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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

20/06/1995 - Sedgley – Lit Cone Shaped UFOs Sighting, Information Download

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Month: June 2011

Last Updated: 10/09/2024


In June 2011 Matthew got in touch with me via to share details of a stunning UFO sighting he had experienced six years before. This sighting was clearly of two very unusual, clearly structured objects. This sighting is covered in depth in the following report.


Sighting Details


On the evening of 20th June 1995, Matthew had been out in Bridgnorth. He arrived home at 11.20pm. It was a very clear and still night with the stars visible in the sky above. There was nobody else around. As he stepped out of the car on the driveway of his house he immediately noticed two very bizarre looking objects in the sky, which appeared to be over the water reservoir behind the house.


Photograph in the direction the UFOs approached from

The objects were alongside one another, and were cone shaped with rounded ends. They appeared to be about 10 metres in diameter at their base. The main body of each object was a dark grey metallic colour. However the length of the cone appeared to be covered in a glowing neon blue energy, which pulsed and moved like liquid. At the base of the cone was an extended ring which had on it a circle of red rotating flashing lights. These lights were flashing in sequence rather than randomly. At the rear of each cone was an amber-green coloured glow.


Each object had unusual antennas sticking out of the sides of the cone which were covered in small white lights. One of these antennas was noticeably longer than all the others. Another bizarre observation is that the objects appeared to be travelling along a soft beam of light, which was visible just in front of and behind them.


Witness drawing of one of the UFOs

Matthew was understandably astounded by the sight of the objects, which looked quite beautiful. However he remained calm and composed as he wanted to take in as much detail as possible. He felt immediately that the objects were extraterrestrial craft. He used to be a keen aircraft enthusiast, and knew that these objects were completely unconventional.

Initially they were about 100 yards away from him. They were approaching his position and moving in a South Westerly direction. The objects were travelling quite slowly, Matthew estimates about 30 mph. Each of them had the end of the cone dipped downward as if they were scanning the ground for something.


As the objects approached, Matthew had a good look at the objects. He was particularly intrigued by the strange antennas sticking out from them and thought to himself “What the heck are they for?” He also noticed a strange feeling in the air like static electricity.


When the objects were nearly directly overhead, one of them neatly turned 90 degrees on its axis and began travelling South East, while the other continued South West. It felt almost like they were running along a massive invisible grid due to the sudden sharp movements.

Photograph the first UFO which changed course flew away in
Photograph the remaining UFO flew away in

He continued to watch the objects for a couple of minutes until they were out of sight. Once they had gone, the reality of what he had just encountered began to sink in. He was shocked, excited and frightened.


Soon after the sighting he reported it to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) by submitting a sighting report.


In the months following the incident, some unusual things took place. Matthew kept seeing a complex circular geometric shape appear in his mind without warning.

The geometric shape which kept coming to Matthew's mind

He has extensively searched for this symbol appearing elsewhere, and has only ever seen it twice. The first time it was on an album cover of an alternative rock band from the US. However it was not exactly the same, but a more simplified version of it. He did not get in touch with the band or find out whether there was any kind of meaning behind it.


According to Matthew, the other time he saw the symbol apparently linked in with another bizarre incident which took place years later. Unfortunately he never got round to providing me with the details of this other incident, so we can only speculate as to what this may have been.


As well as seeing the symbol, Matthew also experienced sudden bursts of creativity. He did not know where this came from, and he assumed it was in some way linked with the UFOs he had seen.


Sighting Analysis


This is a fascinating encounter with some truly bizarre elements to it. The appearance of the two objects was very unusual, with a variety of coloured lights, including colours not seen in normal aircraft/helicopter navigation lights.

Drawing indicating normal aircraft navigation lights

The witness managed to observe them for an extended period of time at quite close proximity. Also they performed unusual manoeuvres with sudden right angle turns. Due to this sudden change in course they could not have been aeroplanes, and their appearance and lights do not match those of a helicopter either.


This incident occurred many years before drones were commercially available so this could not have been the explanation. The maneuverers observed were too controlled for the objects to have been two novelty inflatables covered in lights. They were completely the wrong appearance for hot air balloons, and these are usually only lit by the flame at the base. Also after dark hot air balloon pilots are legally required to hang a white flashing warning light 50 feet under the basket to warn other aircraft in the vicinity.


The sensation of static in the air is another interesting aspect of this case. A normal aircraft, model or inflatable would not have had this effect on the local environment, which again points towards a more unusual explanation.

It is unknown whether the UFOs really were on some kind of invisible "track". This seems unlikely as I have not come across any similar descriptions in other cases, but cannot be entirely ruled out. After all the witness did state that he could see part of this "track" as a beam of light in close proximity to both of the objects, although it could potentially have been a reflection of the lights on them rather than something physical.

No mundane explanations really fit with what was observed, the objects are truly anomalous, and may well have been genuine advanced craft, possibly ET in origin. If they were indeed this, then perhaps the symbol Matthew saw in his mind was a telepathic information download of some kind. Also an increase in creativity is a known after effect that sometimes occurs following contact. Perhaps more took place than Matthew currently recollects.


I am pleased that he decided to get in touch with myself via Richard Hall’s website in addition to filling out the NUFORC sighting form as it is a very intriguing incident. If you have any further information regarding what took place please do get in touch.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024



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