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10/02/2008 - Kingswinford - Black Octagonal UFO Sighting

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Release Date: 13/04/2008

The Investigation

The Kingswinford UFO incident occurred on the night of Sunday 10th February 2008, in Ridgewood near to Wordsley. The four witnesses involved often go to the woods in the late evening, start a fire and relax with some drinks till early hours of the morning. 10th February was one of these nights, but was by no means the first time they had been at the location. During their evening they had a close encounter with an extremely unusual flying object. The sighting lasted for quite a long time and certainly warranted a detailed investigation.

On the evening of Saturday 12th April 2008 myself, my girlfriend Katie Francis and brother Andrew drove out to meet two of the four witnesses at the Old Cat pub, Wordsley. We arrived at 8.10pm and soon met up with Christian and Will Horton and their friend Tom. After a short while we then drove to meet up with the 3rd witness Jim Lees. Shortly after went and picked up the 4th witness Dave Moore, while Will, Jim and Tom walked on ahead to start up a fire at the location of the incident.

Christian then directed us to Highcroft Avenue where we parked the car. One of the entrances to Ridgewood, the one always used by the witnesses, lies at the end of this road. We grabbed some drinks and snacks and entered the woods at 10.15pm.

Arial view showing entrance to wood:


Despite it having rained and hailed earlier in the day, the weather conditions were now very clear. The sky was filled with stars and there was only light cloud cover. I am also glad to say that it wasn’t too cold. Ridgewood lies on a slope, and after crossing a stile we found ourselves at the base of this. It was quite dark but due to the moonlight still possible to see. We had a torch with us anyway which we used to point out the many roots we had to step over. Even with this, I still managed to trip on one but luckily was not injured. As the ground began to level out at the top of the slope, Christian and Dave lead us along the path through the trees. After a short distance we entered the clearing where the incident took place. The others were already there and had got a nice fire going in the designated spot, a clear flat area of ground surrounded by logs and a couple of fallen trees. There was a clear view of the night sky above our heads and off to the west, towards the villages of Enville and Kinver. The woods were silent except for very occasional sounds of animals scuttling through the bushes. It was quite serene and not at all creepy. I felt I would have been comfortable walking there even on my own. The witnesses said the same, they had been to this clearing many times before, and had occasionally had to do this journey by themselves to meet up with the others.

Arial view of sighting location:


Photograph of us and the witnesses at the clearing (From left to right - Kate, Dave, Will, Jim, Andrew, Christian):


Shortly after arriving I decided to interview each of the witnesses independently. One at a time I took them off to the side of the clearing and went through the same questions with them. All the witnesses seemed very sincere and believable, I have no doubt in my mind that they were telling the truth about what they saw. Their answers to the questions tied up on the whole. There were slight variations relating to the description of the object, movement and length of time of the sighting, but I got the feeling these were just down to their personal interpretation of what they saw, and also the fact it had been over two months since the incident took place. None of the witnesses appeared to be joking about the incident or elaborating on it in any way. They have gained nothing from revealing the details of their sighting. I believe it to be genuine.

After interviewing the witnesses, Christian then took me to the edge of the woods where they had followed the object and then watched it for a while longer. There is a path leading round the edge of Ridgewood, along which runs a hedge and barbed wire fence. Peering over the hedge it is possible to see quite a way into the East, looking out over the lights of Dudley. Chris pointed out the location in the sky where the object moved to and performed manouvers for a time. He also mentioned to me the location of the field where they had returned to with their friend after the initial sighting of the object was over.

Arial view showing witness position where they continued to watch the UFO:


Photograph of Christian pointing out the direction which they watched the UFO move off in:


Returning to the fire I then took some photographs. It was at this moment that something unsual happened. Dave saw a yellow flash of light coming from the west low down behind the trees. He said it glowed brightly and then faded away. We jokingly said it must have been the camera flash and nothing more was said about it.

We relaxed, drank and chatted for a while, and even got some toasted marshmallows on the go. At around 2.00 am Kate was getting very tired so we decided to call it a night and put the fire out. Just as things were drawing to a close I was staring to the west through the trees and suddenly saw the same yellow flash of light myself! It was low down near the ground but not a single point but a wide glow of light. Nobody else saw it as it only lasted for a second before it died back down. We assumed it wasn’t a vehicle’s lights as we had been there for hours and only seen it happen twice. It was certainly bizarre but it probably had a rational explanation. Dave led us back to our car through the woods, while the other witnesses headed off in another direction to their homes. It was a very interesting evening, and the witnesses all provided me with excellent detailed descriptions of their sighting.

Investigation Drawings

Sighting area showing various locations:


Positions and directions of the witnesses at the time of the sighting:


Sighting Overview

From the four witness interviews I obtained, it is possible to piece together an overall picture of what probably occurred on the night of 10th February.

Chris, Will, Dave and Jim headed up to the clearing in Ridgewood late evening time and started a fire. They then sat, talked and drank a small amount of alcohol (Note: I do not believe drinking contributed to anything they experienced in any way).

At around 11.30pm Dave suddenly spotted a bright white light with other smaller blue and red lights in the sky. It was several miles away from the woods at this point and travelling slowly and steadily in a North-East-Easterly direction over the villages of Enville and Kinver, at around 100 foot in the air. As the object got closer the others also became alerted to its presence. It continued on the same path and headed directly over the clearing in the woods where the witnesses were.

Sighting location map showing path of UFO:


As it passed overhead they could see it was black, octagonal in shape, and about the size of a house. It had a large central red light underneath and four smaller white lights at the corners. It made no sound as it passed over despite its closeness to the ground. As it reached the glade it slowed down a bit, as if surveying the witnesses. It then increased in acceleration quite a bit and continued in the same direction. The witnesses ran through the woods following it between the trees. They reached the edge of the wood and continued to watch it as it passed over houses towards the area of Dudley. On the horizon it then stopped and began making manoeuvres left and right, sometimes hovering still in the sky. It once again resembled a white light with tinges of red and blue in it at this point.

The witnesses observed it for up to one hour. During this time Will felt a very unusual awareness of nature and actually turned round to stare back at the woods. He believes this was in some way connected with the object. After a long while they all decided to walk out of the woods to get their friend Tom from his house. They then returned to a field close to the entrance of the woods to look for the object again but could not see it.

Arial view of the field location:


Later as they all walked home, Dave and Christian both independently observed the object again at a distance. They could even see it from their own bedroom windows and were spooked by it for a while.

The incident was first reported to Craig Lowe and Mark Martin, chairmen of the Birmingham UFO Group. They did some preliminary investigative work, and also contacted air traffic control and the Ministry of Defense to see whether they could shed any light on the incident. Neither of them responded with any possible suggestions as to what the object could have been.

Witness Drawings

Dave: The object from underneath as it passed over the clearing.


William: The object flying over the clearing. (Top) The object as it appeared when further away. (Bottom)


Christian: The object as it passed overhead. (Top) The object flying over the clearing. (Bottom)


James: The object from underneath as it passed over the clearing.


Interview Questionnaires

Interview Details

Date & Time: 12/04/08 10.51pm

Location: Ridgewood, Kingswinford, near Summer Hill School

Witness Details

Name: David James Moore

Age: 21

Address: Kingswinford, West Midlands

Sighting Details

Sighting Date & Time: Sunday 10th February 2008, Approx 11.30pm

Weather Conditions: Very cold and mild with thin frost. Clear night sky with only light cloud. Could see stars and moon. No wind.

What were you doing prior to sighting the object? Sitting around a fire we had built, chatting and drinking a bit.

How many witnesses were there present at the time of the sighting? Four – Myself, Christian, Jim and Will.

Which witness first sighted the object? I did.

How did you first get alerted to the presence of the object? I was staring at the horizon over Envelle & Kinver when I suddenly noticed an extremely bright white light .

What was your gut instinct when you first saw the object? I was confused – I was trying to work out in my mind what it could be. It which seemed too low to be a star or an aircraft.

Can you give a description of the object, from when you first saw the object up until the end of the sighting? At a distance when I first saw the object it looked like a single bright white light. I estimate it was about 2 miles away at this point. As it got closer I could see three lights – A large central red light with a small white light to one side and a small blueish light to the other side. As the object approached and went over the glade I could see it was hexagonal shaped against the night sky, possibly main body of the object was actually black in colour. It had a central large red light and four smaller white lights at the corners which were flashing every few seconds but irregularly. As the object moved away onto the far horizon it once again looked like a white light but I could occasionally pick up tinges of red and blue in it.

How big would you estimate the object was? About 8m x 8m. Could not see how high it was. I saw a garden a similar size after the event so used that to determine how big it probably was.

How high would you estimate the object was in the sky? Did the object remain at this height for the duration of the sighting? I’d say it was about 70 foot or higher. It seemed to keep the same height from the ground so may have rose up a bit to come over the glade.

What was the objects movement patterns and estimated speed? Did its speed change at all during the sighting? It was very calm and slow moving as it headed towards the glade and overhead, I estimate around 60mph. It seemed to slow down as it passed over. Then it sped up dramatically as it moved away. We followed the object to the edge of the trees and watched it flying over houses towards Sedgeley/Dudley. When it was on the far horizon it started moving left and right for quite a long time and also changing height.

Did the object make any noises at any point during the sighting? No it was completely silent, there was not even any sound of air displacement.

Did you hear any background noises during the sighting? Possibly trees blowing but not much as it was quite calm weather conditions.

Approximately how long did the sighting last for? About 45 minutes from when I first spotted it.

Did you consciously choose to stop watching the object or did it disappear from view? We consciously chose to stop looking at it. We walked out of the woods to get our friend Tom from his house. We then returned to the front edge of the woods in a nearby field. We sighted the object again but it was very far away. It seemed to come into and out of vision. I was a bit confused, it may not have been the same object.

What were the other witnesses doing when you saw the object? When I first pointed it out there was little interest. As the object got closer to the glade they were in awe of it and also confused as to what it was. I panicked as it was so close to us. This made everyone else start to panic. I ran away from the glade but then tripped over and hurt my leg. After it started to move away we ran through the trees and watched it from the edge of the wood.

Did yourself or any other witness take any photographs or video of the object? No. Jim had a digital camera but because we were panicking we did not think to use it.

Did you feel any different before the sighting began? Not at all.

How did you feel during the sighting? I was panicked but also extremely curious. Had a rush of adrenaline.

How did you feel after the sighting? After the sighting was over I felt very hot. It was quite a cold night but I took my jacket off and was only wearing a short sleeved shirt. Christian felt my arm and said it was boiling. This was probably due to the adrenaline from seeing it.

Did anything strange happen after the sighting was over? When we walked home and I got close to my house I could still see the object very high over the houses. I went inside and looked out of my bedroom window around 3am and could still see it. This is when I decided to e-mail BUFOG.

If you close your eyes can you still picture the object? Vaguely. I remember the whole experience in more detail than the actual visual look of the object.

What made you think it was something strange? The lighting pattern, odd shape, lack of noise, it was really unusual.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was alien? It would be an affirmation of what I thought it was. But I also realise it could have been secret government technology.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was military? It would take away a bit of the bizarreness factor. I would be relieved.

Do you have any suspicions that the object may have a mundane explanation? No – I think it was definitely either military or alien. It didn’t fit any other explanations.

Since the sighting, has it affected you in any way? I had extreme insomnia for a few weeks after the sighting, I didn’t want to sleep as I was disturbed by what I had seen. I now have a much greater interest in UFOs and the paranormal.

Interview Details

Date & Time: 12/04/08 11.28pm

Location: Ridgewood, Kingswinford, near Summer Hill School

Witness Details

Name: William Horton

Age: 18

Address: Kingswinford, West Midlands

Sighting Details

Date & Time: Can’t remember exact date, towards the end of February. Took place in the middle of the night, possibly after 12.

Weather Conditions: Clear and dry, quite cold but no frost. Clear sky with only a few clouds, no clouds over the glade. Could see stars and the moon.

What were you doing prior to sighting the object? I was relaxing by the fire wih my head in my hands and drinking. I’d had more drinks than the others.

How many witnesses were there present at the time of the sighting? Four – Me, Jim, Dave and Chris.

Which witness first sighted the object? Chris or Dave. They were both discussing it.

How did you first get alerted to the presence of the object? I could hear Chris and Dave’s discussion about what the object could be. I stayed by the fire and didn’t look at that point, I was not really interested in what it was.

What was your gut instinct when you first saw the object? I saw it and was amazed. I immediately thought it was a UFO.

Can you give a description of the object, from when you first saw the object up until the end of the sighting? The object was quite close to the glade when I first looked at it. I saw a black shape, hexagonal, maybe triangular. The lights on it struck me the most. They shifted colour like liquid from blueish to reddish. As it passed over the glade I could see lights on the corners of the object. When it was over us suddenly all the lights went red and then it began to move off to the far horizon, gathering speed quite fast, much faster than a helicopter. We ran to the edge of the wood and watched it over the houses of Wolverhampton area.

How big would you estimate the object was? Bigger than an aeroplane or house. It was hard to tell.

How high would you estimate the object was in the sky? Did the object remain at this height for the duration of the sighting? It was above the height of the trees, about 90-100 foot. When it shot off fast to the far horizon it looked quite high. I think it may have gained height a bit.

What was the objects movement patterns and estimated speed? Did its speed change at all during the sighting? As it came towards the glade it moved at a steady slow speed. It seemed to slow down as it came overhead, then all the lights turned red and it sped off in the same direction it was already heading in. Within seconds it was over at the far horizon. It then moved left and right at least 10 times. When it slowed down over the glade it felt like it was observing us.

Did the object make any noises at any point during the sighting? Not at all. Did you hear any background noises during the sighting? No it was completely silent.

Approximately how long did the sighting last for? The object was over the glade for maximum 1 minute. When we ran to the edge of the woods, we watched it on the far horizon for about 10 minutes. Did you consciously choose to stop watching the object or did it disappear from view? I chose to look back into the woods while the others were still observing it.

What were the other witnesses doing when you saw the object? Dave was walking at a fast pace away from the glade, it looked like he was panicking. Christian followed him amazed and in disbelief. Jim was sitting on a log near the fire and I called him over. Dave and Chris seemed to have a fear of the object. I was gobsmacked by it.

Did yourself or any other witness take any photographs or video of the object? Someone may have when it was out over Wolverhampton, can’t remember.

Did you feel any different before the sighting began? No.

How did you feel during the sighting? When I first saw it I was amazed and also felt privileged. When it was on the far horizon I suddenly felt completely aware of nature. I was looking at the UFO but then for some reason decided to turn round and look back at the woods. I was thinking “These trees have so much knowledge, so much awareness. The trees and nature are connected.” I realised how brilliant nature was and was transfixed. It was really strange and freaked me out, I don’t usually think stuff like this. I felt my life was changing.

How did you feel after the sighting? I knew I’d seen something amazing. However the new awareness of nature was more dominating than the actual sighting.

Did anything strange happen after the sighting was over? No.

If you close your eyes can you still picture the object? Pretty clearly.

What made you think it was something strange? The weird lighting, the movement of it, shape and speed. It was obvious at the time that it wasn’t normal, and felt alien to me.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was alien? I wouldn’t be that surprised as that’s what I think it must have been.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was military? Surprised as I think my feelings towards nature were definitely connected to the sighting in some way. I doubt military craft could make people have feelings. Also why would the military fly the craft over a densely populated urban area?

Do you have any suspicions that the object may have a mundane explanation? None at all.

Since the sighting, has it affected you in any way? Definitely more interested in UFOs since the sighting.

Interview Details

Date & Time: 13/04/08 12.10am

Location: Ridgewood, Kingswinford, near Summer Hill School

Witness Details

Name: Christian Edward Horton.

Age: 22

Address: Kingswinford, West Midlands

Sighting Details

Date & Time: Sunday 10th February, at 11.30pm.

Weather Conditions: Clear and dry, quite cold. No frost or snow. No wind. There were no clouds in the sky. Could see the stars but no moon, it went down quite early that night.

What were you doing prior to sighting the object? I was sitting around the fire talking and drinking a small amount.

How many witnesses were there present at the time of the sighting? Four – Me, Dave, Jim and Will.

Which witness first sighted the object? Dave.

How did you first get alerted to the presence of the object? Dave pointed and mentioned the bright light coming towards us.

What was your gut instinct when you first saw the object? At first I thought it was an aeroplane.

Can you give a description of the object, from when you first saw the object up until the end of the sighting? It first looked like a bright white light with a smaller flashing blue light to one side of it. As it came closer and overhead the lights weren’t white anymore, I saw four red lights in a square pattern. The object was black against the sky so couldn’t clearly make out a shape. When it reached the far horizon it went back to looking like a light which was shifting colours between white and red.

How big would you estimate the object was? About the size of a house, maybe a bit bigger.

How high would you estimate the object was in the sky? Did the object remain at this height for the duration of the sighting? I’d say it was about 80-100 foot up, and remained at the same height.

What was the objects movement patterns and estimated speed? Did its speed change at all during the sighting? As it came towards us it was moving in a straight line quite slowly. Over the glade it seemed to move side to side a bit like it was surveying us and moved fairly slowly. Then it accelerated quite a bit and went to the far horizon over Dudley in the same direction. Here it moved around a lot, left and right, stopping and starting, and faded into and out of view.

Did the object make any noises at any point during the sighting? No it was totally silent.

Did you hear any background noises during the sighting? Faint noise of cars in the distance.

Approximately how long did the sighting last for? In total about 1 hour 15 minutes. From when I first saw it to when it moved to the far horizon was about 6-7 minutes. It remained on the horizon for over an hour.

Did you consciously choose to stop watching the object or did it disappear from view? We were watching it for ages, I didn’t want to leave. In the end we decided to walk to Tom’s house then returned with him to the edge of the wood too look for it but it had vanished. I thought it was still going to be there.

What were the other witnesses doing when you saw the object? Dave was panicking and running away from the glade into the brambles. Jim and Will were standing by the fire watching it.

Did yourself or any other witness take any photographs or video of the object? James tried to photograph it on the far horizon with his digital camera but it was too far away.

Did you feel any different before the sighting began? On the way to the woods I was thinking what if I saw a UFO tonight. It was weird, like a premonition.

How did you feel during the sighting? I was both shocked and excited. I wanted it to come back close to us again and ran after it through the trees.

How did you feel after the sighting? When we walked home I could still see it in the sky, and also when I looked out of my bedroom window. I was scared and didn’t sleep till about 6am.

Did anything strange happen after the sighting was over? It was strange that it was still there later when I looked.

If you close your eyes can you still picture the object? Yes.

What made you think it was something strange? It looked explainable until it was overhead. When it was close to us the shape, movement and fact there was no sound was all really unusual.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was alien? I would be excited but also not too surprised.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was military? I would feel annoyed because this would prove they have secret stuff watching and spying on people without permission.

Do you have any suspicions that the object may have a mundane explanation? About a week later I heard that someone had been flying a UFO shaped balloon. However the objects appearance and movement made that explanation impossible. Since the sighting, has it affected you in any way? I’ve had several vivid dreams where the craft comes to my friend’s house while I am round there. I am also more interested in Ufology.

Interview Details

Date & Time: 13/04/08 12.10am

Location: Ridgewood, Kingswinford, near Summer Hill School.

Witness Details

Name: James Henry Lees

Age: 18

Address: Kingswinford, West Midlands

Sighting Details

Date & Time: Late February, time between 11.30pm-12.00am. Weather Conditions: It was very clear night, could see the stars and moon, not many clouds. Also quite cold, but still.

What were you doing prior to sighting the object? I was sitting by the fire chatting and drinking.

How many witnesses were there present at the time of the sighting? Four of us – Chris, Dave, Will and myself.

Which witness first sighted the object? Dave saw it first. How did you first get alerted to the presence of the object? Dave spotted it and told everyone to check it out.

What was your gut instinct when you first saw the object? No way it was an aeroplane. I first saw it when it was pretty close to the woods.

Can you give a description of the object, from when you first saw the object up until the end of the sighting? As it approached it looked like a black object, pretty much round in shape. As it went overhead it looked like a hexagon. There were four static white lights under it and possibly a big red light at the centre.

How big would you estimate the object was? About 30 foot. It seemed to have a narrow height but not completely flat. It was very strange.

How high would you estimate the object was in the sky? Did the object remain at this height for the duration of the sighting? It was a bit over the height of the trees, approximately 100 foot up.

What was the objects movement patterns and estimated speed? Did its speed change at all during the sighting? It went in a straight line over the glade at a slow speed. I don’t think it changed speed at any point. In the distance when it reached the far horizon it moved side to side quite slowly.

Did the object make any noises at any point during the sighting? Not at all, which was weird as it was so low to the ground.

Did you hear any background noises during the sighting? No.

Approximately how long did the sighting last for? About an hour.

Did you consciously choose to stop watching the object or did it disappear from view? We lost sight of it on the horizon. Then we left the woods to get our friend Tom. We came back but couldn’t see it again.

What were the other witnesses doing when you saw the object? Dave was pretty scared when he saw it and ran away a bit. Chris panicked and said we have to go. Will was watching the object in amazement. Did yourself or any other witness take any photographs or video of the object? When we went to the fence at the edge of the woods I tried to take a video of it on my digital camera but it was too far away by then and didn’t come out.

Did you feel any different before the sighting began? Not really.

How did you feel during the sighting? I felt amazed, a bit excited but also a little afraid of it.

How did you feel after the sighting? I was very interested – I wanted to find out more.

Did anything strange happen after the sighting was over? Not at all.

If you close your eyes can you still picture the object? Yes.

What made you think it was something strange? The movement, position of the lights and it’s unusual shape. It was definitely a foreign experience to me.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was alien? I would feel justified.

How would you feel if it was confirmed it was military? I wouldn’t be that amazed – they must have loads of stuff not in the public domain. I would also feel a little disappointed.

Do you have any suspicions that the object may have a mundane explanation? Not really. I experienced it first hand and know what I saw.

Since the sighting, has it affected you in any way? I’m more interested in UFOs, although I did already have a general interest in the subject.

Original E-Mail from Dave

It is currently 3:14am, Monday Febuary 11th as I write this:

Me and a group of friends went out to through the countryside by the Summerhill School, Kingswinford. This may seem unusual, but we often do this sort of thing; take beers, and have a fire. Although one of the most peculiar sightings happened during our fire, and we noticed a bright light in the distance. The light seemed a little too intense to be a normal civilian craft, and too bright and large to be a star. I watched this for a number of minutes without telling any of my friends, and then suddenly it was evidently a lot closer. Fortunately we were in a glade with quite a large view of the open sky, and this mysterious craft turned - almost as if to get our attention - over the glade, at about 40ft. We saw this craft completely from it's under carriage; it was an indescribable shape, and very vague - yet absolutely silent.

All 4 of us witnessed this mysterious craft. What is also peculiar is that it has directly collided with my recent interest in UFOs, coincidentally after buying a number of books on the subject. This could be easy to dismiss, yet I am whole-heartedly confused and greatful that I have been able to witness something so utterly unusual. We're extremely lucky to have seen a craft so vividly and close-quarters, yet describing it automatically becomes vague. I have been up until now mainly because I am finding it difficult to sleep. Although I hope this account spreads some light in your cases in the West Midlands.

There is without doubt something unusual going on. The craft was by Ridge Wood, outside Summerhill School, and seemed to travel towards Netherton way, and then disappeared for about half-an-hour; then spotted the opposite side going towards Enville or Kinver. Although the last spotting was while I was walking home, alone, which was just over Wordsley.

Thanks Dave

Further information from Dave

Well, first of all; the elaborations: *The object was aproximately 40ft foot above the ground and estimately 15 meters or so from where I was standing; so this object pretty much flew straight over us at a very low altitude. Our view of the thing was fantastic, absolutely a vivid sighting; unfortunately, because of the bizarreness of the event, thinking back on it seems absolutely surreal. *Seeing this object so closely, and so vividly - although we saw it very, very clearly - it is actually difficult to remember the exact shape of the object; but the nearest visual memory I have is that of a hexagon.

The object was slightly obscured by it's lights, as the craft wasn't awfully big and it's external body was mainly dominated by lights. The lights also seemed to have no distinctive, mechanical pattern; and when we saw the UFO in the distance, it often stopped perfectly still and seemed to be dominated by a Red light, and then would carry on moving and continue to a close pattern of 1-2-3 with Blue and White lights. The lights seem to change with it's movement. It almost looked if it was surveying the area.

My friend's response was a lot more collected than my own, as I have been terrified of UFOs and abduction for most of my life: I am currently 21 years old, and am 22 on May 8th. I knew straight away that it was a UFO, and that is was heading straight for us, and would glide over our glade - I told them to run for it, and I scrambled crudely through bramble - It was probably my fault that everyone else panicked, frankly I wish I hadn't acted so irrationally! I was terrified that it was after me, specifically.

Because I have recently had an active interest in UFOs and the more obscure side of interests - which is quite a contrast to my old view of the phenomena, which was pretty Humanly Existential - although, more recently I have found that the 'otherness' of UFOs and related phenomena as a soothing escapism, and a wonderful fuel for speculation. So "these crafts inform us that we are going through an awakening period where their disclosure is becoming closer to mankind" certainly seems applicable on an existential level. And actually seeing a UFO in a maner so absolutely affirming has been a very definitive experience for me.

As for the amount of UFOs we saw, it is difficult to say. We did try to follow the one that flew over us, and ran to the edge of the wood which gives a brilliant view over Dudley, Merry Hill, Brierley Hill and Netherton, so we watched it from there where it seemingly went from left to right. At a maximum, I reckon there was about 3 or 4 of them in one night. But that very single experience where it flew right over us was the absolutely the definitive sighting of a single UFO. My sleep was disturbed mainly by the paranoia of being abducted, as I've pretty much always had this every night! So this obviously made it incredibly more difficult to sleep. I spent most of the night looking out my bedroom window, expecting to see it; and which of course, I did. (It did almost seem to be following me, and showing itself on purpose; it seemed more than just watching an object, but something which knew what it was doing).

So, this, of course, made it extremely difficult to get to sleep: I managed to drop off at about 5am with the light on. I'm fine now, and don't feel that impending fear, and could probably have a normal nights sleep. I have no idea why, but its affect has worn off, and developed into a genuine curiosity. Although I don't own many UFO books at all, I have been researching some of the most strikingy investigators which seem perfectly pragmatically minded, such as Tony Dodd and Nick Redfern and Colin Wilson's 'Alien Dawn'. I am certainly intending to explore this subject much, much further; especially since having a direct experience. So book recommendations would be absolutely appreciated!

I will be at your meeting on the 3/3/08, if you give me the details. Conveniently it is a day which I am not working. And I'd love to meet many other people and share my own experience, and expand my knowledge on the subject. I will ask the other witnesses to come along, aswell. I've also given them your email so they can send their own descriptions of the sighting. You're more than welcome to put my experience on your website. You can also contact me on my home number, if you fancy having a chat, on: XXXXX XXXXXX - Ask for Dave. I'm usually in, as I'm only working part-time at the moment, so feel free.

Much Appreciated Dave

E-Mail from Christian

Hello, my friend Dave recently sent you a message about the UFO we saw in Kingswinford. I'm one of his friends who was with him that night in the woods. This is my account of what happened if you're interested. On Sunday 10th Feb me and three friends were walking up to some local woods on the edge of Kingswinford which we regularly do at night, taking beer and having a fire. It was just at the end of twilight and the crescent moon had turned a deep red colour. As we walked up the track to the front of the wood I saw what I thought was a plane fairly high up to the side of the wood.

It was mainly bright white with a flashing side light, I pointed it out but didn't think much of it. Once we were inside the wood we set up a fire at a glade near the back end which has a good view of the clear night sky. At about half 11 or 12 we were thinking of leaving and my friend pointed out a bright light in the sky slowly moving towards us. This was in the same place and was the same colour as the supposed plane I saw at the front of the wood. We watched it for a minute or so getting closer, all the time I believed it to be a plane because it looked so much like one. Especially when they are travelling directly towards you. A bright white light with a coloured flash at the side. The next moment it flew right over us and the realisation that it was a UFO shook us. I realised that it was knowhere near as high up as I thought and not as big as a plane. I would guess at something like 30 or 40 foot hight.

It was completely silent, not even a gush of wind. There were four lights, at first there were two white and two red but as is passed over head they changed to being all red. They didn't seemed to change distinctly, sort of merged colour. The actual shape of the craft was hard to make out because the sky was so black. The lights made it look square because they were in four corners but they weren't symmetrical, it was more like a lop sided square or diamond shape. The actual size was hard to tell as well but I say it would have been maybe the size of a house or a bit smaller. It glided gracefully over us and tilted slightly. We were all completely shocked and scared. The UFO flew over the wood and into the town. We ran to the edge of the wood and watched it fly over the Black Country for about an hour or so.

It never left our sight, almost as if it made sure we could still see it. I remember thinking how come it doesn't carry on going until it's out of sight? It flashed in patterns and changed colour to complete red then black to white and blue and moved in very odd ways. We saw at least two more in different places over the towns, but never saw two at the same time. After so long we walked back home and saw it again, this time higher up in the sky but over the wood we had been in, travelling alongside us. None of these times were anything like when it flew directly over head though, it was so close and personal. I could see the craft all the time as I walked home and could even see it from my bedroom window which was about 3am when I got back home.

It was more or less still and in perfect view but I drew the curtains and didn't look out again all night. I couldn't sleep until 6 in the morning. I hope this account is useful to you anyway. If you want to post it up on your site it's fine. I have been interested in the paranormal and supernatural all my life but recently been reading a lot more into UFOs and extraterrestrials. I believe most of the paranormal subjects are all connected though sometimes it's very hard to know what to believe and not. I'm aware of the whole thing surrounding 2012 and this new age of enlightenment. The White Brotherhood who are supposed to be working with extraterrestrials to help us move into it and the 144,000 light bearers.

I believe some UFOs are from space and others interdimensional. The whole thing with crop circles as well which are formed to keep the planet in balance. Some of these ideas may be proved false in time but after this experience I know there is something going on. I've always believed in Aliens but what me and my friends saw was incredible and it was almost touching. That craft was with us all night in that wood and it was blatantly showing itself to us. One of my friends is very much into aircraft and he was baffled by how it moved and that it was deadly silent.


Copyright Dave Hodrien 2008



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