Birmingham UFO Group Report
Author: Dave Hodrien
Originally forwarded by Richard Hall
Release Date: 17/08/2011
Last Updated: 11/09/2024
Sighting Details
In 1968 Stuart Conway and his work colleague had a fascinating sighting of two UFOs which were either out in space or in the upper atmosphere. The men were walking home around 6am after a night shift. It was still dark and the stars were out in the sky overhead. It was a clear morning with good visibility. They stopped for a short time to have a chat. As they talked, Stuart looked up at the stars, something which he often likes to do.
He noticed a glowing white light moving up from the horizon in their direction. Naturally he assumed this was a satellite. He pointed it out to his work mate. It was directly overhead when suddenly it stopped moving! Both men were immediately aware that it could not be a satellite or drifting space debris but must be under control.
They continued to watch and after several seconds noticed a second moving light travelling across the sky at a 90 degree angle to which the first one had approached. It was moving directly for the stationary object. As it reached it the two lights seemed to become one. This remained stationary for a number of minutes.
After this, the lights suddenly separated again. One went back to where it had come from and then halted in the sky. The other vastly increased in acceleration and shot away extremely fast in the same direction it had been going! It was gone within a second.
The witnesses watched the remaining object for a while but in the end decided it was not going to move again and so headed for home. In the morning Stuart checked the daily paper to see if anything had been reported but there was nothing.
Sighting Analysis
This is obviously a distant sighting but a very impressive one due to the manoeuvres the objects performed. It is hard to say for definite whether the objects truly were out in orbit or at high altitude, as it is very hard to accurately judge height without a point of reference.
As this sighting occurred in the 1960s two distant drones or white LED balloons were clearly not responsible for what was seen. They could not have been lit inflatables due to the controlled manoeuvres they performed. The speed that one of the objects left the area puts out of the question that they were two distant helicopters.
They appeared to be out in space and were probably reflecting light in the same way that satellites and space debris does. However due to the fact that they changed speeds, stopped and appeared to merge they cannot have been either of these, and must have been under direct control. Their manoeuvres designated intelligence and purpose, they were not randomly drifting.
If the objects really were out in space then this leaves two possibilities. They were either two human-made spacecraft docking with each other for some purpose, or were something else entirely, possibly craft of ET origin. The fact that one of the objects shot away at an incredibly fast speed from a stationary position suggests the later of these explanations, as at that distance even an object travelling at hundreds of miles an hour would have appeared to move quite slowly.
I feel that the witnesses may well have observed two genuine UFOs interacting with one another.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2024