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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

17/07/2010 - Henrietta, USA - Helicopter UFO Chase

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report Author: Dave Hodrien Release Date: 02/08/2010

On 21st July 2010 BUFOG received a very interesting sighting report from a man named John living at a place known as Henrietta. Sadly he did not leave any contact details, and there are numerous places by this name so I am unable to state the exact location, however I believe this sighting took place in the USA.

Sighting Details

At 10.50pm on 17th July 2010 John was out on the driveway of his house. It was a clear night and the stars could be seen in the sky. He heard a helicopter coming from the East. It was coming towards his location. As it got closer he could make out that it was an army helicopter. Not only that, it appeared to be chasing after another object. John could not make out the exact shape of this object but it had red and green lights on it. Suddenly the object vastly increased in speed and flew away to the West in a matter of seconds. It did this in complete silence. The helicopter turned and came back round, and switched bright lights on as if it was searching for something.

John called his next door neighbour who also came outside and saw the helicopter. After about 5 minutes of circling the area it slowly flew away into the distance.

John also mentioned that his neighbour followed the UFO sighting on the internet, I assume that he means by this that it was reported by other people too. I have so far not been able to locate anything about this UFO.

Sighting Analysis

This is a fascinating incident and it is a shame that John did not leave his contact details as I would certainly have liked some further details. From what he has said, the UFO certainly sounds like it was something out of the ordinary due to the incredible speed at which it exited the area. It moved too fast to have been a conventional aircraft, model or inflatable of some kind. It is very intriguing that a military helicopter was following the object, and then proceeded to search the area after it had departed - this again suggests that it was something very unusual, possibly a genuine ET craft. It also means that the military in the area were well aware of the object. If John gets in touch then I will be able to add further details to this report.

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010



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