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Writer's pictureChairman Dave

Sheffield Contact Case Part 3 - Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, Abduction, Mutilation, UFOs, MIB

Updated: Aug 25, 2019

Birmingham UFO Group Case Report

Author: Dave Hodrien

Originally forwarded by Richard Hall

Release Date: 04/09/2011

For reasons of anonymity pseudonyms have been used

The Red Sphere Returns?

In April 1986, Lara went to Madame Tussauds in London with her sister. While she was there she saw something which seemed to trigger a sudden flashback to an experience she had forgotten about which had taken place during a night of the previous month.

She remembered waking up to find that she was completely paralyzed and could only move her eyes. She could hear something moving around in the room. Her husband Joseph was lying in bed next to her but she could not move or shout to wake him up. She could feel something which appeared to be on the bed between her and him. Suddenly the whole room lit up in red light, which immediately frightened her. The next thing she remembers is waking up in the morning to the alarm clock like normal.

On 13th June again Laura began to put on weight unexpectedly. Because of what had happened two years before, she decided to go to a doctor to get checked out. Sure enough she once again found that she was pregnant, this time by twelve weeks! Just as with her first son, she had not experienced any of the usual early signs of pregnancy. Also when she counted back the weeks she found that she must have become pregnant back in March, around the time that she had the paralysis incident with the red light.

Unlike her first pregnancy, she never saw or sensed the silver triangular UFO. However during the pregnancy there were another few occasions where she awoke to find herself paralyzed. On none of these occasions did she see a red light, she would just drop back off to sleep. Her second son, Darren was born on 26th December 1986. Just as with Peter, he was completely healthy and normal in every way. He too has had experiences throughout his life but does not wish to speak about them with me.

Some of what Laura described fits in with sleep paralysis. In this you awake to find you can only move your eyes. You can also hear strange noises or sense a presence in the room. However the fact that the room lit up bright red, and that this incident occurred around the time she was told she became pregnant tends suggests that once again she was abducted, taken aboard the red glowing sphere and her second son implanted in her. The pregnancy went similar to before, the only real difference being that the silver UFO was not seen this time for whatever reason. Perhaps Laura was paralyzed this time because of the fact she had fought back against the ETs on the previous occasion. They may have remembered how angry she had been and decided that it would be better if she could not hit out at them.

Unfortunately we did not have enough time to cover this incident in the regression, although I feel that if we had then a similar story would have emerged. Laura may wish to be regressed again at some point in the future, if so then this may well be explored in more depth.

A Mass Abduction

On 3rd July 1988 Laura attended the “Hells Angels 10th Custom Bike Show”, a biker rally in Kent. She was there with her family. On the second evening of the rally about 10pm Laura went to use the portaloos. These were separated from the tents by a large area of grass. While she was in there she heard some kind of commotion going on outside, people shouting and running around. She assumed it was a fight. The next thing she became aware of she was waking up from a very vivid dream on Sunday morning.

In this dream she had been in the middle of a huge crowd of people who were all screaming and running away from something. Everyone was running towards the road that ran alongside the field where the rally was taking place. Laura ran along with them. Everyone else seemed to be panicking but for some reason she felt calm. She saw a girl drop her doll and stop to pick it up. She quickly ran over and scooped the girl up, afraid she would be crushed under the stampede of people. She told her to forget about the doll and that she could get a new one later.

The next thing she became aware of, she and all the other people were standing in a large round brightly lit room with white coloured walls. Sticking out of one wall was a white bench with a book on it. There was nothing else in the room at all, not even a visible doorway.

Laura still had the little girl with her and so initially tried to locate the parents of the child. While she was doing so she noticed several people walking over to the bench and picking up and looking at the book. They would stare at it a moment then drop it again.

She found the parents and left the girl with them. She then walked over to the bench, sat down, picked up the book and began to read it. She found that inside there was a picture at the top of every page but the wording was written in a strange language that looked almost like hieroglyphics. She thought to herself “That’s a shame, I would have loved to have read this but I don’t understand the writing”. At that moment the words on the pages seemed to change into English.

Laura began reading the book. It told the story of the Draco, which since her regression has realised . It explained how due to an accident on their home planet they began to search the stars for a host species to mix DNA with and produce children who would be visually acceptable to the host, who they would then in time integrate with. Laura read the book cover to cover. While she was doing so no-one else interrupted her. Laura felt this was because they had already tried to read it and found they could not. After finishing the book, she stood up and told everyone else there “Don’t worry they are not going to hurt us, it explains everything in this book.”

A door suddenly slid open in the wall of the room, and a Nordic being entered wearing white robes with gold and purple edging. He walked up to Laura and took the book from her. He then said to her “You were able to read the Book of Origins, therefore we do not need you.” This was the last thing she remembered from the dream.

Soon after she returned home Laura drew the hieroglyphic symbols she remembered seeing in the book. A short while after, she was watching a historical TV programme which was discussing ancient Sumerian hieroglyphics which had been found. When the hieroglyphics were shown on screen Laura recognised them as looking extremely similar to the symbols she remembered.

Weeks after the incident she could still remember the details of the dream extremely clearly, much more so than she would usually. She now started to wonder if it was something more than just a dream. She decided at this point to start looking more into ET contact. She went to the library and started to get out whatever books were available. As she read more into it, she began to realise how the incident at the bike rally, and her previous experiences fitted with the subject. She wondered whether a mass abduction had taken place at the rally.

Many years later when she got access to the internet she took a look at some Sumerian hieroglyphic websites. On these sites it stated that linguists had little success in translating these symbols. Unfortunately Laura no longer has the drawings of the hieroglyphics that she made.

Laura feels that a mass abduction took place at the bike rally, and that the dream she had experienced were her memories of this. It seems that something took place as she does not remember leaving the portaloo and returning to her tent, the last thing she remembers prior to the dream was hearing a commotion outside. It’s true she saw a Nordic in the dream, and found herself in a similar room to which she had been taken to in 1981. Also the book did seem to describe Reptilian beings and the possible reasons behind their activity on Earth. Laura is certain that at the time this incident took place she had very little knowledge of the ET contact subject. However these could well have been dreamt up due to her previous contact experiences, which she was not fully aware of consciously until her regression.

There are parts of the dream which do not really make logical sense. Surely the ETs could not have wiped the mind of everyone at the entire bike rally? But they would have had to have done so or otherwise there would have been witnesses to the events that Laura remembered. I certainly believe that the ETs have the ability to block out memories from people’s minds. But to do this for hundreds of people across a wide area sounds far too unlikely. And supposing they did block out everyone’s minds of the experience, surely many others besides Laura would have also remembered aspects like a vivid dream? If this had happened it would surely have only been a matter of time before people started to realise that they had all had the same dream?

Regarding what took place on the craft, again there is too many things which don’t add up. Surely if the bench and book was the only thing in the room, more than just a few people would have been interested in it. What were they all doing while Laura was granted the time to sit down and read the book cover to cover? Under such a scenario there would have been complete panic and everyone would have soon wanted to know what the book said. It seems unlikely to me that they would have left her uninterrupted to read it in this way. It also seems unlikely that this book, the “Book of Origins” as the Nordic referred to it, would have just been left out on a bench in the room. What purpose would this serve? And the very fact it was a book is an Earthly thing in itself.

As you can see, I feel there are just too many loose ends with this particular incident, and I feel it was more than likely to have just been a dream brought on by her previous contact experiences. It is unsurprising that she would have dreams such as this, as although her experiences were not consciously remembered at the time, memories of them still existed in her subconscious.

Possible Protection

By the summer of 1989 Laura had left Joseph and moved into a flat on Crown Lane in Southgate, London. It was now that another strange event took place. The flat on Telford Road where they lived was on the 2nd floor. It was a very hot day and so she had opened the living room window. She was sitting opposite the window about 15 feet away, and dozed off because of the heat.

Aerial map of Crown Lane:


She awoke to see that Darren had managed to climb up onto the windowsill. As she opened her mouth to tell him to get down. Peter bumped him and he began to fall backwards out of the window. Laura somehow managed to catch him and pull him back inside then shut the window. This is a complete mystery to her as she was a good distance away from the window and still groggy from the heat.

Could Laura have been assisted by the ETs so that Darren would not fall from the window? This is a possibility, but I feel it is just as likely that her adrenalin kicked in and she managed to run extremely fast across to the window without really thinking. In extreme circumstances people can do extreme things. For example there have been a number of reported incidents where people have lifted extremely heavy objects in order to save the life of others. However ET intervention cannot be completely ruled out. Contactees have reported being saved from harm on numerous occasions by un-natural forces.

Surveillance Begins

In August 1989 Laura was having financial difficulties and could not afford to get a birthday present for Peter. The situation felt desperate and she was so upset she burst into tears.

A couple of hours later her father Douglas rang up. He informed her he had unexpectedly come into some money, wanted to share it with Laura and her sisters, and so had put £100 into her bank account. It seemed like an odd coincidence, yet was very welcome given the circumstances.

A few months went by. Laura was then suddenly faced with a massive phone bill that she knew she would not be able to pay for. Later she would find out that this had been caused by squatters downstairs who had tapped into the phone line, but at the time she was not aware of this. Again she got very upset. One of her sons asked her why she was upset and she informed him of the bill. Several hours later her father once again rang up. He told her that one of his life insurance policies had just paid out, and that he had put £500 into her account.

Laura remembered that this was the second time he had given her money directly after she had been upset about financial issues. At this point she still felt it was nothing more than coincidence. But the next time she was running low on money she decided to purposely speak out loud about this fact, and then sit back and see what happened. Douglas was actually away from home at the time. But sure enough, within hours Beth rang up and stated that another one of her father’s life insurance policies had matured and that they had put some money in her account.

At this point Laura began to suspect that something was going on. It seemed that whenever she would mention that she was low on money, very soon afterwards one of her parents would ring up and say that they had some money for her. Also Laura noticed that other things said in the privacy of her own home would later be mentioned by them, and she was certain that she had not told anyone else. She became convinced that for whatever reason her father had set up bugs in her house and was monitoring what she said.

Could this really have been taking place? How many coincidences can occur before it becomes something else entirely? It seems a very unusual thing to suggest, however there would be other events later which also pointed towards the possibility that the house was bugged.

The Promise

On a day in August 1990, Laura went round to visit her parents. At the time her father was working for the defence electronics company Marconi and spent long periods out on a site in Saudi Arabia. The company had lost the contract with Saudi Arabia and so gave him the option of either keeping his current job if he moved to Chelmsford, or accepting a new contract position within British Aerospace. Her father did not really know what to do so he decided to ask Laura what she thought.

After Laura recommended he should accept the contract with British Aerospace, he started to walk away from her into the kitchen. He seemed agitated by something and was acting strange. He looked back at her and then away again, like he wanted to ask her something but didn't know if he should. Then he walked back over to her and out of the blue said "Tell me something, just out of curiosity, do you believe in UFOs and aliens?" Laura said that she believed them to be real and had been here for a long time. Douglas then asked her what she thought they were friendly or unfriendly. Laura replied that she thought they must be friendly or else they would have wiped us out a long time ago before we developed the weaponry systems we now possess. Then Douglas came out with a very strange question. He asked her "Well what if we are just food for them?" Laura said that she thought this was unlikely or more people would go missing. She said she’d never really thought about that prospect in much depth.

Laura asked Douglas why he was asking her all of this. He just shrugged it off and said “No reason. Just popped into my head, thought I’d ask it”. Laura was still quite puzzled by the situation.

Douglas began to walk back into the kitchen. But like before he stopped and then looked back at her. He then said "I need you to promise me something”. Laura replied “Ok, what?” Douglas said “I need you to promise me, on your life, that you will never ever under any circumstances go outside in the dark. Ever, not for any reason". Laura was extremely puzzled by this and asked him what he meant and why she should make that promise but he would not tell her, he just kept asking her again and again. He seemed very concerned by something. In the end she went along with what he asked and made the promise. Ever since that day Laura has tried to keep this promise when possible but obviously sometimes has to break it. She spoke to her father several times about the promise and the reason behind it, but he would never tell her what it was about, he would just ask if she had kept it.

This incident is truly bizarre, and suggests that her father knew something more than he was letting on. He came out with the questions about UFOs completely randomly, there was nothing that had occurred beforehand to prompt his outburst. The fact that he asked her to make the promise directly after speaking about UFOs and aliens seems to suggest that it was in some way related to what had been said, and that he was frightened Laura would get attacked or abducted. But why would he think this? Was it just something he had read or seen which made him act in this way, or was there something more to it?

Men In Black

During the night of the same day her father had made her make the unusual promise, something else very strange occurred. It was about 2am and Laura was awoken by a noise. She started to listen and could hear movement coming from downstairs in the living room. Initially she thought one of her parents had got out of bed to get a drink, but then she overheard Beth whispering to Douglas saying that she could hear someone down there. Laura then heard Douglas get out of bed. She too got out of bed and walked to her bedroom door. As she did, Douglas appeared and said to her “Don’t worry, nothing to worry about, go back to bed, I’ll sort it out”. He then continued downstairs. Laura considered going back to bed as he asked, but something didn’t feel right. She was curious as to what was going on so decided to get up and go take a look.

She began to creep down the stairs. As she descended she could hear Douglas talking to someone in a loud whisper, but could not hear exactly what was being said. She got half way down the stairs, at which point she had a view across the open plan living room and dining area. She could see her father in his pyjamas facing away from her. In front of him were several men in black suits. It was too dark to see their faces clearly. Her father was speaking quietly with the men. One of them must have noticed her on the stairs as he said something, as Douglas then turned around and told her to go back to bed. Laura asked who the men were and Douglas said it was nothing and could be easily sorted.

Laura went back upstairs and lay down in bed, but remained awake. About an hour later she heard her father come back upstairs to bed but did not hear any other noises to indicate the men had left the house. The following morning she asked Douglas what the men wanted and also how they had got into the house. He denied all knowledge of what had taken place and told Laura she must have been dreaming. Laura told him that she knew it had taken place; she had walked down the stairs and seen what was going on. But Douglas still denied it happened!

Later in the day Laura was chatting with Beth, and her mother told her that what she had witnessed had occurred on many occasions ever since Douglas had left his job in the military. In the fortnight that Laura was there for, she heard Douglas speaking with the men two other times, but unfortunately could never make out what was being said.

At this point I should give you a bit of background information on Laura’s father’s job in the military. Due to confidentiality reasons I cannot reveal too much, but this information could be relevant so I have asked for Laura’s permission to include it. Laura’s father Douglas was in the military for 18 years between 1959 – 1977. He was stationed with 2nd Division Signals Regiment. However while exploring the internet Laura found information relating to the ACE High Communication System. This was a little known NATO radio communications network designed to be used as an early warning system. Her father never mentioned that he worked on this at all. However Laura found that all of the locations he had been posted at had been either on or very close to an Ace High Communications facility. It seems very unlikely that this would have been merely down to coincidence.

The fact that her father had been seen speaking with these men ever since leaving the military suggests that this is what these visitations were linked to. If this is correct, then it supports the theory that Douglas had been working on some highly secretive projects and that he was being closely monitored. However there are some very unusual aspects to these events. How did the men get into the house in the first place? And why would they even have the need to do so? Surely if they were there to speak with Douglas they would just have knocked on the front door and spoken there instead and perhaps then asked to be invited in? Could the men have been searching for something and were then interrupted by her father going downstairs? If the incident only occurred once we could propose this was the case, however this was apparently a regular occurrence. It seemed that her father knew who the men were, and also appeared to be ok with them actually breaking into the house on numerous occasions.

In the months following these incidents, Laura became aware that she was being monitored by similar men. On numerous occasions while out of the house she would notice men in dark suits who appeared to be following her or watching her from parked vehicles. She never approached these men or indicated to them that she was aware of their presence as she thought this would not really do much good and would only anger them.

Laura also noticed that objects in her home would sometimes be moved or go missing completely for periods of time before suddenly inexplicably returning. On several occasions her first son asked her out of the blue "Mum who was that man who was standing at the bottom of my bed during the night?" Laura had no idea who the men were so could not answer him, but believed that he too was being monitored by them.

Some contactees report having visitations by mysterious men in dark suits, commonly referred to as the Men In Black. These individuals are likely to be from the groups in charge of the ongoing cover up. They usually either intimidate the contactee and try to get them not to talk about their experiences, or they sometimes appear interested in their experiences as if they are trying to learn more about the ETs through them.

It seems that after witnessing the men speaking with her father, they then became directly interested in her and possibly her sons. From then on they seemed to be directly keeping track of what she was up to. She has no idea if they continued to also visit her father but assumes that they did. Could they have really been monitoring her due to her contact experiences, and had an ongoing agreement with her father, perhaps relating in some way to his job? This is a possibility worth considering, especially if we take into account the promise that he made Laura take.

Could the men have also been interested in her sons because of their direct link with Laura's experiences? However it seems very odd that they would come into her house and stand in her son's bedroom during the night, what would be the purpose of this? There is the possibility that the man that her son spoke of was not human but was ET, and that he was describing direct visitation experiences. Even if the man looked human this does not necessarily mean that this was the case - the ETs have on many occasions used a screen memory to hide their true appearance.

The Light Bulb

In 1995 Laura decided to move back to Sunderland. At this point activity seemed to die back down and she no longer noticed anyone following or monitoring her, at least at first. One evening in January 1997 she turned on the light in the children’s bedroom and immediately noticed a high pitched squealing sound coming from the bulb. Laura thought to herself “What the heck’s that?” She turned off the bulb and tried it again. The strange noise continued. Laura thought “Something’s not right here”. She put the light off and put the boys to bed in the dark.

The following day Laura took the boys round to see her parents. While she was there she asked her father if he knew of anything which could make a light bulb make a high pitched whistling noise when you turn it on. Immediately she noticed the colour drain from his face. He asked her “Why’d you ask?” Laura informed him that it had taken place in the boy’s bedroom on the previous night. Her father responded with “Ahhh...right...hmmm...I’m driving you home tonight”. Laura agreed to this, but was puzzled by his reaction.

That evening before they drove back home, her father asked if he could hold Laura’s keys for her. They arrived, and before the engine had barely stopped her father leapt out of the car, let himself into the house and ran inside.

Laura and the boys followed closely behind. Laura headed upstairs. As she was heading up she heard a thump of something landing on the floor. She entered the bedroom and was just in time to see her father bend down, pick up something off the floor and put it in his pocket. He held the light bulb in his other hand. He then reached up and put the light bulb back into place. Laura asked him “What was that?” Her father replied “What was what?” “What you just put in your pocket.” “I never put anything in my pocket.” “I’ve just seen you. You bent down, picked something up and put it in your pocket.” “No, you’re seeing things. I didn’t bend down, I just checked the light and the bulb had come loose. Try it now.” Laura tried the light again and it worked fine. Her father soon headed back home without giving Laura any adequate explanation for the strange noise or the object which had clearly dropped out of the socket.

Laura feels that the object that fell out was a listening device that had gone wrong in some way. Considering the previous incidents including the numerous times her father had seemed to know what she was saying, and the monitoring by the men in suits, this is a certainly plausible. If it was such a device this would explain why her father was so rushed, and why he would not show Laura what he had put in his pocket. If it was such a device, who was really responsible for it and why was it there? Was her father working with the mysterious men to assist them with monitoring her? Had the men put it there against his knowledge, and the noise was the first indication of this? Or had he put the device there to protect his daughter, so that if someone tried to interfere with her he would be aware of it? Unfortunately we are unlikely to ever know the answers to these important questions.

The Black Sphere & Pet Mutilation

In 1995 Laura bought a pet dog, and in March 1999 also bought two Russian hamsters. The hamsters lived in a cage in the living room close to the back door of the property. Most evenings Laura would open the back door and let the dog out into the back garden to run around a bit. On the evening of 26th April 1999 at 11.30pm she opened the door like usual. But rather than run outside the dog stayed inside staring out of the open doorway. He seemed scared to go out into the garden. In the end Laura's first son Peter went outside knowing that the dog would follow him. Sure enough the dog did then go outside, but remained close to him and still appeared un-nerved.

Peter began to run round the garden, with the dog following him. He was down near the far left corner of the garden when he suddenly heard a high pitched buzzing noise. He looked down and saw a small black coloured floating sphere. The noise appeared to be emanating from this object. It was hovering down by his knees. Then the sphere rose upward, circling his body several times before flying away at a fast speed to the South over the top of the garden fence! Her son was absolutely shocked and ran back inside the house, closely followed by the dog. He told Laura what had happened.

Photograph of the garden showing the location where the black sphere appeared:


Later everyone went to bed like usual. In the morning when Laura let the dog out again, he still seemed a little wary but in the end headed outside. When she let him back in, he ran straight over to the hamsters cage. Laura felt this was strange as it was something the dog would not normally do. She walked over and was greeted by a nasty surprise. One of the two hamsters was dead. It was lying on its side and appeared to be crushed flat. It looked like it had been both burnt and drained of blood. The fur on the upper side of the animal was singed. Laura thought to herself “Oh my god, what’s happened here, what am I going to tell the boys?”

At that moment Peter came downstairs and saw what was going on. He asked Laura “What’s happened to my hamster?” Of course Laura did not have an explanation. When she had a closer look at it she found that half its head appeared to be missing like it had been completely removed. The other hamster was cowering at the back of the cage and looked absolutely terrified.

The family were of course deeply upset by what had happened. Laura assumed that the death of the hamster was related to the black sphere that had been seen in the garden less than 12 hours earlier, and that it had later returned to the property and carried out the deed. Later in the day she bought a newspaper and in it read an article that stated that a giant UFO the size of a battleship had been captured on radar moving over Yorkshire. She felt that the black sphere her son had seen must have been linked to this UFO.

A few weeks after this incident, large lumps appeared all over the body of the other hamster. Laura took it to the vets and when the vet saw it he was shocked by its appearance. He said that he had never seen anything like it. He took a biopsy of one of the lumps. A week later when the results came back he said to Laura “We’ve got the biopsy results, but I don’t really know what to tell you.” When she asked what he meant by this he replied “Well, the lumps are cancer, but it’s a cancer I’ve never seen before. I’ve been a vet for 25 years and never in my entire career have I ever seen anything like this. I don’t know if it’s treatable or not treatable.” He then proceeded to tell her that he had shown it to numerous colleagues and they had never seen it before either.

For a while the vet tried prescribing various medications, but the lumps just got worse. In the end Laura decided to get it put down. Unfortunately she did not take any photographs of either hamster, and does not have any official documents from the vet. It is unknown whether he sent the dead hamster away for further testing.

It is certainly a possibility that the hamster found dead had been mutilated by the black sphere or another UFO. The hamsters were inside their cage, and the injuries were clearly un-natural, so the only other explanation would be that someone killed the hamster in that way on purpose. Laura's sons loved the hamsters so does not believe that one of them was responsible. It is unlikely someone sneaked into the house and killed one of the two hamsters for no apparent reason. I believe that the animal mutilation phenomenon is directly linked with UFOs. Some of the injuries the hamster sustained do fit in with this theory. Quite often the body is drained of blood, and sometimes appears to have been burnt. Also flesh is often removed from various places on the animal's body, including parts of the face.

It seems like too much of a coincidence that the other hamster developed the lumps soon after the initial incident. Could they have been caused by the hamster being in close proximity to a source of radiation or other unusual energy? Energy being given off by the sphere or whatever mutilated the other hamster? This does seem like a plausible explanation for what took place.

The Awakening

At some point after April 1998 (precise date unknown), Laura had another strange incident occur during the night. She suddenly awoke in the dark, and before she had a chance to look around she felt a surge like electricity through her body and felt herself shaking on the bed. She tried to call out and found she could not. This frightened her and she thought to herself “I don’t like this, what’s happening?”

At that moment she heard a voice in her head respond to her question. The voice sounded male. It said to her “Don’t worry it’s just the awakening, it will be over soon.” Laura responded by questioning the voice as to what “the awakening” meant but the voice did not speak to her again. This was the last thing she remembered taking place.

In the morning Laura did not tell anyone what had happened as she thought it would sound crazy. To this day she wonders what “the awakening” meant, and how it was related to her other contact experiences.


In August 2003 Peter’s friend Mike came round to stay at their home for a fortnight. On numerous occasions he was disrespectful to Laura and was making condescending remarks. This steadily made Laura more and more angry as the days went on. On the 10th day he criticised Laura and started laughing, and her sons joined in too.

Laura lost her temper completely, she was furious. She ordered Mike and her sons to join her in the living room. She then shouted at them “Sit down, shut up, and don’t any of you say a word until I have finished saying what I am about to say”. Laura was shaking with anger. She started telling them how disgusted she was with their behaviour.

Then without warning, Laura witnessed something extremely unusual. She saw three small white glowing orbs enter the room through the closed window. They were each about 2 inches in diameter. The orbs floated slowly over and settled above each of the boys heads.

Before she could say anything, her son Darren spoke up, asking if everyone could see what he was seeing. Everyone said that they could. It was now that they realised that there were in fact four orbs, but everyone in the room could only see the orbs over everyone else’s heads not their own.

Then for some unknown reason they all began to laugh uncontrollably! Laura says this went on for up to 10 minutes. They had no idea what was so funny or why they were laughing so much. After this time they managed to stop laughing, and the boys then apologised for their behaviour. At this point they all watched as the orbs floated back out of the room through the window from where they had come.

Modern photograph of the living room where the incident took place:


This is truly a bizarre incident. It seems very unlikely that everyone in the room was having the same hallucination, so we must therefore assume that it really took place. The orbs seemed to be a form of energy rather than solid objects. Could this have been an ET manifestation of some kind? Perhaps they were observing what was taking place and picking up on the strong emotions in the room. Perhaps they then actively chose to influence these emotions, which is why everyone stopped arguing and started laughing.

Or could these orbs have been some sort of psychic energy that Laura herself had manifested in the room? This seems less likely due to the fact that the orbs were seen to fly in from outside not appear around Laura. Also the fact that each person could not see the orb which came to hover over their own head, only the three other orbs, does suggest that they were an outside force interacting with everyone present and not specifically linked with one individual.

This incident remains an intriguing mystery. Laura has never seen these orbs appear again, even when she has got very angry on other occasions. Orbs are often reported by contactees, usually glowing white in colour, which is another sign that they were related to ET contact. Unfortunately I cannot speak to Laura's son or his friend about the experience, so at present we only have Laura's personal testimony to go on.

Reptilian Visitation

One night in October 2003 Laura experienced a visitation by a Reptilian, perhaps the same one she had seen aboard the red sphere. She awoke during the night. She does not know what time as she did not check the clock. The room was quite dark but Laura would always leave the hall light on and the door open so there was enough light to partially see. On her bedside table was a key-ring which had been given to her by someone a while before. The key-ring is attached to a clear plastic ball containing a green coloured Grey's head. The fact that it has an alien head inside is coincidental; she was not given it because of her experiences. Below is a photo of this key-ring:


The key-ring was lying at eye level alongside her. When she opened her eyes she saw a dark green scaly hand in the process of picking it up. The hand had three fingers and a thumb, and on the end of each was a pointed black coloured claw. The hand began to lift, and as it did she followed it upward with her eyes, slowly moving her sight along the arm until she saw the being standing before her.

Remember that prior to her regression, Laura assumed that this was the first time she had seen the being. She did not recognise it, as her previous encounters with it had been blocked out of her mind. The Reptilian was holding up the key-ring close to its face and staring at it. It had a oval shaped head with a prominent brow, and a rounded snout that only protruded a short distance from its face. It had wide and thin orange eyes with black vertical pupils. Its mouth was wide and went around its face, but was closed. No teeth were visible. It had two nostrils, but no ear holes were noticeable. The being appeared to be naked. It was quite muscular, especially in the upper arms and thighs. Laura could not see if it had a tail or not.

Witness drawing of the Reptilian (she found it hard to draw accurately):


Obviously the presence of the being standing alongside her bed was very shocking. As soon as she set eyes on it, Laura jumped upward to get out of bed and run away. At this moment the Reptilian lifted its hand and put it on her forehead. When it did this she immediately blacked out. The next thing she realised, she was waking up in the morning as usual.

I find it fascinating that the Reptilian was picking up and looking at the key-ring containing the Grey's head. From Laura's experiences it is clear that the Greys, Nordics and Reptilians appear to be working together towards a common aim. The Reptilian more than likely recognised the face in the key-ring and was interested in it for this reason.

The way in which Laura blacked out when the being touched her has been reported many times by contactees, including other cases I have directly investigated. It also links back to what she remembered during the regression. During the red sphere abduction Laura tried to hit out at the Reptilian and it put its hand up which somehow stopped her from getting any closer to it. It seems that the being projected a force of some kind through its hand.

It is likely that Laura was abducted after she blacked out, and that the memories of what happened were once again blanked out from her mind. If she has any future regressions this would certainly be a good incident to regress her back to. Sadly we did not ask Laura about this incident during her regression because other incidents took priority. Note that once again, similar to her earlier experiences, Laura was able to freely move and was not paralyzed in any way. Therefore sleep paralysis can be disregarded as an explanation for the incident.

Signs Of A Threat

Note: Certain details of this section have been left out due to personal reasons.

From December 2004 onwards, Laura’s father Douglas began to show signs that he was frightened by someone or something. In the presence of Laura’s brother he would often come out with statements such like “If he thinks I’m going to be afraid of him he’s got another thing coming!” Whenever Laura or her brother quizzed him, they could never get him to say exactly who he was referring to. He would often ring Laura and say to her “I don’t know what to do.I don’t want to leave your mother but I don’t have a choice”. When Laura asked him what he meant by this he would not say and just said not to worry about it.

In early 2005 Douglas changed his will. Previously it had simply stated that if he died the money would go to his wife, if she died it would go to his children, and if they died then it would go to their children. However he now added in some additional clauses. These stated that if his wife was to die within a year of him, the money would be held in a trust fund for five years, and if his children were to die within a year of his wife, then again the money would be held in a trust fund for five years. It seemed to Laura that he was worried about dying and also worried for the safety of his family.

Two weeks after changing his will, Douglas fell down the stairs at his home. Laura’s mother Beth witnessed what happened and said that he had walked upstairs, then suddenly shouted something. She then saw him fly backwards, hit the wall and then fall down to the base of the stairs. It seemed like he had been forcefully pushed rather than merely fell. He was rushed to hospital and at first appeared to be recovering. However two days later he suffered numerous heart attacks and died. Laura and other members of her family believe that rather than accidentally die, he was deliberately taken out of the picture.

Paranormal Activity

Laura and her partner Graham appear to be experiencing ongoing paranormal activity around their home. When Laura initially moved into the house, she was informed that the property was haunted by two ghosts named Tom and Mary.

There have been many incidents where objects have been moved or vanish for a while before mysteriously re-appearing. They have never witnessed objects being moved around but have heard them on numerous occasions. Several times a walking stick placed just inside the front door has been thrown down the length of the hall way. They have heard the noise and when they have gone to check it is found near the entrance to the living room. On one occasion in 2009 Graham came downstairs to use the toilet during the night. When he opened the door to exit the bathroom, the ironing board, which was stored in the hallway opposite the door, flew directly at him like it had been physically thrown.

Numerous times they have heard footsteps walking up the stairs while they are in the living room. When they have gone and checked there is of course nobody there. On other occasions both Laura and Graham have felt something invisible touch or physically push them. This has occurred on the stairs, in the kitchen and in the bathroom while showering.

Often when Laura has woken up she has found scratch marks or bruises on her. She feels that these are down to malicious ghost activity rather than ET related.

Several times Laura has awoken in the middle of the night to see what looks like smoke coming under the bedroom door, even though there is no fireplace in the house. There is no smell associated with this, and when she has gone to check there is nothing there.

Prior to my visit, Laura put some of these incidents down to ongoing surveillance. However I feel it is more likely to be activity of a supernatural nature, as there would be no reason for individuals to enter their house and move or throw objects around. If surveillance of Laura does indeed continue, then it would more than likely be discreet.

Many contactees report experiencing paranormal activity in their proximity. It occurs so regularly that there is clearly a link between the two, though exactly why is not really known. Some theorise that contactees gain heightened awareness through their experiences, and this means they are more likely to detect such activity. Perhaps this is further evidence that Laura is experiencing contact. However it is not just being experienced by Laura, her partner has also witnessed these events.

Anger Manifestation

Laura says that sometimes when she gets very angry, electrical devices can go wrong or even explode. This does not happen all the time, and did not appear to happen when we visited and she became angered at the ETs during her regression (I’m grateful of this as this would have ruined the audio recordings or photos I took).

The incidents usually seem to start with a loud buzzing noise followed by a flash of blue light. These only seem to be detectable by Laura. After these usual signs electrics in the area tend to malfunction.

Laura has provided me with several examples of when this has occurred. In April 2000 Peter invited his friend Richard over to the house. Laura went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. While she was there she overheard Peter speaking to Richard, telling him that he could not help himself to Laura’s cigarettes without asking. Rather than agree with this, Richard ignored him and took one anyway, which got Laura extremely angry. While she was showing him out of the house, suddenly she heard the loud buzzing noise and saw the flash of light. A few seconds later there was a loud bang as the hallway light bulb exploded. This was immediately followed by a smaller bang as the lighter in Richards pocket also blew!

In 2001 Laura was having a particularly bad day. She decided to get a cup of coffee and try to calm down, but when she went into the living room she found out that the dog had urinated on the carpet and the cat had knocked over one of her ornaments and smashed it. As she started to clear up the mess, again she heard the buzzing noise and saw the light flash, and a moment later a bang sound came from her Sky box and smoke started to pour from it.

On 29th June 2011 Laura was arguing with Graham. She began to hear the buzzing sound so went out to the front of the house to calm down and have a cigarette. But Graham followed her out there to continue the argument and at this point she lost her temper. She heard the familiar noise and saw the flash of light but nothing seemed to occur. She finished her smoke and went back inside to use the computer. However when she tried it she found that the internet was down. She tried to ring her Internet provider but then found that the phone line was down too. She got hold of them by mobile phone and they sent an engineer out to fix the issues. He inspected the wiring and then asked Laura if there had been any recent thunderstorms, as the wires looked like they had been struck by lightning. Laura believes that it was her anger which had destroyed the phone line cable.

These incidents are interesting and do suggest that Laura’s anger is somehow manifesting itself in such a way which causes electrical equipment to malfunction. I have heard similar things off numerous other contactees, so this is does seem to be a repeating aspect possibly linked with contact. The fact that the incidents begin in the same way every time is intriguing and seem to suggest that something physical is occurring. Could it really be just a coincidence that the electrical devices in these experiences have broken at those precise times? I feel that this has occurred too many times for this to be the case.

Humming Sound

Ever since January 2007 Laura has heard a strange low frequency humming sound while in her own home. Others including her husband cannot hear the noise, and neither myself or Rob could when we visited her. Laura is certain it is not tinnitus as she only hears it in her home, nowhere else. When Rob regressed Laura, the humming noise seemed to vanish for a while. Laura was thrilled by this and felt that the regression had somehow cured her, however after several hours it returned.

Due to the fact that Laura only hears it in her home, I feel that it is probably being caused by a nearby electrical generator or other similar device, rather than being directly related to contact. Perhaps Laura has heightened senses because of her contact experiences, and this is why she can hear the sound but no-one else seems to be able to. It is possible that the relaxed state she was in after the regression meant that for a time she could not hear it, but then after a while she returned to normal.


On 31st October 1964 Laura suffered 3rd degree burns in an accident. Her father was also burnt on his hands while saving her life. He was due to be posted in Cyprus but because of this injury he was unable to go. Since we went to visit, Laura had been thinking back to this accident. She wondered whether it had not been an accident at all – whether it had occurred on purpose to prevent her father from going to Cyprus.

On 7th May 2011, two weeks after I and Rob visited Laura, she awoke at 3.15am to the sense of a presence in the room. She doesn’t remember actually being taken, but she then immediately found herself in a large circular white walled room, similar to the one she had been taken to back in 1981. The Grey who accompanied her during the red sphere incident was standing in front of her.

The Grey then began to speak to Laura telepathically. It told her that it was aware she had been thinking about the accident a lot recently, and that it would offer her the chance to know the truth so she could continue in her mission. It did not explain to her what it meant by this.

It then informed her that it had been her guide and had been with her ever since she was a baby. It said he had caused the accident to prevent her father from going to Cyprus, because if he had done he would have died there, and they didn’t want that to happen.

The Grey then touched Laura’s hand. Immediately she began to see a vision of the events surrounding the accident. It was very emotional watching it take place again. Laura could sense the Grey’s sadness at having to harm her. It told her that it didn’t want to harm her, but this was the only way that her father would have been prevented from going to Cyprus.

It then told her that she has strong healing abilities that she needs to develop. It was because of these abilities that they had chosen Laura rather than another member of her family – they were aware that she would naturally heal quickly. It informed her that while she had been in hospital they had taken her numerous times to monitor this healing and minimise the pain of her injuries.

It then said that from now on she would remember all of her visits with it and the other beings it works with, except for the travelling too and from the craft as it was aware that this part frightened her.

Laura then found herself lying awake in bed. She was very emotional, but also very happy that she had communicated directly with the Grey, and now knew the reason behind the accident.

This is an interesting experience, and considering her surroundings and who she met with there is certainly the possibility that Laura was abducted again. That said, we cannot rule out the possibility that this was just a vivid dream brought on by her recent interview and regression combined with her thoughts about the accident. The experience occurred while she was lying down in bed in the middle of the night, and there appears to have been no physical visitation by the Grey, she just saw it on board the craft.

I also question the logic of the Grey when it informed Laura that the only way to stop her father going to Cyprus was to give her some very nasty burns in an accident. Surely there would have been alternatives to this, such as directly manipulating the mind of her father so he would refuse to go? However Laura says that this does make sense. If her father had refused to go he would have been charged with insubordination. He would have been locked up for a while and then on his release would have been forced to go wherever they decided. If he had been harmed instead of her then he would have been given medical discharge which would have meant the end of his career. The ETs injured one of the children as they wouldn’t know how to save themselves, so he would indirectly also be injured. Taking these things into consideration, Laura is convinced that the ETs were responsible for what took place.

Glowing UFO Sighting

Early on the morning of 12th June both Laura and her partner Graham had another UFO sighting. It was around 1am. Graham had gone outside for a cigarette and was standing outside the front door of the house. Suddenly something caught his eye in the sky off to his right to the East. He saw a glowing white light moving slowly across the sky. At first he thought it was a helicopter. But then suddenly it began zipping side to side extremely fast! He called Laura outside to come and see.

By the time she had got out there, the light was hovering completely still in the sky. It remained motionless for 3-4 minutes. Then it began to ascend vertically, before descending at a diagonal to the left and then heading off in a Northern direction. They watched it until it had vanished from sight.

Witness drawing of their view of the UFO:


Once it had gone, Graham said out loud “I wish it would come back, I want to see it again.” At this moment it suddenly reappeared close to its original position. It then began moving in many different directions for about 2 minutes at a slow speed. After this time it moved away to the East slowly and got smaller and smaller until it had gone.

After discussing what they’d just seen, Laura and Graham went to bed at 1.30am. As soon as they turned out the bedroom light, they both saw what appeared to be small black orbs moving around in the air very rapidly over by the window. Laura states that Graham began to get frightened, and at this point they immediately vanished.

Witness drawing of the black orbs:


The light that Graham and Laura saw is interesting. Of course unidentified lights in the sky are often seen after dark, however the movements that Graham saw the object perform certainly sound out of the ordinary. When the object reappeared, the movements could easily be put down to a helicopter, but considering the object had just been seen and it looked identical we can assume it was the same object. The movements certainly sound like they were a controlled object of some kind rather than an LED balloon or other glowing inflatable drifting in air currents. If the object was a genuine ET craft, it does not appear to be directly related to Laura’s contact in any way. It was seen at a distance and was initially observed by Graham not by her.

The black orbs seen are very unusual. The fact that both witnesses could see them shows that they were definitely present in the room. It seems unlikely to me that they were just a trick of the light because Laura and Graham sleep in that room every night, but have never seen them before. Perhaps these were a manifestation of some kind linked with Laura’s contact experiences. If so then was it just a coincidence that they saw these only half an hour after witnessing a UFO? Or is this evidence that the two incidents were in some way related?


This is an absolutely stunning case of ET contact. Laura has had some truly life changing experiences, including numerous visitations, abductions, and of course the probable implantation of one or both of her sons. Some of the incidents that have occurred have been partially blocked out, but we were able to retrieve these missing memories via hypnotic regression. I believe that what was uncovered actually took place. Many of the aspects that Laura described fit with other known contact cases, and also filled in the gaps with what she was consciously aware of.

The involvement of her first son, and probable involvement of her second son of course makes this case extremely personal. Laura already suspected that they were somehow linked to her experiences even before we began to discuss her case or regress her. If what she remembered under regression actually took place, it has many implications and opens up many more questions. Are her sons different in some way? For what reason was Laura implanted with them? Are the ETs keeping watch over them, as they appear to have done during Laura’s first pregnancy? It is a shame that neither of them are interested in speaking with me, as Laura has informed me that they too have had experiences.

The bizarre incidents involving her father right up until his death are fascinating, and do suggest that Laura was under surveillance. Her father’s military background could have been partially responsible, but the sudden questioning on UFOs and promise that her father made are important and cannot be ignored. Was he aware of her experiences and how they related to her sons? Was he somehow involved with ongoing surveillance of his own daughter? Perhaps this surveillance has continued after his death.

The most recent incident with the Grey suggests that she may well have further contact experiences going forward, and also suggests that she has gained a level of trust with the ETs that many contactees do not. This is backed up by the fact that she has not been paralyzed during the majority of her experiences. She also has spoken directly with the ETs on numerous occasions, again something which quite often does not take place. If Laura decides to keep in touch with me, this report will be updated with any further incidents she experiences.

Copyright Dave Hodrien 2011



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