was he? Could he have been extra-terrestrial in origin? He appeared to know things which were to happen in Sarah’s future. He also mentioned another entity which he claimed was not human. If he was an ET why would he have mentioned passages from the bible, what relevance would this have if Sarah was not even religious and had not been brought up in the Christian faith? Perhaps he was not an ET but was some kind of spirit or demon. This would be nothing more than speculation, and the true origins of Linwave will probably never be known for sure.


One of Sarah’s most unsettling experiences occurred in 2007. She had come back from college and was spending the summer at her parent’s house. It was nearing the end of the summer and soon she would be starting at university in Anchorage. Ever since a teenager she has suffered from insomnia, and in her early twenties it was extremely prevalent.

One night she was sitting in the living room. The lighting was dim and it was extremely quiet. It was between midnight and 1 o'clock in the morning. Her parents had long gone to bed, and her sister no longer lived at the house. She sat in a leather chair wishing she could go to sleep, but felt wide awake. She was looking at the clock which hung over the television.

Suddenly she heard the sound of the TV switching on. The screen flashed and crackled with loud static. This sudden noise was almost deafening due to the silence. She jumped up out of the chair startled, almost falling over in the process. She immediately reached down alongside the cushion of the chair expecting to find the TV remote, because she assumed that she had accidentally leaned on it. But when she checked she found that it wasn't there.

“How strange” she thought to herself. She looked around and saw the remote on the kitchen table behind her, where her father had left it. She sat back down and stared at the screen. There was no picture or sound, but it was still switched on. Usually when the TV was turned on the orange power light would display for a couple of seconds. Then it would change to green and the picture would appear. But this time the orange light remained.

She stared in disbelief thinking to herself “The damn thing is broken! Great!” She continued to wait but nothing happened. Then suddenly she saw something appear in the upper left corner of the screen. It was white and blurred, but then began to sharpen into a shape. It appeared to be an unusual symbol of some kind. It reminded her of a Viking rune. It was about ¾ of an inch tall and ½ inch wide. Looking back at the incident she cannot recall exactly what it looked like, only roughly.

Then she saw another white blur appear immediately to the right of the first symbol. This too sharpened into a different shaped symbol. Then another, and another. It appeared that someone was making the symbols appear one at a time across the screen. Immediately the thought came to her mind, “Aliens! It’s the damn aliens again! Shit!”

Sarah panicked and jumped out of the chair. She didn't know what to do. She backed off away from the TV, and thought about running down the hallway to get her parents. Conflicting thoughts sped through her mind. “I should go and get my parents….no let them sleep…but they have to see this….no I should stay here and see what happens…but I don’t want to be here alone if they come to get me again!” As she had these thoughts she glanced towards and away from the TV screen, wanting to look but not to look at the same time. As she did this she could see more and more symbols appearing across the top of the screen in a line.

When the final symbol appeared at the top right corner, a new line began at the left of the screen underneath, exactly like a message being typed out. All the symbols appeared to be different to one another. When the second row completed a third row began. However half way along the third row, she saw a very definite three dots appear. After this no more symbols appeared.

She could cope with the situation no longer, so decided to go and get her parents. She ran into their bedroom and turned on the light. “Mom! Dad! You gotta get up and see this! The freaking TV is going nuts!” Sleepily her mother replied “You’re having another nightmare Sarah. Go back to bed, it’s ok.” Anxiously she responded “I'm not having a nightmare! I'm totally awake mom! I swear!” Again her mother answered “Maybe you fell asleep and didn't know you fell asleep. Go back to bed. Leave us alone.”

Reluctantly Sarah turned off the light and closed the door. She stood in the hallway nervous and irritated. She walked slowly back down the hall towards the living room. As she did she became frightened that something else was in the house. She cautiously peeked into other rooms as she passed them, but there was nothing but darkness. Peering back into the living room at the TV she could see that the TV was off, but was crackling with static electricity which showed her it had recently been on.

She had nothing left to do but go to bed. In the end she dropped off but she was troubled by what had taken place. In the morning she went into the kitchen. Her parents were already there. She sat down at the table alongside her father and began to talk about normal everyday things.

Suddenly once again she heard the sound of the TV coming on in the living room. She jumped and looked over her shoulder at the screen. Her father also looked over. For a couple of seconds the light was orange. But then it changed to green and the picture appeared like normal. However neither of them had touched the remote control, it was resting between them on the table. Her father exclaimed “Hmmm…is that what it did last night?” “No!” Sarah responded “It was doing weird stuff last night! This is normal stuff!” Her dad replied “Yea…hmmm…it’s broken. We’ll need to get another one.”

The TV continued to switch itself on and off for the rest of the day. Soon afterwards Sarah’s parents purchased a new TV which is still working fine today. But Sarah is convinced that on that night in 2007 she was shown several lines of ET symbols for an unknown reason, and that the TV had been used as a means of displaying this information.

Is Sarah correct in this assumption? Could the TV have really been used for the transmission of symbols? I would certainly not put this out of the question. There are many contact cases where individuals have been shown unusual symbols of some kind. In most cases they have no idea what these symbols mean, or only a rough feeling of what they may represent. Most of the time these symbols are either sent to the mind of the contactee directly in what is known as an “information download”, or are shown to them on a screen aboard a craft. I have not dealt with any other cases where they were displayed using a television, although it is likely that other cases do exist.

I find it very unlikely that Sarah dreamed the appearance of the symbols. If they had simply flashed up for a few seconds and then disappeared then this could have been the explanation. However the symbols appeared one by one over a period of time. During this time Sarah stood up and sat down a couple of times and even began moving out of the living room. If the symbols were a hallucination of some kind they would have vanished, yet they continued to appear.

Could the symbols have been runes being displayed on a TV show which was coming through as feedback from a channel? This is a possibility worth considering. After all, the symbols did suddenly come to an end with several dots half way along the third line. This is of course the usual way that a passage of English text would be ended if it was shortened and cut off before completion. But if this was the case, why would the show have displayed several lines of runes one at a time over a period of minutes? It doesn’t really make sense that they would have appeared this slowly. Also surely this feedback would have continued and been seen when Sarah returned to the living room after speaking with her parents? Yet when she returned to the room the screen was just displaying static. 

We will probably never know the meaning behind the symbols which Sarah saw displayed on the screen. However I feel that aspects of the incident do point towards it being a genuine transmission of information from an ET source.

Flying Triangle Sighting

In February 2011 Sarah used to work at a grocery store. One evening she was on her way to work around 4pm. Due to the time of year it was completely dark and was very icy road conditions. It had rained earlier in the day and now the water had frozen, covering the road in a thick sheet of ice. Everyone was driving extremely slowly, and Sarah gripped the steering wheel tightly for the entire journey. There were quite a number of cars on the road, all with their headlights on giving each other plenty of room.

Sarah was at a stop sign and about to turn onto Steese Highway which leads South to Fairbanks where she worked. Suddenly she noticed three white lights in the distance to her left. They appeared to be about 50 feet high in the air and were in a triangular formation. The lights were moving towards her, and appeared to be attached to a single object which was heading North following the highway. The main body of the object could not be seen due to the darkness, but it seemed to be quite large in size, at least as wide as the road. Sarah estimates it was at least 60 feet across, possibly larger. It was moving around 45 mph and slowly approaching over the space of 1-2 minutes.

Photograph of Steese Highway in the direction of Fairbanks:

When it reached her location it passed in front of the car and she realised it was completely silent. After it had passed she turned left onto the highway and began driving South towards Fairbanks. She glanced in her mirror and saw the object still heading North away from her. She could not continue to observe it as she had to keep her eyes on the road due to the bad driving conditions. Sarah says it is likely that at least some of the other drivers would have seen the lights as well. However she did not hear of any other reported sightings which matched what she had seen.

The object Sarah saw in this case could well have been a Flying Triangle, one of the more commonly reported types of ET craft. These are almost always either black or very dark blue in colour, which would have accounted for why only the lights of the object were visible. The most common lighting configuration reported is a white light at each corner just as Sarah described. Also the silent flying of the object even when close to her car would fit in with this explanation. Due to the fact the object was not very high in the air you would expect her to have heard some kind of sound if the object was a normal aircraft. Also other navigation lights would have been noticed on the object, yet there were none. Lastly Sarah says that the object was moving far too slowly to have been a plane, and was flying lower than you would expect a plane to fly at.

Red and Yellow Lit UFO Sighting

On the evening of 18th February 2012 Sarah was relaxing in her house watching TV. It was very dark and cold outside. At 8.39pm she noticed something through the window out of the corner of her eye. She glanced out to see what it was and noticed a flying object with some lights on it. It looked like a thin silver coloured bar which had a red light in the centre and a yellow light at either end. It was very low down below the tree level, around 15 feet off the ground. It was positioned near the end of the drive way, about 40 feet away. Initially she thought it was a helicopter as it appeared to be around this size. But she soon realised that the object was completely silent. It appeared to be hovering still in the air.

Puzzled by the object, Sarah stared at it for about 5 seconds. Suddenly without warning it shot directly upwards, then changed direction and flew straight over the top of the house extremely fast. It took less than a second to vanish from sight over the roof! Sarah immediately jumped up out of her chair, grabbed her camera phone and ran to the front door. She tried to fling it open but realised it was locked. By the time she had unlocked the door and ran outside the object had long gone.

Due to the appearance of the object and the movement pattern observed this is a fascinating sighting. What could the object have been? A lit inflatable/balloon would not have drifted in this manner, the object clearly appeared to be under intelligent control. A radio controlled model would not have been able to go from hovering still then suddenly ascend, perform a right angle turn and instantly accelerate to an extremely fast speed. There are stunt RC helicopters which have quad rotor blades, but these are quite small in size. And you would have to question why someone would be flying one of these after dark in the vicinity of Sarah’s house in the first place. What she saw on that evening remains an intriguing mystery and one which cannot be easily explained.


At 2.15pm on 28th June 2012 Sarah was preparing to take her mother to a doctor’s appointment. She stepped outside the front door. It was a clear and pleasant afternoon. Her parent’s house is surrounded by large areas of grass, weeds and wildflowers. Around the edge of the property are many trees. Looking about she noticed large flattened areas of vegetation around the front of the house on either side of the driveway. It appeared to be localised into specific areas rather than spread across the entire area. She had certainly never seen anything like it before. While driving her mother to the appointment she looked for other areas of flattened vegetation but saw none.

Due to the possible links with the crop formation phenomenon, she immediately became concerned that it was something to do with her contact experiences. Perhaps a UFO had even landed outside the property! She decided to take some video footage on her mobile phone as documented evidence. (I was shown this footage while working on the case, but unfortunately the video has since stopped working. If I am able to obtain them again I will update this report)

When she returned from her mother’s appointment she asked her father if he had been outside in the night moving around on his wheelchair. He laughed and replied “No...why? Were you dreaming about that last night?” Sarah took him outside and showed him the flattened grass. He had no theory on what may have caused it, and said he too had never seen it before.

Later on in the evening she stepped outside again to take two further videos of the vegetation:

Sarah decided to go online and post the video on a forum she likes to use to see if anyone could shed any light on the phenomenon. After mentioning the find to numerous people, a number of possible theories were put forward and discussed:

1 - The vegetation was flattened by people walking around the front of the house during the night, perhaps as some kind of prank.

2 - A combination of rain and high winds were responsible.

3 - The vegetation was flattened by wild animals such as moose or bears foraging in the night or bedding down outside the property.

4 - The damage was caused by a microburst, a localised column of sinking air which can appear during thunderstorms.

5 - A dust devil flattened the vegetation.

6 - Something large landed outside the property during the night, or hovered at a very low altitude.

The idea that it had been caused by people walking around was quickly dismissed due to the fact that the grass had been flattened over the tops of various gardening equipment, as seen in the video footage.

Could the flattened grass have been caused by a combination of rain and high winds, as one of the individuals on the forum suggested? They stated that if heavy rain soaks an area of vegetation and then a strong gust of wind blows across the area it could cause it to flatten. They noted that most of the grass was flattened parallel to the house in a direct line with the driveway. They suggested that if the wind was blowing down the driveway when it got to the house it could have been channelled down the side of the house and in between the trees and picked up speed right in the area where the disturbance occurred. This would explain why it wasn't flattened out in the open field. And the trees around the house could have broken the wind and stopped it from flattening the grass elsewhere. The vegetation flattened in different directions could have been caused by turbulence, possibly because of the various gardening equipment lying around the area. The individual stated that they had seen similar effects on vegetation after hurricanes and thunderstorms, but it would usually be covering much larger areas.

However, as Sarah pointed out in response to this theory, if it had been caused by wind being funnelled down the driveway then why were the weeds either side of the driveway still standing? It appeared to have only affected an area around the front of the house. Also it had not occurred anywhere else in the local area. If it was caused by high winds and rain then it would be reasonable to propose that other areas would have also experienced similar effects. After checking the area on Google Earth the individual who had suggested it may have been caused by wind and rain posted again saying that their initial theory was unlikely due to the fact that the whole property was surrounded by trees, even the area of the driveway. Sarah is also quite sure that the weather had been pleasant on the previous evening, and was definitely not stormy at the time.

Another person on the forum suggested that the flattened areas could have been caused by animals bedding down for the night or rolling around in the grass. However Sarah informed them that moose do not travel in herds, and that bears are very rarely seen in the area. There are cows in the area but these would usually only have one or two calves with them. The area of disturbance seemed too large for this to have been the cause.

A couple of people entertained the idea that it might have been a microburst, an unusual current of downward air which can sometimes occur. However microbursts only occur in thunderstorms, and as previously stated Sarah confirmed the weather had been pleasant. Also microbursts would usually cause everything in the area to be flattened or knocked over. It is clear that it was just the vegetation which had been affected.

Sarah wondered if a dust devil could have been responsible. These are similar to tornadoes but are usually not as powerful and rarely pose a threat to people. However dust devils occur during sunny weather conditions in the day time. It was clear that the flattened vegetation had occurred during the night, so this theory does not seem to fit what was seen either.

The following morning Sarah discovered another patch of flattened grass close to her parked car, so decided to take another video on her phone. Other than small areas where the vegetation appeared to be leaning over, she could find nothing similar anywhere else in the local area.

The unusual flattened areas of grass found outside Sarah’s parents house continue to remain a mystery. While there is a good chance that they were caused by wind conditions of one form or another, there is still a possibility that it was caused by something which had descended from the sky outside of the property during the night.


Sarah suffers from a number of fears which could be linked with her contact experiences. Ever since childhood she has had a fear of the dark which has never diminished. She is particularly frightened of driving home alone after dark. When she goes to bed she needs the covers tucked in all around, as she has a fear of something grabbing her hands or feet if they are exposed. She is terrified of power outages – if the power goes off she immediately panics until she has found a flashlight. She understand that this behaviour is irrational, but cannot help what happens. Fears such as this are often prevalent with contactees as they are aware (consciously or subconsciously) that this is when the beings have come for them.

Another interesting fear that Sarah has is of fluorescent blue LED lights. This could be because it reminds her of the unexplained lights she has seen in the woods around her parent’s house. But there is also a possibility that it is because of a light she has seen during a contact experience which has been wiped from her memory.


Due to Sarah’s detailed recollection of a visitation and direct interaction with Greys it is clear that she is a contactee. The ETs appear to have searched her mind for something specific. It is possible that she has had other visitations or abductions after this experience, which may account for some of her recurring nightmares and fears.

Her other experiences are also fascinating. The incident with the symbols appearing on the TV is hard to explain and could well be ET related. We can only speculate as to what these symbols meant and why she was being shown them. As with many other contactees Sarah has had numerous UFO sightings. The flattened vegetation found outside the house in June 2012 is very interesting, and although a natural cause cannot be ruled out it is still very unusual.

I would like to thank her for coming forward with this detailed information, and hope that she keeps in touch in the event of any further experiences.

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2013



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